The real consciousness for the autumn justification towards Chiron as assumption
Astrological calendar journal, with guardian planetary angels association in weekday from 8th April
Consciousness of the moon in Taurus in different moon phrase
Ramadan Consciosuenss with new moon and lunar nodes consicosuenss from 1983-2019
Consciousness of the moon in Aries in different moon phrase
Exegesis archetypes for interpretation of the mermaid (fish) myth towards the world prepares as assu
Assumption in study of moon phrase under abrahamic interpretation and consicisuenss
New consciousness of the four seasons with sun position in northern sphere
Consciousness of the moon in Pisces in different moon phrase
Some new awareness of the money
Astrological calendar journal, with guardian planetary angels association in weekday from 1st April
Consciousness of following moon key phrases up to Ramadan
Consicosuenss and assumption of polish initial numeration variation from initial of Arabic 99 names
Consciousness towards relation for 12 Islamic months in assumed categories and consciousness
New awareness towards darkness in science and chemistry
New awareness towards long sitting
Integration of moon phrase and consciousness of special Asr
Consciousness of sin correlation for the integrative generation as symbolism presented with Pluto
Consciousness of sin correlation for the coming generation as symbolism presented with Pluto
Consciousness of Korea numeration as symbolism and special bino system as assumption