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Chao Zheng (Justin,Dwood)

Ontological myth for Christ in Arabic invocation

Well in the Standard Arabic, there is an unimportant categories for the vocabularies invocations, that is, the categories of the solar letters and lunar letters. Basically the rules and the principles are various with different layers towards the categories, by conclusion, might we find some interesting traits towards the revelation in Quran by more understanding. At first we know, that there are 14 solar letters and 14 lunar letters in standard Arabic for the average balance at original I suppose, which associated with different Makhariji around from the one’s lips to his throat.

The Character of the lunar letters are much ranged in the spread field, including 4 lip letters and 6 throat letters letters and another 2 are extra one. It covers ones fore-part of the head and back part of the head through invocation and pronunciation, with only letter ee (yod): sustained the middle part of the head, and a (alif): sustained the pronunciation from the chest. Then in solar letters, it mainly covered the tongue letters except Qaf and Kaf, which are close to the position of the uvula, which concerned on the middle part of the head when on focused on his invocations. From the insight of the Torah, the great light rule the day and weaker light rule the night according to the Genesis Chapter one. Until it is close to the end of the time, the Moon light and the sun light would become equal (the resource still could be found in oral Torah). Here we needs to make some category towards the Arabic letters and its attributes towards the different character of the Sun and Moon. For the sun letter, it is simple to distinguish that, they are tongue letters, including touching the front and middle part of the inner plate. The Moon letter are much complicated according to my observation and perception from the holy scripts no matter from Torah or in Quran.

At first, we need to talk about myth of Lilith in genesis. Lilith stands for the dark moon, or dark side of the moon, in the myth of the Torah, it reveals the legends of Lilith and her craving creature, making false Sabbath to steal the source of the divine light from the tree of life, it stands for pre-historical revenge and desire of the anti-divine order towards the void and barren. She also theologically associated with the wicked animals at night, the symbol of the red moon. Hence there is a holy say that: when the moon light is impure, the night becomes harder. In addition, The promise land that Moses and Aaron leads his people to is the Israel, a place, that is under the pure Moon light, according to Torah. So by consciousness, we started to know that there is good moon and there is bad moon by perception and worships even in ancient times.

In Torah, it was believed that The moon is important than the Sun, since the moon is the only illumination in the darkness, when all the impure cravings gathered. Therefore, without divine law, the invocation of the improper words in Arabic even could brought ‘bad-moon’ Shirk, according to my personal observation during my studies.

Then I categorize the there are 3 groups of conscious possibility towards moon Arabic letters.

1. Lips letters (B,F,M,W)+ 1 tongue letter ee +2 special non-circularized tongue letter (Qof, kaf) (this is the group I titled as the possibility in invocation for supportive moon ideology)

2. Throat letters (Ha,ho,Gh,AA,HAA,) (this is the group I titled as the possibility in invocation for destructive moon ideology)

3. extra moon letters (Alif, Ja) Firstly, we would able to find in moon letter, the light force and heavy force are unequal by the light over the heavy ones (7-5).

Then due to the Torah, we find the Moon light is weaker at the night than the sun at the day time, what does this mean? We assume that there is 14 solar letters, 12 lunar letters in active, since Ja is fluctuated by its pronunciation (gh) and Alif is not pronounced in lot of Cases.

In Hebrew, Alif stands for the unification of the world, then as script indicated, not until the last time, the Moon light will not be equal with Sun light (it might imply for the exaltation of the letter Ja and Alif) However, some pronunciation in Egypt making ja into Ga, might transfer the word from the tongue letter into the throat letter, that is to say, ‘ga’ sound make 7-6 light-heavy moon consciousness, while it is the heavy moon, not the light one.

Personally I awared that ‘bad-moon’ consciousness could be detected by one’s abnormal energetic presence in his throat and I also detected it associated with Lilith through Astrology. Then we raise a paraphrased question from this: ‘did you properly manage your deep throat revenge?’ by etymology we started to trace the word of the throat to find more trace in English.

throat (n.)

Old English þrote (implied in þrotbolla "the Adam's apple, larynx," literally "throat boll"), related to þrutian "to swell," from Proto-Germanic *thrut- (source also of Old High German drozza, German Drossel, Old Saxon strota, Middle Dutch strote, Dutch strot "throat"), of uncertain origin. Italian strozza "throat," strozzare "to strangle" are Germanic loan-words. College slang for "competitive student" is 1970s, from cutthroat.

Apple towards even, might stands for by using low will for craving ‘image of the God’, since in Hebrew, since in Hebrew, ‘image of God’ is same as the meaning of the ‘light of the star’, the sin in the world creation level of first H de I-H-W-h. However towards Adam, the apple might stand for failing to obey God and decline the seduction. Therefore, would those invocation consciousness determines its shirk with different manifestations in male or female by gender, still turned out not to be discovered. The it is time to talk about the ontological invocation of Christ consciousness in solar or lunar vocabulary. We tried different names for the Christ to determine the degree of the level of such solar of lunar invocation.

1.Jesus (solar/lunar=2:1)

2.Christ(Soalr/Lunar= 1:1)

3.Christos (solar/Lunar=1:1)

4.Messiah (Solar/Lunar=1:2)

Then I wish to list the Etymology for those words for Jesus Christ


personal name of the Christian Savior, late 12c.; it is the Greek form of Joshua, used variously in translations of the Bible. From Late Latin Iesus (properly pronounced as three syllables), from Greek Iesous, which is an attempt to render into Greek the Aramaic (Semitic) proper name Jeshua (Hebrew Yeshua, Yoshua) "Jah is salvation." This was a common Jewish personal name during the Hellenizing period; it is the later form of Hebrew Yehoshua (see Joshua).

Old English used hælend "savior." The common Middle English form was Jesu/Iesu, from the Old French objective case form, from Latin oblique form Iesu (genitive, dative, ablative, vocative), surviving in some invocations. As an oath, attested from late 14c. For Jesus H. Christ (1924), see I.H.S. First record of Jesus freak is from 1970.

Christ (n.)

title given to Jesus of Nazareth, Old English crist (by 830, perhaps 675), from Latin Christus, from Greek khristos "the anointed" (translation of Hebrew mashiah; see messiah), noun use of verbal adjective of khriein "to rub, anoint" (see chrism). The Latin term drove out Old English Hæland "healer, savior," as the preferred descriptive term for Jesus.

A title, treated as a proper name in Old English, but not regularly capitalized until 17c. Pronunciation with long -i- is result of Irish missionary work in England, 7c.-8c. The ch- form, regular since c. 1500 in English, was rare before. Capitalization of the word begins 14c. but is not fixed until 17c. The 17c. mystical sect of the Familists edged it toward a verb with Christed "made one with Christ."

messiah (n.)

c. 1300, Messias, from Late Latin Messias, from Greek Messias, from Aramaic (Semitic) meshiha and Hebrew mashiah "the anointed" (of the Lord), from mashah "anoint."

This is the word rendered in Septuagint as Greek Khristos (see Christ). In Old Testament prophetic writing, it was used of an expected deliverer of the Jewish nation. The modern English form represents an attempt to make the word look more Hebrew, and dates from the Geneva Bible (1560). Transferred sense of "an expected liberator or savior of a captive people" is attested from 1660s.

Personally, according to the integrative combination for what we have found above is that, I thought Christ invocation might be a lunar consciousness in arabic with name ‘anointed’ from the etymology, refereed as the consciousness of the ee ..Yod (the light, the finger point), refereed as the one of the moon letter, which is the only tongue letters among them, quite unique and special.

Quran 41:37 and the Day, and the Sun and the Moon. Do not prostrate to the sun and the moon, but prostrate to Allah

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