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Two worlds of the feminines -----Lilith and Eve-----how to deal with psychological crisis caused by

It is interesting that I started to make exegesis towards this prehistoricl topic, that is full of the shadow to be treated as the dark side of the human existence.

It is certain that demons would not do anything that would be good to human. it contains prehitorical rages and jealous within unconsciousness contrast with our current human establishment in spiritul and hunted with its hooks. Indeed, Lilith represented as kind of destruction to what we hve established from invisibel source, also this invisible forces, seems non-expellable, existed in the divine level of adam, constructed as the plots with consciousness of flee from Eden, ban of Eden, 2 sabbath and source of the tree of life.

we even regards that the power seems dewelled in the level of was horrible towards all partrichic religions, it seems non-resistable. but,what is the treasure behind such darkness we have been offensed?

to my own opinion, I started to realize that the consciousness towards Lilith and Eve is in spiritual level, that is, it might have no actual vessels or certainty in material level, since it could merely be descried likelihood through indication and metphor.

If the theme of the demons are hunting,then the theme of Even is divine presence. the former is seduce, steal and oppress , and then later is restoration, life and endless communion of the love within.

Since Eve is from the adam, she submited to the consciousness of the adam,therefore she is manifestation of such divine power internally. the spiritul worlds between Eve and Lilith is the battle field between the external demonic oppression and internal divine presence in femeline level.

thus, Lilith oppress us through what is void in divine presence, we could then understand why in Psychological consicousness of the lilith, indicated the the destruction power in pushing us into reflection, to discover our 'eve' for divine support. the hunt might be caused our desire which has been departed from the divine presence or the divine will,then we have been absolutely seduced by her abusolutly seduction.

Then,Let observe the etymology.

word, seduce: seduce (v.) Look up seduce at

1520s, "to persuade a vassal, etc., to desert his allegiance or service," from Latin seducere "lead away, lead astray," from se- "aside, away" (see secret (n.)) + ducere "to lead," from PIE root *deuk- "to lead." Sexual sense, now the prevailing one, is attested from 1550s and apparently was not in Latin. Originally "entice (a woman) to a surrender of chastity." Related: Seduced; seducing.

Replaced Middle English seduisen (late 15c.), from Middle French séduire "seduce," from Old French suduire "to corrupt, seduce," from Latin subducere "draw away, withdraw, remove" (see subduce).

according to etymology, we could sense that, seduction might be blended with leadership, wtih important denotation as 'away from deuk', that is away from lead and duty.

'lead' and 'duty' has various connections between other etymological deriveriton.

such as word 'education', are mainly dealving with 'to lead'ideology.

word, 'duty', according to etymology,

late 13c., from Anglo-French duete, from Old French deu "due, owed; proper, just," from Vulgar Latin *debutus, from Latin debitus, past participle of debere "to owe," originally, "keep something away from someone," from de- "away" (see de-) + habere "to have" (from PIE root *ghabh- "to give or receive"). Related: Duties. The sense of "tax or fee on imports, exports, etc." is from late 15c.; duty-free as a noun is attested from 1958.

it could be interpreted as a depature from proper owe for the due just, as word 'seduce'

then what does this mean? we have to combine 'away from proper owe for the due just' with void that Lilith maintained.

from Genesis 1-10

1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.

7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.

8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

9 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.

10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.

There is a word 'void' in the second terms, interpreted as English.

Since in Genesis, we could find that God has his due orders for creation In the beginning God who created the heaven and the earth. but at first earth is void. so we had concept that there is void earth before order of creation, and the dry land called earth after several steps of God's creation.

then here We see Genesis 1-10 is the just (God will) and due order (creation) .

so We could understand that the rebellion desire of Lilith is that of per-creation, namely, void which is 'away from the proper owe for due just'. void earth bear no witness, barren, no yielding, no production and no protection for the shield as kingdom (malchut), which is reversed desire, that is against the orders of the creation.

Then this might be the deep meaning for seduction and its consequence is void.

Hence, what to be made void, is always those existed outside of the orders of the creation,that turn out to be as the corruption and destruction. that might the manner of how she hunted, since she hunted those 'grounds' that stands not still in 'holy ground'.

secondly, Lilith might also stand for the initial attitude for dualism.


27: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Here The female has been estimated as Lilith, which has equal level of the creation as Adam, independent from the male domain. then as consequences, She fled away from Adam, fall as demon.

Satan is falling from fire, since he was angel.

Lilith is falling from man, so psychologically we title it is the dark side of the humanity. presented as female principle.

this reminds me of the dualism of the ancient religions, usually, they have 2 gods, ruled as female and male. most of the case, as described, then ideology of feminine gods, might serve the ideology of Lilith. it might stand for the invisible destructive power from desire of the origin, void, just like the ideology of the black hole in the universe, that is the opposite force for external destruction for return in level of dualism.

then the world of Eve is different, she was yielded under the consciousness of Adam. therefore she is integrative part of bigger Adam consciousness.her feminine principle should be internalized. so we would sense that all the famine divine presence should a internal experience.

Then we might discover the reality that any external destruction from the Lilith world might cause the spiritual wound, groundless, confusion with much more destructive oppression in emotional level caused by the consequence of the 'seductions' (jealous for destruction for return by dispelling the just order) . it might leads to void of those soul possessed, with bringing the deep crisis for the soul in looking for righteous Feminine principle from inside. this is the world of the Eve, hidden at first, then when it has been made conscious in Genesis 2:22

'And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.'

Some psychological transformation in the theme of the approach of the Lilith, it destructs those creation lacks inner divine feminine principle, or lacks just order in owe by assumption. By Contrast, by return inner divine feminine principle would be a strong reflection as transformation into union with world of Eve.

this is a story towards 2 holy book plotted female, and their transformation towards human desire by Exegesis.The fighting is for the gradual yielded internal power during this transformation.

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