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Chao Zheng (Justin,Dwood)

The correlation between ancient Chinese scripts and its evolution in unique legal development

I have developed a prehistorical Chinese- Phoenician- Semitic correlation chat last year, Then I have gained much awareness towards the prehistorical scripture correlation in the level of ancient scripture's insight.

as well as by analyzing the ancient uyghur script, which has been used around 2 thousand years ago, it clearly shows the language and relevant racial descendant is from one branch of the Turkic / Turk speakers. This adopted the influence from 3 languages, that is, the Aramaic, Phoenician and Arabic.

From the script of the old Uighur script, we could find that the initial status of the script is very similar towards the Aramaic, the its procession to the final indicates the acceptance of the European influences and Arabic influences, since the letter becomes longer and with more tails emphasized on its constructions . This scripture shows as strong correlation between script 'samek' and the 'Qof', that is, they just 2 dots on the structure of 'samek' in it. Can you imagine how in arabic, of the 'Qof' removed their 2 dots and formed the consciousness of the symbolic representative as 'Samek' which Arabic and Latin did not contain them in script as consciousness. It might indicate by research the ancient Urghur language, some structural correlation between 'samek' and 'arabic' might be discovered.

Then another consciousness is with ancient Chinese script, In this chat, we could find the ancient Urghur script only possess one T, namely by observation, it is the structure of the 'Tat', but not 'Tav'.

Interestingly, by unfolding the Chinese heavenly branch and earthly branch, we found Chinese not only contain consciousness of 'tat', 'tav', but also 'sade' and 'Samek' which Latin did not possess.

The secret of the script of oracle Chinese indicate that its symbol '十' represent the consciousness of the 'tav', modern Chinese '甲', which has been indicated as mythical 'wood' element with construction in guardian energy in Chinese mythology. however, 'tat' related with ancient Chinese '葵', indicate natural yielding of the accumulation, it indicates the water element for such yielding, much emphasizing on accumulation of the fortune, business and gifting.

Towards 'sade' conscientiousness in ancient Chinese, which is associated with '寅', 'hunting and power'. as well, the 'Samek' consciousness was indicated by the ancient script '辛','spicy and trade', which reminds of the ancient 'ocean silk road', spicy trade to the Europeans, India and Egypt.

Lets now return to legal section, since we find there is one letter called '酉', its shape has been hardly match any script from Semitic or Phoenician, formed special and unique consciousness in Spring & atumn war times through the state 'Zheng'. interestingly the presence of the '酉' in social consciousness has been imposed in unique Chinese legal consciousness brought by the state of 'Zheng' in Spring & autumn war times. as its written format 'Zheng' ‘鄭’, that was the county associated with '酉', initially it was mentioned that it was indicated for vessel of the wine and reservation. But indeed, I found this metaphor, failed to connect with such structural meaning with functions by social transition.

‘酉’ stands for the internal reasoning of the script ‘鼎’, since during the time of the Jewish first temple collapsing, Chinese ancient nobles and aristocrats fell into normal class, with disordered social virtue and guidance, so this caused the first ancient Chinese social evolution, represented by ‘Zheng’, through establishing the first coded law to secure the social order from the collapsing of the ancient ethics and reasoning, then by scribe those laws on the ‘鼎’, hence the first coded law in ancient china pave transition between ‘酉’ and ‘鼎’ . This represented as the generation of the ancient legal consciousness, when no one have power to rule, it formed coded concept of the punishment and rules, that is, criminology and coded law. The law is for reservation what to be threaten into lost. Since ‘酉’ is opposite of ‘卯’ which represented as mouth associated with script ‘Fa’, derived into meaning for ‘talking’,’ debating’ in reasoning. It could be treated as one of transition between Spring (speaking and debating, philosophizing)& autumn era to war time(law and state), since the consciousness of the ‘酉’ and ‘卯’ indicated that ‘when what could be talked was becoming wrecked, enclosure make it ‘reserved and cultivated in manner’, through this ideology of ‘酉’, it transited into a consciousness of ‘鼎’, then words becomes coded written escribed to the unique Chinese legal consciousness development (the coded written invalidates the wrecked talk) (such as Lain legal maxims, the better sounded words prefer to affection, but absurdity cease its affection ), Just like, the wine it invalidated reasoning as well as dispelling lies.

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