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Chao Zheng (Justin,Dwood)

Inspiration between ancient Greek Law and current Law ideology

it seems that the current modern communitarianism has better solution and understanding towards the ancient Greek politics problematic infusion between the ideology and condition of the necessaries between the Individual liberty and the community (group) liberty.

It might be caused by the despotism and the Law reign without ministrations, under the law, in which it ambiguously distinguish the boundaries between the liberty between individual and the groups.

Hence one of the misunderstanding towards 'equity' might be derived from the fusion of the liberty between group and the individual.

I title current concept is 'detailed law' and 'diversification of legal forms' rather than its conceptual rule, such as in Greek time. It implies the seperation of basic principle law, as the differetiation between law of wish and law of the facts, which to be treated in different orientation in justification between wish, condemnation and right.

Another opinion might be that, the difference of the law between ancinet greek and current, turn out to be constructive difference, but the indeed the quality of the law has changed, that is, the mental conponents towards the immotality and recognition towards divine's partici[pation in the law.

This indeed inspired me, as the first cause to examin and meausre the difference from the angle of the existentialism by such quality.

Since in the Greek time, it is the law combining philosophy, pantheon, and virtue it endowed such cosmological view in theology itself. the law is half human and half divine. the immortal concept has been strongly imposed in law abides with virtue and wish.

in current secular law, it is the law of the operation and ministration, alliance with social science, nature law and law of fact. It is half law of nature and half law of humanity. The issue of control might indicate the imperfection of the legal awareness and the limits of the time. In another voice, it is the mortal questioning and measurement towards the law and its binding.

Hence I realized that there existed sort of the difference between Greek equity and the Christ equity, that is, between the pious of the virtue regards immortality and mortal condemination regards to guilt salvation.

In my opinion, the occurrence of the 'right' might stands of the human consideration towards Law and time, it could be treated as existentialism of leges, which powerfully imposed the consicousness of the limits and mortality as law's examination

In such ideology, the concern becomes and shifts in to, what is validation and consequence of such existentialism of the leges to be made, as concept as well as action in time and the space. since it aims the limits, forcus on condemnation and questioning morality to bring spiritual salvation.

The issue of control might indicate the imperfection of the legal awareness and the its limitation in time and space, I thought this might leads to the ideology of the custom and law making as later ideology followed by this existentialism. That is, human law is with time and space as limits. since Law has been treated as the intelligent organism and objective fact itself gradually, rather than a group issue or wish even the ideal, enlightened from famous talk 'things talking themselves'.

That is, it forms a dynamic scale with wit in current facts and intelligence, that is, the justice is no more a terms of concept or wish, but a dynamic achievement through Virtue that belongs to ancient as well as in ccurrent through questioning mortals with immortal spirit.

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