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Nv Wa, Ancient Chinese recognition for human creation and correlation with Bible

In Chinese prehistorical theology, it was said that the deity, Nv wa, creating the clay and giving human life by giving them the spirit. but actually from the biblical point of view, Nv Wa stands for the consequence divine creation in impure forces in the level of the Cain and Abel. Thus We could concluded that the awareness of the Chinese theology for human creation is from 2 sons of the Adam. This is from the interpretation of the Kabbalah.

Since Abel (shepherd), stands for the MI, the higher mind and light that wit mercy, Cain (Agriculture) stands for the MA, refereed as earthly pleasure and multiply. when Cain slew the Abel, it cause the MI withdrew and MA rise a impure desire to control and light, this refereed as control to feed the desire of its darkness. The MI has been blocked, on this condition, the light could only be received impure from female energy, with the impure male energy craving for Hochman, by its spreading its darkness.

Then from the point of balalaika interpretation. if the impure female is strong, it will form the one head and the body, since the light is for submitting and merging in receiving, even it is from impure forces. but when the Male energy is strong, it departed from the desire of the light, but only craving for power (Horchman) for darkness, then it would form 2 heads, one impure female and one impure male. and female one is receiving the light from impure forces in isolation from the impure male energy, it was said that this is the consequence and revelation of the 2 sons of the Adam with their descendance in divine creation on earth due to sin of Cain.

On this condition, we could find that The image of the Deity Nv wa, male and and female in one body with snake body, and with 2 heads of the female and male. It could actually become such metaphor of the divine consequence of the descend of the Cain and Abel.

For in the descendance, what is concealed with be revealed in its way by conjuncting the lower world, and what is revealed with be with light of divine restriction. after this, we received the first restriction, and such deity could not exist in our current level.

we could realize that, the Nv Wa stands for divine impure male energy, since it had 2 heads, another reinterpretation of the story of the level of Cain and Abel. The divine restriction we could have is in the bible about the seven folds sin for killing and new born son of Adam, and with final purification with those sinned earth (MA) through the big flood.

We should aware that ancient Chinese consciousness of human creation is on the level of Cain and Abel, and Cain's issue needs to be concerned in every agricultural industry prevailed country.

What is more, to let Chinese myth to gain consciousness of Adam, and Adam's new son Seth and Enoch, big flood for purification of The earth is necessary. since Enoch return to God, we could have another interpretation of the perfect prophet that Begot the pure new ancestor as known as Norah ......that is, after the correction, we do not need to worship the pre-Flood consciousness deities but treat it as theology studies.

In the era of 女娲, in my previous articles, once mentioned its connection between the Biblical consequence of Cain and Elb. We might develop this concept further in order to make it much clear towards 2 systems between kabbalist interpretation towards energetic changes with the consequence of the formation of the deties it-self.

Recorded in the book ‘Huai nanzi’, ‘it was a time in the far ancient, the polarities of the direction was banished, the ground of the earth is cracked, the heaven and earth once have been reversed, the earth lost its support, the flame is non-extinguishable on earth, the flood of the ocean is overwhelmed, the beast are around killing and taking human for food. Then nv wa extracts the essence from the stone of the 5 colours, in order to repair the crack in the heaven to stop the blood. Then she slew the beats in order to pacified the polarity of the 4 directions, and collected the burning dust to stabilize the flood. Then the heaven has been repaired, the direction with proper character of the polarities, the flood is withdrawn and monster being killed and the human spread and survived.’’

Then from these records, we could see the consequence between the repair and after repair as the change of the manifestation of the patters. That is, the change of the will de higher cause the destruction of the old model, with the change and adjustment and restriction, the correction brought to the new condition of the manifestation as new existence of the desire itself.

We will deeply see through the deity Nv wa, and its meaning from biblical views.

In Chinese prehistorical theology, it was said that the deity, Nv wa, creating the clay and giving human life by giving them the spirit. But actually from the biblical point of view, Nv Wa stands for the consequence divine creation in impure forces in the level of the Cain and Abel. Thus We could concluded that the awareness of the Chinese theology for human creation is from 2 sons of the Adam. This is from the interpretation of the Kabbalah.

In the interpretation of the kabbalah, Since Abel (shepherd), stands for the MI, the higher mind and light that wit mercy, Cain (Agriculture) stands for the MA, refereed as earthly pleasure and multiply. when Cain slew the Abel, it cause the MI withdrew and MA rise a impure desire to control and light, this refereed as control to feed the desire of its darkness. The MI has been blocked, on this condition; the light could only be received impure from female energy, with the impure male energy craving for Hochman, by its spreading its darkness.

Then from the point of balalaika interpretation, if the impure female is strong, it will form the one head and the body, since the light is for submiting and merging in receiving, even it is from impure forces. but when the Male energy is strong, it departed from the desire of the light, but only craving for power (Horchman) for darkness, then it would form 2 heads, one impure female and one impure male. and female one is receiving the light from impure forces in isolation from the impure male energy, it was said that this is the consequence and revelation of the 2 sons of the Adam with their descendance in divine creation on earth due to sin of Cain.

On this condition, we could find that The image of the Deity Nv wa, male and and female in one body with snake body, and with 2 heads of the female and male. It could actually become such metaphor of the divine consequence of the descend of the Cain and Abel. As the impure manifestation of the rule in that time, this statement is not a judgement, but a formation of the deities and its rule’s functions.

For in the descendance, what is concealed with be revealed in its way by conjuncting the lower world, and what is revealed with be with light of divine restriction. After this, we received the first restriction, and such deity could not exist in our current level, from the knowledge of the ancient jews.

we could realize that, the Nv Wa stands for divine impure male energy, since it had 2 heads, another reinterpretation of the story of the level of Cain and Abel. The divine restriction we could have is in the bible about the seven folds sin for killing and new born son of Adam, and with final purification with those sinned earth (MA) through the big flood.

We should aware that ancient Chinese consciousness of human creation is on the level of Cain and Abel, and Cain's issue needs to be concerned in every agricultural industry prevailed country.

Hence, here the flood is the crucial element, in the bible it has been treated as the purification of the sin of the ground, which has been brought by the sin of the Cain, namely, the early desire to attain the rewards of the God with jealous, it is controlling issue more than objectivity itself, also it was the time before the creation of the 8 diagram.

Here Flood in the myth of the ancient legend de China performed as the chaos and disaster, and the redeem image is the Nv wa, also the Nv wa has been disappeared by using the body to fix the heaven with the essence of the stones as the tale has been told.

By this, we see through a huge transformation of the change, that it make the consequence of the Abel and Cain disappeared, reconciled as the understanding as purified state without a created deities rule afterwards, even if the bestow of the deity is good, but it was still impure force’s manifestation.

Here we could get that before the flood and after the flood, the reconciliation has been made by preparing the heaven through Nv wa’s body to declare its consequence of the purification of the sin of Cain towards Elb that was polluted on earth.

From the Kabbalah Taoism Taoism, I invented from previous sections, that we could clearly interpret the this legend from another angle.

The 4 polarity of the direction banished, might indicate the level of the readjustment in 4 elements, namely level of Chesed, Gevurah, Hod, and Netzach, the reason why is this, since the 4 elements were readjusted, then the 5th elements composed by such 4 elements have been shaken, since the fifth elements stands for earth elements, then it was said, ’the ground of the earth is cracked’, namely the Tiferent. Since the 5th elements have been shaken, it lost its function to make ideology ‘3’ stable, namely, Bina-Chockmah-Tiferent, as it has been described, ‘heaven and earth reverse’, since female and male energy is not proper form its stable form in level of Tiferent. Then 4 elements have not been made stable but, manifest as ’fire is non extinguishable,’ as level chesed, ‘the flood is overwhelmed’ as the level Gevurah, ‘the beast are taking human for food’ as level of Hod and Netzach, which represented as the chaos of the 4 elements.

The cause of such Chaos was the change of the desire de highest, it caused direct dysfunction of the level of 4 elements, which is the level dassociated with the creation of the world and animals, that is, the creation of the world in the 5th day, the level of Hebrew property Waw, the it leads to the later consequence described in the recordings.

Then lets have a look what the repair of tahe heaven stands for. At the first we could indicate that the break of the heaven stands for the start of the purification from the flood, recorded in the Torah. Repair might stands for the changes of the such manifestation. Thus, we say that the destruction stands for the change of the higher desire from 自, then the repair stands for the manifestation of 然 of such change.

In the recording of the huai nanzi, it was said that : ”女娲 extra the essence of the of 5-colour stone, ” which might stands for the new pattern eof the 5 elements on its spiritual level. The ‘女娲 kill one beast and taking its 4 foots as the foundation of the 4 polarities of the diagrams ’, this might indicate that material foundation is comling from sacrifice of the sacred animal, by this truth we can easily understand while those immigrated animal would never be lost by their recognition such nature by distinguishing the direction by electronic polarities. Interestingly, here the mythical discovery is that, the beast which has b een sacrificed is the creation from the ocean, so either it might stands for the creation form the left side of the Kabbalah tree, either as the level of the Hod or geuvna (Beats that is from the water).

As what we described before, the reason why the 女娲existed is because of the withdraw of the higher females side, and the pollution of the right side de kabbala system in the right line. Then through the legend we could discovered that the change of the manifestation is on the level of the 5th day’s creation, namely the four elements, by direct will imposed on it, which caused the chaos of above between the male and female rulings, it has shaken all lower part and its connection towards the higher male and female energy. But one question is that, why the sacrifice is the sacred creature that from the left side of the kabbalah tree? The initial assumption is that, due to the sin of Cain, it leads to withdraw of the female power in mercy, leads to the barren de mercy de ground. The foundation of the material de female might stand for the restriction on female vessel through its female vessel sacrifice. By this insight, the correction might correct the sin of the Cain, the sinful pattern formed from the before, but also brought the restriction on the level of such; the impure one could not crave for the light direct through its higher property like rabbinic literature described. Then this female sacrifice on material level might stand for the restriction on spiritual level, after the flood, as the first restriction. Since the level of Hod is like the way to attain those faculty of the light without realize it, hence it is protection between the desire and light, as intuition Hod, as such sacrifice.

It was said that, since due to higher female and male energy could be balanced through the method that new formed as manifestations, if the sin of the Cain occured even a gain, which is kind of reversed desie that longs for contro with jealous will also ceace its harm, hrough the sacifice toards the polariteis de directions, as Hod, as its protection and intutive participation with manifestation of the 4 seasons.

Thus we could find that, the new restriciton , has formed the season and its character of sensations as the bestowed intuition fom the restriction de Hod, throught its ancient sacrifice myth through Chiense legend as the menifetation of the first restriction after the flood in to their literature.

As commented above, that the objectivity of the Tao’s objectivity and of their prehisorical legend could find the trace frpom the interpretation from the jewrish side, that is, the interconnection and interpretation for the reaon why for such formation of the settings.

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