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revelation of my theory development in my new published book ‘In those lose time’ in early time of t

Death Point of Fringe Will Theory (DPOFW)

My own theory Invention:

In this Chapter, I have dedicated on my own theological theory development due to the review of the history and the conflicts form previous chapters, blinded with the advanced thoughts in the world, by reading and interpreting philosophical branches from Greek, Modern European and Arabic branches.

Theory, “The death point of the fringe will”, its utilization with the insights in war theory is based on termination ideology and punishments in receiving pain and suffering as salvation.

Consideration: the theory has been developed through different concern;

First, ancient etymology in different civilization has been referenced, such as Latino, Greek rooted English, and its utilization in time, such as blended with invasion with French, or German in relative eras into consideration. So there is a severe tendency in consideration the linguistic development from the history, since it is the theory towards object, which reflects the subject of the God, in witness for the improving human society and its relationship with natural law and certain age human whole (free) will as symbolised geometric interpretation.

Secondly, I fell short to describe the theory clearly if there is no mathematics to be participated, those mathematic has been used in my theory as another kind of language rather than absolute rational deductions. Then it contains the several branch of mathematic into interpretations: such as, “the formula of the Circle, Calculus, integration by limits, and set index in equation to measure the possibility for sum up consequence”, due to the different value might determine some indexes into detriments into contribution of the maximum outcome for confronting with risk and optimistic option in human principle strategies.

Then this theory would like to interpret that the cause of the chaos, violence and battle are not determined by linage, or any theories of justice in dominated civilized zones, but as the longing for improvement in human principle, regards reconciliation between human principle and God will, that might transform from the low level existence into real devotion into Humanity (boundary cross theory mention in Neo Kantian). Also release the tension between natural law and human principle, as the second sphere for judgment which could be justified by object created from cause of obeying God and his subject.

Challenge: by exploring the “the death in point of fringe will”, I came up the vision on its relation with globalization and global economy in democracy and its fiercening stage in ethno war-----that is the point among, (death in point of fringe will) DPOFW, global economy and salvation of any aggressive will and sacrifice (here mean “sacer-” (animal slaughter for holy propose); from those theory, enabling me in thinking the integrative symbols with the meaning and theology it contains. Some indications implies that the low human will, which also has been descried as human’s animal side, then the sacrifice means serving humanity with holy concern and sacrifice the low human level pain and wound caused by transgression and by conflict (jihad) of self-battles and divine struggle), with jurisprudence for mundane judgement with the growing collective consciousness for real conciliation.

So the theories have not based on just cause, but the reconciliation of the 2 forms form of sacrifice of judgements.

Part 1 The Fringe will and Death point

One (sacer-) is based on law, another (sacer-) is based on will, then the DOPOFW (death in point of fringe will) might bring the peace from 2 judgements (judgement of law, and the judgement of the will) at current movement, which means DPOFW focus on the silence and tranquillity of the theory and rejoice of “death” as termination, inspired from Christ consciousness. Then the thought of the punishment and redemption has been inspired from Fydor Dostoyevsky’s fictions and theories.

In another word, it is the description of the cause of pain and transgression and trauma, reconciliation with the peaceful current judgements with ethical and legal consideration rather than the just cause for the fringe will (that is, the will for fighting for the whole human will). The DPOFW assume that died part (also being rejected currently) leading to an eternals is the (sacer-) for humanity as current matter (through the whole will of the humanity, sacer-its lower part/ rejected part (trauma, pain, suffering, fighting), transformed into humanity for growth), alternatively transformed the trauma tied to any transgression. This has been inspired from the Greek mythical story from Chiron.

That is to say, the whole will of the human being could not be always fulfilled entirely at one moment consciously by its mundane judgements and consciousness, until the part has been granted as transgress and pain transformed into humanity as the termination of the cause of the trauma---that is, the fringe will outside the current conscious normality; which is that at the point of death of the edging will, since the non-manifested cause from whole human will turned into zero, for current level, but endlessly pouring into current establishment for the changing shape of humanity by consciousness.

Since, if we need to have the concept of the fringe will, there should be the contrast between the current consciousness and extra will behind/beyond it. So this dis-recognisable character for the fringe could only be defined in all kinds of the low human existed forms before it comes to reach the consciousness, since there has less intelligential consciousness to be touched, and it was becoming

the cause of treasure, that is, the cause of pain, trauma, transgress and madness driven by ambiguous superior human whole will which the intelligence or consciousness fail to reach.

So “just and normative” theory cannot properly being applied here, for it is structural-less, on the edge of human collective consciousness, and the fringe of desire combined with fear and sins, with uncertain coded behaviour recorded with normative judgement, which yet not being justified by enlightened intelligence, nor being reconcile into righteous consciousness with salvations, but presented as an original rough desire for exploration and expansion. Then at this condition, evil could be defined as either the ruin of this expansion or existed wellbeing due to the contrast between the helpless in human divine awareness and struggle in divine intelligence.

The most verily evil is the destruction in this dedicated evolution with salvation consciousness.

Geometric interpretation:

The angels of the square interacts with the orbs of Circle, then we can say that those 4 points are the

“Death point of fringe will”, for some mathematical characters of those 4 points are infinite with ultimate reach to the fringe for circle and one of its index in infinite.

This contrast shows the 2 different levels of judgements. Almost the extra part of the circle could be titled as “death, decent, pain, trauma, transgress,” then death point shared the reconciliation of 2 judgements (will represented by circle, and law represented by the square) in one of conception of infinite reality of the current reality.

The 4 points could be tilted as the “death in point of the fringe will”, as the manner of punishment (when the mundane intelligence and consciousness reach the one fringe of the human current whole will), to reconcile the mutual judgements at the moment of “Now”, as the infinite now, since there is no extra fringe will and all died (the area defined between the line and the curve), another meaning, it is the death of the extra will, which means the moment of the infinite conciliation between current will and law.

Every shapes with angles might could any extra “fringe will”

Then I thought the value of the relevant index could be calculated to find infinite point of “death” that reconcile all the maximum moment that they reconciled 2 judgements at one point in that moment.

Similarly, the thought might be used to find in the modelling intelligence for consideration the human will and institutional or legalized index.

But what find is that, more points the square shapes inside, might

Leave less “fringe will” over, so that is to say the mundane

Judgment is more close to the judgement of the will.

The index of this infinite could be found in defining the theory to what extent

That character could be defined.

I could find one “the degree of the homogeneous level of the social ideology could be defined as the complexity of shapes inside (which means the geometrical complexity of the consciousness)”

It seems likely that, simple society with high homogeneous social ideology might form much simple square inside.

Then that is to say, towards the degree of the homo-genericity of the society, the measure to reach the DOPOFW might be reached in different manner, and by the degree of the forces on each DOPOFW.

Then the case above shows an averaged social consciousness context ….but below:

We can find more complex it is inside, more averagely the point would be spread…

So the average point spread on the circle edge might indicate risk for not reach to the death point, structurally.

Which might means that in different unit for social measurement, the larger risks it might have by every units decrease in their social consciousness, on the condition that, the fringe will might expressed in more tilted growth rate in those asymmetric internal part.

That is to say when the social consciousness declined, those parts who share those high risks might indicate a great care with study and religious concern than other areas. For example, Part A shared high risk for social consciousness decline than B. Since we viewed the death point as Zero, and make the rate of the circle to define the growth rate through the length of its coverage.

Such as the point C stands for the death point for maximum consciousness, then the length of D stands for the ratio for risk of fringe will be determined length in its decrease.

Also the shape in side might not always indicate in perfect shapes. Then the Ratio of risk depends on the length rate of the shapes inside as well as the angle it occurred against its length from the middle of the circle. (That is, the degree of angel against the direct distance between 2 death point.)

So the complexity of the shapes inside of the circle indicates that the numbers of the death point, which means those regular and with more death points shapes might have less total coverage of the fringe will also the risks, when it was declined.

Symbolising of the circle, did this mean that it stands for the whole human will of God? The answer is no, the circle here are represented as the certain era of the human whole will from the God, since the God could make this circle’s border expansion unlimitedly.

In another word, it also could be understood like this, I assumed that there are 4 different axes with those internal borders, consisted as the square, and another 2 axis vertically cross all previous axis, to be measured their vertical value. Then we could have, the concept of “fringe will” to be presented as:

“∫(A,B) f(x)dx, and when X =O, we have maximum “fringe will”; also when X=O, We have largest risk for consciousness decline from B to O, or A to O. then the other points are similar in this case“

The concept of “death point” will be defined as the concept as:

“lim  X=B f(x), f(x) 0, then the other points are similar in this case ”

That is to say, some of this case could be depicted by the language of Calculus, even with calculation to define the risk and index for human principles.

The reason why I would like to use those symbol for social consciousness, that is because of the assumptive character of the social consciousness, justice and jurisprudence are not in the lineage logic, rather an geological correlation from different dimensions, accumulated with different brunch, expansively, consisted of such an integrated, complicated and differentiated geological maps, and not absolute. And the expansion will be shown as below, interesting; the reason for the increase of the death will points might be based on the dimension of the different considerations for more consciousness in manners.

Then this picture has been titled as the eternal salvation. For the death point of fringe is the edge of the edges of the whole human consciousness in that era.

But what if the field out of the Death point of fringe will’s current will, which is titled as the whole human’s will of God, and the size of it depends on the Time matters. So this could give several insights from the holy prophecy and all the holy books. For I believe that those Holy Scriptures

Time Line

carried the information of source in a larger fringe will plane, so the source then manifested in the linguistic power. But there is no absolute whether the wisdom has recorded in those holy books has been limited in level of size of the fringe will to some certain level future and past, or absolute infinite. Since Divine resource is subjective matter, so there is no measurement to offer the time axis it could cover, nor could the certainty about that it be replaced by other in the further divine source for new unit’s growth….

But what would know is that those trans-death points for fringe will for current age, might be overwhelming when it occurred into any level of it sub-forms, since the current consciousness is fragile in reach the non-current era involvement, that is the trans-time human whole will from the God.

Then actually, time is the matter for development of the reconciliation of the 2 judgements (that is whole will & the human principle---human object submitted to the subject of the God). So the patience has been mentioned in the Holy Scripture, might aim at the time bearing for mundane judgements development but might be arranged through a non-linage time task in other spiritual or time plane.

This reminds of me from the bible that, when you have been baptised, you are in a holy ground and baptised into the body of the Christ.

(Conclusion 1) Then the meaning of “holy ground and body of the Christ” might be mystically strongly connected those stabilities of those trans-death points of fringe wills or even the external from the future awareness of the human whole will, that to say, the ground, has been prepared for afar already, in a huge unimaginable fringe will plane in the later times, has been expected as the reconciliation of the origin (filled with unconsciousness without human object and principle) and close to its infiniteness, shaping the direction of the nowadays and buffer, then “Sarce” its cause with mundane judgements (that is, to form a proper human principle & object submissive to the God subjective, contrast between human consciousness and unconsciousness). So if the bible said that the salvation is eternal, and then means that Holy Ground is the infinite plane of whole human will of God and it is potential and possible guidance in trans-time experience contrast with current human consciousness borders, in another word, since it might reach the extreme distance of the time of Current, so it has been depicted as magnificent gigantic and be infinite with all existence with eternal expansion in correlation geometrically with the absolute that would be shaped in an expected way (God will). That is to say, the sacrifice in salvation is the price for mundane judgements to grow in reaching the infinite death point in the cause of the fringe of the current edge. However, the border of the current age’s human whole will cannot be described as certain time point, but a virtual unit for measurements since the expansion towards human whole towards God is one, yet non-separable, and continuous. That is to say the meaning of illusion is that the human own projection of those one as their unconscious boundaries contrast in their certain age, then the border of the human whole has been regard to show the limits of the understanding of one even in their unconscious level. Then it might stand for the spiritual linage, “holy ground” and divine heritage is not linage with the time. Then the reconciliation, as the death point of fringe will, leads to eternal life & growth of righteous human principle, due to the guide by the “external death will” from the God.

Part 2 Natural Law, DPOFW and human principle

Then this continued complexed geometry is inspired from the Nicolai Hartmann’s some ideas towards ethics, nature law, and the human principle interacting with his free will. As the second part of the theory of the “death point of the fringe will.” this model continue with the conceptual symbols above, with further consideration from Natural law, as an additional participation with consideration in whole theory, from the ideas of some philosophical branch below.

The picture has been interpreted as the condition that, the consciousness of natural law has not been changed or developed in one certain age.

(Note: the Whole will have been treated as the will align with God in different times as its limits for that age; and the Free Will, has been defined as the Will of the source of God, but used as measurement and contrasts for its reacceptance in Natural law in human consciousness. Then the Free will could be the will from the God regardless the limits of one age’s whole will or natural law.)

All this set of interpretation and theory has been inspired by eastern scholars, mainly by Fydor Dostoevsky and Nicolai Hartmann and war philosophy. Then I started to try to use geometry to visualize what I got structurally, since my mind prefer this thinking style since I was young. In my first theory, I did not title my theory on war and human trauma is on the respects of just cause. But instead it based on deeper rational boundaries “cross” in the ideology and conscience towards “death” as the boundaries and fringe towards the struggle, transgress punishment and redemption,

in which 2 different judgements could be reconciled in the moment of infinite (edge of the human whole will in certain age) as termination. So I started to get interested in the theory dealing with “boundaries and terminations”, unconsciousness, death and salvation. Most of neo Kantianist all nurture my visions, plus Russian’s special Death view in intelligence, social and aesthetics, paved way for my understanding for redemption between human consciousness and unconsciousness, with death, set as boundaries for the fringes, and trigger the cause for human principle’s infinite growth (eternal life) in reconciliation with the Source of the invisible human whole will of the God (will of death). (Conclusion 2)

I titled this picture illustration as “Free will Projection from the Natural Law through time”

For instance the Square A will be titled as the Natural Law, as known by human now.

The length of the Square A might determine the field it perceives the free will constructed from the field by B and C, and the width of the Square might determine the level of the human principle for self-responsibility as dependence. Which both of them could be measured as the point G, which has been mentioned in my theory (the point in death of the fringe will).

So here I assumed that the natural by human conscious is known as level of Square A.

Point G, as one consistence of the triangle in the square A, stands for how much free will has been received in the consciousness of this level of Square A, in the age B.

As the same, H as the one consistence of the smaller triangle in Square A, stands for how much free will has been received in the consciousness of this level of the Square A, in the age C.

Obviously, age B and age C stands for the level of free will, which might not linage with the degree of its capability in receiving such light by the level aside with Square. Since Age C is superior with free will but consisted with smaller triangle size, which has been received in this level of consciences of natural law represented by Square A.

Does it matter to the death point of the fringe will?

Yes, in opposite, if we assumed that we knew the death point of the fringe will G, then we could depicted a human whole will as the it human principle, which has been reflected from Square A. then D has been determinable by G and B, so in this we might could have chance to know the “fringe will” of for the index of the level of free will in age B, with the far reach death point interaction with G.

As the same reason, F has been determinable by H and C.

But the reflection of the death point H cannot form a square, instead a rectangular, since H is not the point for far reached cross length for square A, so it has not been fully covered by the degree of 45.

So the rectangular F has been formed, then according to the character of the Circle, we could determine of another rectangular J.

So we can find that in D, there are 4 fringe will death points. But in F there are 8 fringe will death points.

What does these mean?

It indicated that the proper free will covered in the certain age, complied with proper conscious natural law from the certain age, might average the inner human principled consciousness, which stands for more homogenous creation in it. However, a supreme free will from the age which has been superior to the age of the relative low level for recognition natural law in consciousness. Then the free will would be supressed at its origin reflected in its natural legal consciousness.

But it did bring upon a much wider and higher human principled will, and challenges for inner conscious human law & principle to diversify to support it. Since they need to consider 8 points in death points of the fringe will to make it risky less, since only 4 death points of the fringe will might form a human legal consciences that dealing with Extra Square of the fringe will: which means every decline from the social consciousness of the death point, will cause huge lower unconscious transgression, pain, trauma, evil and the war occurred, as the risk in the decline.

Then this topic showed that, the proper wider field of free will is needed to trigger the human society to develop a more geometric complexity in human legal and social consciousness, that is, the forward thinking of the ages of the enlightenment, and the consideration of the death point and its conciliation.

Then how could we examine the changing awareness of the natural law, as the its consequence with the current human whole will?

According the interpretation below, the increase through the determinable elements in free will to be received by natural law, might not affect the level of Current age principle. However, the increase through the determinable elements for Current age principle might increase the level of the human principle, and which might challenge the internal complicity of human social consciousness.

Then point for more involved free will in natural law, might only affect the free will participation in Natural law, which might affect theories on natural law, but did not affect current age principle and current Human legal and social consciousness

(Conclusion 3) That is to say, humanity growth is not the reconciliation between natural law and free will, but instead it is the reconciliation between human current age principle (social & legal consciousness contained) (whole human will current age) and the whole human free (whole) will with God through time (drive for boundaries cross), then death point reconciled the human principled legal & social consciousness with the whole human free will in that age. Since the reflection from natural law to human social principle has been determinable by the death point of fringe will, which has been affected by the determinable elements for human current age principle in natural law.

So, “death point of fringe will” reconcile the human social consciousness with current human whole will (human current age principle), then “death point of fringe will” has been affected and reflected by the determinable elements for human current principle in natural law.

That is to say, the determinable elements for human current principle participated in natural law, indirectly reconcile the human social consciousness with current human whole will. However, differentiated from the crucial role for “death point” is that “death point” also reconciles the second sphere judgements, social ideological punishment and sacrifice into human social & legal consciousness for growth.

This is reason why natural law cannot directly leads to material recognition, but a more descriptive, more distinguishable object for the ideal, which fulfil part of fulfilment in obeying God and his subject into this ideal object, which indirectly [Debate 1], define the death point of fringe will, and the termination (boundary) between human social consciousness and fringe will to reach a sacrifice for humanity growth and reconciliation.

(Assumption, that the perfect current natural law should be a square rather than a rectangular. As the characters of the natural law is unbiased towards each aspect to life.) So, the rectangular below indicates the assumptive measurement towards the dedication of the elements of human current level principles, participated in natural law for impact on human current whole will.

Some calculation and index

Assume that the natural law in different age could be manifested as the different size in Square, and it stands for its unbiased character in covering all aspects in human’s life.

(Conclusion 4) In the calculation above, We can get that, the proper grow in human principle caused by its growth in consciousness in natural law might indirectly affect the “the death point of Fringe will” by the impact on the human principle awareness determined factors in natural laws received, to the degree that might not always reach its maximum potential. (That is to say, a foregoing free will exceeded the current human natural law awareness, to some degree, might be the detriment to the better and completed human whole will in their age. Since one factor Vg could be 0 and negative in the sum up equation for the whole gain. Another factor, Tg, can only be positive, which in the sum up formula brings more consideration that, what is propriety for receiving the free will from different age, in our natural law or human principle level challenge the society might bring the best outcome”.)

Then I thought those 3 factors, r0, Vg and Tg could potentially form the index for such measurement for wellbeing and challenges.

Appendix I:


There is no evil existed in the God and his subject at all.


Question: Has Evil been created by God?

My Answer: No, those angles and being has been created by God, then might I titled them as God and its subject [1] (Holy book reference21).

Then when one of the angels refused to bow to Adam, and disobey the subject of God. Here this evil has created as the “object [2] (Holy book reference22) of the disobeying will of God subject and its cause”, in my opinion. Then When Adam ate the forbidden Apple, the sin, it was “the object of failure to Obey God subject and its cause”, in my opinion.

That is to say, there would be no evil in God, his subject and his creation.

Then Evil is in object of disobeying God and his subject, it and of its consequences.

When God and its subject go through our mind, Word might be separated due to the object of the characters.

Then when the mind is with the object of obeying, then he receives sacred knowledge, intelligence and divine inspiration.

Then when the mind is with the object of disobeying, it would create the thought of Evil.

So that is to say, one is closer to the God and his subject, one has more responsibility towards his mind.

Evil and sins are the object of the disobeying of the God subject and its cause.

21Quran 40:57 “assuredly the creation of the heavens and the earth is greater than the creation of mankind; but most of mankind know not”

Quran 2:29 “He it is who created for you all that is in the earth. Then turned He to the heaven, and fashioned it as seven heavens. And He is knower of all things”

Quran 39:51 “but the evils they earned smote them; and such of these as do wrong, the evils that they earn will smite them; they cannot escape”

22 Quran 43:78 “We verily brought the truth unto you, but ye were, most of you, averse to the Truth”

Quran 2: 42 “The way (of blame) is only against those who oppress mankind, and wrongfully rebel in the earth for such there is a painful doom.”

So the human’s mind, filled with words, and it was said that “At first, Word are with God”.

Then human’ mind could generate 2 kind of thought,

Under the object of the obeying of God subject and its cause, Human’s mind starts to generate sacred knowledge, intelligence and wisdom.

Under the object of the disobeying of God subject and is cause, Human’s mind start to generate Evil thought.

The sensibility of obeying and disobeying of God and his subject can only be aware of from Wisdom of Heart and God knowledge and grow through time. The divine guidance is not linage with the time and space see (conclusion 1 )

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