newً consciousness developed to overcome issue from צ כ
new insight as assumption
Hardly to update
current consciousness of language integration
Initial New rising consciousness from 99 names as division of Leo and Aquarius ideology
Ancient earthly energy discovery in Sichuan and chongqing differences and insight of transfer of Sha
New assumption and discovery towards cold and hot issue in moon phrase towards new moon with four ca
New assumption and discovery towards cold and hot issue in moon phrase towards new moon with four ca
Discovery in apocryphe as assumption for writing process estimation
Some assumption for Hebrew numbers
New rising consciousnesses towards Issac and Ismail insight towards elements de Chinese and Greece c
Secret discovered from Henan province
assumption towards lunar phrase and altar of Shang (商祀)consciousness with salvation
New solar consciousness and assumption rising
New consciousness rising from 99 names for the fourth phrase of moon association
New insight discovered
Rising consciousness towards the worship direction and Mekkah
Rising consciousness of 3 dimensions of heart and holy law
rising consciousness towards virgin faith, sexuality, barren and St Maria consciousness as assumptio
Building structure with sky consciousness energy transfer observation as assumption, with zodiac awa