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Chao Zheng (Justin,Dwood)

New assumption for the 12 letters in Hebrew correlation with Chinese 12 earthly branches

This my new assumption for correlation between 12 letters of the Hebrew and the 12 earthly branches in from oracle Chinese interpretation (3000-1200BC), The letter used in the picture is current script, which represent the pronunciation of the old letters.

The first line stands for constituted sequence by relevant Zodiac.

The second line stands for the constituent character of crowned character in Hebrew

Since my previous articles contain the content of the zodiac sequence of the 12 earthly branch from Huaxia wisdom. Then here I would be able to discuss more in the correlation between Hebrew 12 letter and 12 earthly branches.

By this correlation, the similarities have been discovered through the crowned character from Hebrew and constituent altar culture from the 12 earthly branches, regardless of the sequence form the constituted zodiac.

He, Hebrew crowned character is 'speech', related with the character 卯, associated with mouth and herbs.

Wa, Hbrew crowned character is 'mind', related with the character 辰, stands for the light of civilization.

Zain, Hebrew crowned character is 'movement', it associated with 寅, stands for hunting, in moving and courage.

Cheth, Hebrew crowned character is 'sight', associated with 午, stands for long distance and visions.

Teth, Hebrew crowned character is 'hearing', associated with 子, stands for submitting and Son.

Yod, Hebrew crowned character is 'work', associated with 丑, stands for hands, power and curse.

Lamed, Hebrew crowned character in 'sexual desire', associated with 已, stands for sexual, gentile and fetus.

Samech, Hebrew cronwed character in 'sleep', associated with 亥, stands for root that might support.

Eyin, Hebrew crowned character in anger, associated with 戌, stands for blood and weapon.

Tzaddin, Hebrew crowned character is 'taste', associated with 未, stands for tasting with time.

Qoph, Hebrew crowned character is 'Mirth', associated with 申, stands for amusement and thunder.

There share nearly all similarities in all 12 branches with 12 letter in Hebrew. according to my precious articles that in heavenly branches, there are 60% of them are similar with Moses 10 commandments, this implies the mutual literature circulation could behodling some of those evil holes from the Taoism's idolatry polytheism.

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