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Chao Zheng (Justin,Dwood)

Interesting discovery in Chinese 甲子 earthly Branches

In previous articles, we have concluded that earthly branches in Chinese 甲子 are referred as submissive than heavenly branches.

Since it has been associated orbit of Jupiter and Moon, so it would be associated with 12 signs in solar orbit.

We have explored constituent (planetary orbit) and constituted (script) mix manner inside the Chinese 甲子. The former has consciousness in numbers and later has consciousness in curses and ancient altar.

In earthly branches we could find 2 different logic in the aspect of calendar and the aspect of the altar as well.

logic 1: according to the meaning of Altar

子 associated with "child and son", so it is close to the consciousness of Gemini

丑 associated with "hand (claw)", so it is close to the consciousness of Cancer

寅 associated with "hunt and arrow", so it is close tot the consciousness of Leo

卯 associated with "Herbs" so it is close to the consciousness of the Virgo

辰 associated with "Farm and economic civilisation" it is close to the consciousness of Libra 

已 associated with "Fetus in the womb" it is close to the consciousness of Scorpio

午associated with "silk " it is close to the consciousness of Sagittarius

未 associated with "taste with time" it is close to the consciousness of Capricorn 

申 associated with "Thunder" it is close to the consciousness of Aquarius 

酉 associated with "wine" it is close to the consciousness of  Pisces

戌 associated with "vertical /weapon", it is close to the consciousness of Aries

亥 associated with "root", it is close to the consciousness of Taurus

Logic 2: according to monthly sequence in a year

子 associated with months 12, like Sagittarius

丑 associated with month 1, like Capricorn

寅 associated with month 2, like Aquarius

卯 associated with month 3, like Pisces

辰 associated with month 4, like Aries

已 associated with month 5, like Taurus

午 associated with month 6, like Gemini

未 associated with month 7, like Cancer

申 associated with month 8, like Leo

酉 associated with month 9, like Virgo

戌 associated with month 10, like Libra

亥 associated with month 11, like Scorpio

Then, we can find this due logic presence in its constituent and constituted manner as:

子 associated with Sagittarius/Gemini

丑 associated with Capricorn/Cancer

寅 associated with Aquarius/Leo

卯 associated with Pisces/Virgo

辰 associated with Aries/Libra

已 associated with Taurus/Libra

午 associated with Gemini/Sagittarius

未 associated with Cancer/Capricorn

申 associated with Leo/Aquarius

酉 associated with Virgo/Pisces

戌 associated with Libra/Aries

亥 associated with Scorpio/ Taurus

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