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Inspiration between Tarot, Logos and probability

Could the qualitative attributes of the Tarot being calculated by merely occurrences of the numbers?

In bible, it was said that:

nothing greater could be conceived by the knowledge.

Definitely, there is a deductive mind the proper human curiosity of minds, wondering about how Tarot carrying out the such measurement with the time and its arrangement? Basically my opinion is that, it is neither a merely quantitative manner which could only be analysed parallelly through the calculation. Since the design and purpose of the creation of the Tarot might much complicated thing behind even the designer himself. As the probability argument, that the simplification of the one’s manifestation might be simple, but we must keep our cautions in our examination and measurement on those apparent simple traits, but shine much profound insight behind no matter qualitative or quantitative deductive and inductive integration of the invisible categories. If it needs to be carried by such measurement, It needs to be impose more pre-settings for much index-conditioning for specific fragments of the categories and archetypes one could realize through time and analysis.

However, interestingly those analysis or designs of the logic or dialectic might be at first invalided through the way of the those programming establishes by their ignorance of the pre-existence of the concept-innate, as A priori, which has not directly participated into the minds of design of human convenience with that sort of mechanical nature, but a merely limited human vessel to operate the will of the continence rather than a will of the highest good.

by such topic, we could say the design of the human being is for the purpose, it is for human concern, into the cause of the such higher goodness and rather than unstable complexity of uncertain simpleness. Therefore, such human vessel for measuring the design of one’s innate sparkling and innovation turns out to be purposeful in dealing with earth. Such design is based on the experience of the a posteriori, which is concluded by inclusive insight and collective statistics. Then how could we really reflect our ignorance towards the knowledge and concept that are innately with nature? Or how could we build such righteous and good platform mental instruments to transform nature and epistemology? Since some some knowledge is Qualitative.

General, speaking for the probability of the Tarot cards indicate some facts that: “the combination possibilities of seven cards drawn from the 78 is 2,641,902,120, which approximately equals the number of seconds in a life of 84 years. When the additional factor of the seven cards being laid in seven distinct positions is considered, there are then 13,315,186,684,800 Possibilities. And so the overview is left up to the reader. However since all of the statements are directly concerned with the person asking the question, even the less than expert reader will be able to understand the combined message of the cards."   

but indeed, this quotation is not perfect, as a statement to measure the events like such ‘7 cards drawn from 78’. since it did not make any sense towards the Priori into one’s psyche to reflect the conjunction and agility of the qualitative possibility of the much complicated or profound ‘thing is that is greater out of perception’. Hence such parallel insight failed to give proper insight towards number towards qualitative part of the event itself, and to distinguish the qualitative and quantitative information by setting different categories and index to make much sense of the event. Hence, we could get that the data received above is neither precise nor descriptive, since it underestimate the value of time which is absent from the consideration of the Priori. since in the 78 cards of Tarot, there are 56 cards in minor arcana and 22 cards in major Arcana. There are distinguishable in Tarot.

Here I would impose some categories to enhance the qualitative measurement of the cards:

1. numerous consciousness of the Major Arcana

2. numerous consciousness of the minor Arcana

3. comparative analogy towards the time and cycle consideration in more complicated calculation method for probabilities with brief.

At first, I wish to distinguish the Major and minor Arcana by Human experience, that is, Major Arcana is more experiential character as Post a posteriori, with relative and certain evaluation mental structure; then minor arcana is more Natural cause characters (Fire, air, earth and water) as a Piori, with relative a certain evaluation mental structure. At the first cause of the experiential condition has been divided, then there is difference by setting calculation method to measure such time value and certainty (precisely we still not being able for this point in my opinion).    

Since the Major Arcana is much experiential position on earth, so I define these characters with the concept of observation for such ‘design’ for purposeful imposing time value on single cards events. Hence the design of the human can not compare with the perfection of their Creator, therefore, such design has been conceptualized as the purposeful construction for time evaluation, which is to form the proper reflection in astronomic calendar and some characters of the Zodiacs in comparative relations. 

Hence the Minor arcana has been set as a Prior connection towards the concept from the nature law, namely symbolised the fire(wands), water (cups), air (swords) and earth (Pentacles) as natural elements, with its numerous or time value from 1-14, being defined as different insight with such return for cause, namely archetypes. We could assume that the 4 archetypes of the 4 element might be derived from original perfect archytype, namely Nous, which are the attributes of the conceptualized first conceptualized perfect idealistic and Virtual Archetype.   

1. numerous consciousness of the major Arcana

22 is number for the Major Arcana, there are so much insight towards the number 22. some language are composed by 22 letters and 22 systems. Here I made a comparative systems with Astrological zodiac planetary alignment by imposing 12 zodiac and 10 astrological planets (Pluto was included) by adding time and planetary time cycle, as one of the comparative assumption for the measuring causes from human observation. The list would be below:

Aries: Fool

Taurus: Empress

Gemini: Magician

Cancer: Lovers

Leo: Emperor

Virgo: High Priestess

Libra: Justice

Scorpio: Hermit

Sagittarius: Hierophant

Capricorn: Chariot

Aquarius: Fortitude

Pisces: Wheels of Fortune  

The sun: The sun

The Moon: The moon

Mercury: temperance

Venus: devil

Mars: hanged man

Jupiter: the world

Saturn: death

Uranus: Tower

Neptune: Star

Pluto: Judgement

Through this comparative reaction, the time value with limited ‘design’ through astronomical calendar has been made consciousness. For instance Cycle of Saturn is nearly 30 years, Jupiter around 12 years. Also Zodiacs are associated with fix stars, those measurement could become very stable and fix, which might exchange of the unit of time into distance for calculation of proportion for index that could devote to the probability indirectly or in alienage. It would be more precise calculative manner for the insight of a posteriori de Astrology& astronomy.

This is the part tilted as the ‘Design actuarial/ actualle’

2. numerous consciousness of the Minor Arcana

 since we could find that each elements (elemental Archetype) possess 14 sequences, from 1- 10, then with 4 roles.

Hence I would wish make a sub-expansion, dividing 10 sequence of elements from 4 roles. The former is relatively prior, the later is relatively a posteriori.

Each element counted number from 1-10, in addition the numbers did not stand on a same value in exaltation or fall towards the cause. Here 10 could be treated Saturn consciousness, as the shortest manifestation as cycle. Therefore we could find that ‘10’ is not good for expansive elements, such as fire and wind manifested in 10, as well as five is not a good number in all 4 archetypal elements. Hence we could understand why that the Venus here (Tarot) is associated with ideology ‘Devil’ (Five is number associated with Venus, as well as the cycle number of Venus), monetary seduction and burden. Interestingly, Venus is always counted as a good and harmonious symbol compared with lots of the traditions in various cultures. So we could assume that it might stands for the shadows of the ideology and character of the ‘Taurus’. However, Libra, which has been ruled by Saturn and Venus by tradition, here might be more emphasized on the rule of Saturn, namely ‘Justice’, which might bring the exaltation of archetypal elements of Earth (Pentacles) and water (cups) as the ideology ‘10’. according to the cause of the words and element, we could find here the probability might occur pre-setting which has its inclination. But why the setting is such, or whether is it the cause of the nature or setting of the concepts-local, which is till needed to be discovered.        

Additionally, the number ‘4’ in personalized natural character might indicate the intersection between the ‘nature’ and ‘virtue’, which formed a special Virtual-Natural good for the Glory of transcendence of One’s charismatics position as experience between the mediation of the ‘nature’ and ‘virtue’, with the spirit to overcome the challenges. Mythically the number 4, also stands for the growth and sequence of the virtue and its position. The number 4 here is needed for further exploration.

3. comparative analogy towards the time and cycle consideration in more complicated calculation method for probabilities with brief.

Just like what we described above, there is proper impose of the time value towards the single card, hence the chance for such manifestation of the card might differ from its apparent case, in which it might indicate more invisible and greater attunement that might be measured by time and space, to be as additional index to be setting in the probability as consideration in the condition of the re-experience correlation in expression for Virtue.

for instance if you might get Jupiter (the world) and Saturn consciousness (death) in the card playing, invisibly, it might stands for the inserting the invisible index of the cycle 30*12=360 year as the largest cycle of the 2 planetary consciousness, simply indicated by 2 cards regardless of the influence of the fix star and its cycles. Then the quantitative ‘1’+’1’ cards is no longer capable to carry its qualitative ‘30<x<=360’, in determining such calculation, it is no longer a considerate 2 events independently, but involved with measurement with changeable index, which might be involved with function with Calculus and derivatives for the possibilities of such probabilities. In this logic we are close to our teleological disputes and limits.

That is to say, a human designed measurement, only from perspective of a posteriori, might be not sufficient to determine one’s cause between the qualitative ‘virtue’ which reflected the perfect and ideal conception and bestow of the invisible, and the quantitative ‘nature’ which demonstrated the sequence and cycle of the ‘Great Plan’.

Therefore, it is the human vessel, which limitedly reflected the perfect source from the knowledge and concept, as design, could be sufficiently deficit (lack truth but coding) but also could be sufficiently imperfect(lacks will but material), since the knowledge is for truth and differentiation, as well as the design and measurement. For the perfect virtue is always perfect and necessary, the will might be better inmediation with virtue than only with either knowledge or nature , if the observation is proper and categories are with divisions.

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