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Debate format towards knowledge correlation in Abrahamic World I

Firstly, as the course describes, that Human soul (nfs) could not merge with Creator, and Spirit of the Creator and soul of human is totally different and distinguished. Then How could the creation to be delivered with their creator along if the soul of one did not enter the heaven?

Well we find in the script of Quran 3:55

[Mention] when Allah said, "O Jesus, indeed I will take you and raise you to Myself and purify you from those who disbelieve and make those who follow you [in submission to Allah alone] superior to those who disbelieve until the Day of Resurrection. Then to Me is your return, and I will judge between you concerning that in which you used to differ.

It clearly indicated that following the Christ, is the submission to Allah alone. That is to say through the teaching of the Christ, one might be able to submitted himself to Allah alone.

Then what is the teaching of the Christ? It refers to both Gospel and Quran. Since the in hadith it was said that The second coming of the Christ will use Quran for judgment.

Certainty, following Christ is not limited in Christianity. However, one of the teaching from Jesus is that, even he is so mystery and blessed, he needs to be baptized by the apostle John. Personally, I thought Baptism is currently differentiated between christian and Muslim society. Hence what is the complete perception towards teaching in Christ? Will it dwelled in the reverted christian heart in Islamic societies?

Astrology has been treated and associated with shirk, since the ancient astrology could trigger the power of the relative deities and formed deity-spiritual communication. However, in the modern western astrology, it did not function like religious astrological arts, but it has been full of the deductive and mechanical minds as statistics, psychology as well as analogies for character analysis. The precision of the calculation in astrological system is more precise scientifically than any solar or lunar calendar on earth, since astrological system utilize sidereal time (which is the calculation between the angle of the earth and its eclipse yearly with certain fix star). The only shirk for modern astrology is the adoration of the Stars.

Towards this ideology, it is associated with the sin of the Eve, according to the ancient Rabbinic resource. God created human as Image of the God, in Hebrew, it had another meaning, called the light of the star. Which indicated that the such illumination light is with spirit of the creator blown into the Adam. Through Adam, there is eve. Then why the Sin of Eve is connected the adoration of the light of stars?

Since the image of the God shines bless and light in Adam and eve as their own possession. The wisdom of the tree, which could bot be touch, as human originally, we possess the light which are equal or more superior than the stars (images of God, Light of the star)

The sin of the Eve is to submit her inner light from the creator onto the external star light, refereed as apple, seduced by lower desire and evil desire called serpent. This might indicate that only one use lower desire from the serpent to attain such light of star is reflection of the sin of the Eve.

Hence we might find that the astrology could be treated as Shirk, only when the operator adore the power of the star or magic connection through the lower will, rather than maintain it with the deductive mind and scientific analysis.

Hence we could say that modern astrology education should be composing philosophy and knowledge to avoid shirk.

Even it is connected with shirk with some one studied ancient astrology, in quran there is different treatment towards heretics and pagans.

Just like Quran indicated, some of them have been killed, some of them have been expelled, some of them just been convinced and some of them has been required to be reverted to serve God. Some of pagan kingdom has been extinguished, but some of them ,Mohammod granted the independence and respect (such as king Aila from source of hadith).

therefore, we could find that Shirk in Paganism is not a standard treatment.

In Quran chapter 53 An-Najm

Prophet prostrated in reciting the verse form An-Najam, convincing and put his all influences on the Pagen and star worshiper.

As well as revealed in Quran, those who know the secret and arts of the heaven are better than those unbelievers and deny (some please find the verses for me, I can not remember which chapter it is).

Bismila irhman irhamin

In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.

The inclusiveness of the whole creation and exclusiveness towards the believer was included in the prayer of every Al-Fatihah.

According to the Rabbic resources, without the word of creation, Torah, the world would not be created. Jews returns stands for the words of the creator and creation. Therefore, no other wisdom should tell they are superior for the understanding of the pro purse of the creation. However, as the Jesus said, I am delivered to the Jew, for what has been made known. Which might indicate that power of the Ultimate God, Allah, his power of creation made known to the words, but the invisible knowledge towards the words of the Torah is superior than it has been made known. Therefore, Jews use their whole life meditate on the Hebrew words to discover more inspiration from the God behind the current meaning of the World of the creation. Since the prehistorical script of hebrew might be from Mesopotamia, Aramaic and source of other ancient language. Much of them still not being made conscious. Thus That is one of reason why Christ come as the redeemer to those who has been possessed only by the law but forget the will of the Abraham, He said that you are not like your ancestors.

Therefore from old Rabbinic source in Torah, the purpose of the Creation shines the heritage from the prehistorical with submitted to the law of the Moses towards only One god.

indeed intelligence form the religion itself, there is deep insights towards the World of Hebrew, since with change of the consciousness, the Hebrew illumination changes various through the time. It is not only something to do with religion, it is the Word of the Creation. The word of God.

Hence the purpose of the creation in Torah is verily clear, and the process of the creation explained the reason of the sin of Adam, as well as in the Hadith, we could find by the descendance of Adam, God made a proper restriction and divine Palace on earth. And When Moses accused the Adam in hadith, Adam said that he was sined due to the written plan of the God, so he stands superior than Mosess accuse.

Then what is the purpose of the creation in the old Rabbinic world?

It is sin, restriction, and exaltation with correction.

What does this mean?

It stands for the Satanic disobedience as the first cause of the evil on earth. Which leads to sin of Adam, which leads him to the world of sin, with gigantic Satanic forces. The divine law is restriction which secure the offspring of the Adams from death of the conjunct of the sin of the world until the correction and resurrection. In the Rabbinic source, the fall of the creation has been depicted the game that fight between Creator and Satanic forces, with those image of the God carrier, Human. The human sinned into the sinful world, but with the God guidance in overcoming all the deception and illusion by the sin, to form the power of the exaltation for the sin of adam in the earth (When Adam sined, his sin split into thousands of peaces into the ground of earth and into beast and animals). Therefore, slaughtering animal and eating them in the way of Allah is the process to purify the sin of Adam if the human is righteous, it leads to the exaltation of the all creation on earth.

The restriction continues until in the description of the Hadith, that Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon) said, he was the last brick of the Holy palace on earth, which has been established long time ago. It indelicates the Facilitated establishment towards the sin through the prophet has been completed, hence, the prophet Mohammad is the last prophet as sealed prophet was in due of this, from the old rabbinic understanding together. Since at first, without Law of light of it, human seduced by Demons, easily act crime, such as murder, jealous and all kinds. However, after the prophet Mohammad, the facilities of divine law was considered to be completed from saving believer in all the tragic delusion and deception. Since What prophet Mohammad (peace be upon), reavealed Quran and Hadith, represented integrative version of the last brick of such Divine palace on earth, which might resist any demonic forces, which is from the hole, when it was even in the era of Christ (Mystery Christ did not longs for law too strong, but return with christ in a different manner) and era of the Jews.

Therefore, this is the consciousness of the Ashada:

Lailah ilalah mohammod rasul allah

and its integrative view between the Christian and Jewish literature.

There is consciousness between the purpose of the creation of the world and revelation in prophet Mohammad (peace be upon)

therefore the prophet behavior and his teachings are vita since it stands for the power for stuff such hole in the divine Palace.

why man needs repentance (fall of Adam)

Distraction and seduction from shatan, form the shadow of the creation from the Creator, since The world of the Creator is free from Evil. But Why Adam sined? It was arranged by the plan of God. Since in Hadith, between the dialogue between Prophet Moses and Adam indicates such absolute.

Therefore divine law consciousness become essential for the safety for humanity on earth, when it was not exalted. The Sin of the Adam has been called as the fall of the humanity. Then what repentance and remembrance stands for over here? It might indicate the desire of the correction, the desire of return and the desire to asecension from the level from merely keeping them away from death.

Death did not stands for only the stage of the soul of the human departed from the body.

In Christianity, it stands for the soul of human are departed from divine presence, as well its departure from divine guidance. Without divine law, Human is in the stage of eternal death. Then Christ said that he is delivered to the sinners, who is outside of the protection of the law,or when the law is corrupted from the Spirit of Creator, then They are indeed dead in their spiritual life.

Hence, repentance is vital for seeking for transgression, protection and aim for destruction and corruption on earth. Since God arranged Adam to sin, so he must repentance. Since no matter what you have done is under the arrangement, only thing you could do is only in Resurrection and repentance and keeping the law, until exaltation and correction or even resurrection with keeping the divine law.

luckily, after the prophet Mohammad (peace be upon) has filled the last brick (holes). The way on earth is much secured than ever with such completed divine protections. Since We might assume that the importance of the Muslim is that they hold the key and laws of the last brick of divine palace. Thus how could the tradition of the Islam to be neglected? Since it would be happy hour for human who listened even one time in Ashada.

Lailah ilalah Mohammad rasul allah

Obedience of the law is the light of the restriction. But return did not counted with that Law that corrupted which has been departed from the spirit of the creator , from the Point of the view of Christ, since The law make those who safe to be delivered to paradise, Divine law holds the ideology of those who would be saved. Christ is redeemer for those make known, including the law, for he was coming before. Christ is mystical figure that is beyond the explanation from the law, yet according to law which has been made known, it could explain slight portion of Christ character. But indeed the extra worship Christ is not good deed. Because he shows the way and steps to walk on. On the insight of the bible, it indicated that the law reserves the righteousness, Christ is the deliver for what made known, Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon), handle the last hole of the whole divine palace according to the Hadith.

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