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Chao Zheng (Justin,Dwood)

Invention of Science of Kabbalist Taoism

This New inspiration and assumption between kabbalah tree and Yi

The family tree structure can not indicate the integration of unity and return.

Good news is in this structure, it might let us know what is important in the division, which is becoming middle pillar and what is the hierarchy for this creation and exempted it from the idolatry and forming the philosophical theory of Taoism.

"3" in this picture, indicating that 2 generating 4, and it create the 5th,and the 5th complete with the previous as the stable ness of Three. Thus, "3" is completion of "2", and the Gap is 5.

we can say that in conscious level, 3 is the completion of the "2", since the "2" stands for changes and conscious difference between male and female (the gap between the Sun and Moon in perceiving consciousness and unconsciousness). so if it is completed, it will reach "3".

Since consciously, "3" are associated with "10" and 3 also could imply that 10*3=30. 30 years is the cycle of Saturn based on solar calendar observation.



"3"/"2"= 10/2=5 (Gap)

(In Torah, the creation in the fifth (number five) day is:

And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

22 And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.

23 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day. )

Since the number 5 is to complete 3 with 2, so in Torah the creation in the second Day is:

(And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.)

8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

which might indicate the stableness of the 2 firmament, might be associated with the creation in 5th day. it could be represented as the Hebrew 'V' From letter Y-H-V-H, in the early stage. That is, the 'V' make H stable in the 5th day's creation.

'6' here indicating the level to Yosed, without the interruption of the level of the Bina and Hirschman, counted as 5 elements with yesod, which stands for the completion of the 8 diagram. since the number "6" did not include previous prominent 2. thus "6" also stands for small manifestation under the Yin and Yang, presented as the symbol 8 diagram, but the Yin and Yang is in ruling yet not participating. It has the same value as Chinese 甲子Calendar as one small cycle, it might indicate the involvement of the measurement of the cycle of the 5 elements, for the entrance of the wisdom and the in woe, and the secret of the desire from Shaul (Yosed.). It is under the control of the previous division of the Yin and Yang, higher realm of the dualism.


consciously, "6" is the completion with "5", since "6" is associated with "60", we can not hardly find that "6"might be associated with "50+10"----> 5*10+10.

that is to say, since "10" associated with "3", that it makes 5 mutually certain, also based on 3, 5 would be completed by 6.


"6"-"5"=60-50=10= "3" (Certainty of the 3rd with previous 2 division of the male and the female, is the distance between five elements and 8 diagrams )

"6"/"5"=60/50= 1.2

also we have

5*"3"+"3"=50+10= 60

from here, We could say that why 甲子 could stands for small completion that It might stands correlated with number 6, the day 6 of creation.

And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so

.25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.

31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.'

Interestingly, we could find that, the Male and Female of God image (star- light) has been created by God in those day (6), it does involve the concept of previous 2 Yin and Yang division, then in this condition they are not only in ruling but also participating.

God image (Star-light) is from the level of first hebrew 'Yod' 'HE' of the Word Y-H-V-H, and then involved into the dimension of the ‘V’, we could understand the main completion on the 6th day of creation is the correlation between property of first 'HE' and the 'V' in a mature stage compared with what has been shown in day 5's creation. since the earlier stage, water and Firmament contains spirits, so the animal is spirits- body creation from this point view. The difference of the sixth day is the Light of the (Image of God in Hebrew is the star-Light ) star, which is higher mercy, intelligence and light, comes down to the level of V, according to the participation higher female and male, forma a later relative matured stage.

Then here, 9 stands for the bigger cycle as the Saturnine measurement, as the Triple of the small Cycle 甲子,in the below, treated as the peace and completion, it contains same meaning as Arabic and Hebrew Waw (7), that is exalted '7' and compled by '7', which is '9'.

the difference between '9' and '7' is that, the female completion in Calendars division. which stands for the Merging of the Bina, not only imposed herself as law and restriction but consciously wrapped with the Hassadim and mercy with conjunction with the higher Male part. It integrate on the integration of the 8 diagram, with highest 2 male and female energy as participation, also it shapes the reality of the accepting of the division of the infinity division with this completed structure. Also this is time of foregoing 'Speech', since the Elle descends from first level of the 'H', yet reach the Malchut, it is the process of "hearing the voice above". without sin, the knowledge has no ego abides. since the higher minds and light is ready and going down.

so we could assume that when it is only '7', firmament is forming over there, and Marchut is in ascending, but '9' stands for the return of the Marchut, and pierce of the Firmament, since it reaches the completion of the higher mercy through his own position.

3. "9"

consciously, "9" is the completion with "7", "7" is octave "10", so “7” is also octave "3"; in solar system the nearest distance from earth to Saturn, is around 7 times the distance from the earth to Sun. This consciousness only could be found in the comparison between Solar/lunar orbital calendars and Jupiter/Saturn orbital Calendars; Since "7" will be found as the number correlation between 甲子 and modern solar Calendar.

we have notice that Saturn/ Jupiter cycle is 20 years according to the solar calendar calculation, and 甲子 for one major Saturn centred cycle is 60*3=180, then we can find 20*9=180, that is to say "9" is associated with "180", which also is the total degrees of the triangle. Then we can not hardly to know that, "7" will be associated with 3*50=150.

so we have



"9"-"7"= 180-150=30=3*"10"= 3*"3"----> which is Saturn's cycle according to earth aspect with solar calendar.

"9"/"7"=180/150=1.2= "6"/"5" (similar with smaller cycle, but the difference is that, here is the certainty of the upper "three" paved the completion with female side, but not only the certainty of the 3rd from the five elements.. so it included totally 9 property together as one understanding as '9' as '180' )

also the in the creation in 7th day, it is rested, and settled with peace, it definitely stands for a huge completion and a huge cycle. what 9 stands for is that maters of Hebrew second Letter H de word Y-H-V-H. it is not evolved in the creation of the world, yet it is the after creation, its stands for the lower world's ascending upper to conjunction, such as the pierce of the Firmament as Completion. In this Stage, '9' might stand for the properties association after creation. it is hidden with MI and MA Character. and their observation in egocentric dimension.

also we could find number 1.2, is similar value appeared in the completion between '6'/'5' and '9'/'7', we could find that 0.2 is 1/5, which stands for the one of the elements, with number 1. number could be treated as creation of first day, so in Torah, it is said that,

'And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

so 1 might indicate that might be the work of the Light, the light that governs differently in day and night. with one of the elements, We assume that, the elements should be the fifth, since it is made to be certainty, out of the dualism from the higher male and Female to make them 3 in completion. so it might indicate of the Yod of the Y-H-V-H in integration degree, that is the light and creation, and its perception in property desire (Yesod) with number '6, also it stands the 6th sense'. so we can find, the distance of '6' (desire, lower manifestation of 8 diagram ) to '5'(five elements) is '3', that is certainty and staleness between female and male manifestation, union as balanced 3 in Tiferet, in creating the lower certain in the middle line (Yosed).

Interesting we could find that 1.2 occurred in the same value between '9' and '7', that is the fifith elements as certainty (Tiferet), with Light it received from above as a certain diffusion from 2 lines above. but interestingly, the distance between '9' and '7' is so huge, that it is the Triple '3', by direct translation, it is triple certainty of trinity. since it involves with Malchut: the endless division.

Actually We could focus on one fact, that is, there are 3 properties in Male line and another 3 properties in female line. in the after creation of the world, the adjusting of the property is the ascending and descending from the properties of Malchut. Then Malchut is egocentric and with endless division. when it ascending, it might cause the division above, so the triple 3 might stands for each 3 properties in the dimension of V and First H, as division, when the whole integration with the lower world, with their ascendance. so there is Triple certainty of the both male and female side total properties, then by this this is why it is 3* '3', triple Certainty as trinity, which emphasized on the Chapel of the Issac, crowned Tiferet.

also We could get why there are 64 diagram, since 8*8 =64 each 8 stands for properties of the male and female, as the consequences of the divisions, since eight diagram has been defined by the the accumulation of the level, however, 8*8 is from the aspects of the division, caused by Malchut's ascension, de level of second H and V, with their arrangement in sequences.

Are you prisoned by 3,6,9???

Dynamic-sim between 伏羲 and 文王diagram through Kabbalah tree

Change and dynamics occurred in the structure of Kabblah between Fuxi and Wenwang diagrams

North : Tif---Gravuah (middle female -- female)

South: Tif--Chesed (middle male --- male )

East : Chesed --- Natzach (male -- male)

West: Gravuah--- Yesod (female --- middle male )

SW: Hod--- TIf (female --- middle female)

SE: Yesod --Hod (middle Male-- female)

NW: Yesod --- Tif (middle female -- middle male)

NE: Netzch---Yesod (male –middle female )

According to the observation into the changes of the energy statrum change through Kabalah tree, from 伏羲 to 文王

Then we could get the knowledge and conclusions here:

Those who's energy is created from the Tiferet (the fifth elements), from Fuxi (伏羲)to the Wenwang (文王)diagram : )

North, South, SE, (stands for the externalization of the source from the ancient time).

Those who is created returned to the Tiferent (the fifth elements) From Fuxi to the Wen wang diagram :

West, SW , NE (stands for the concealment and internalization of the source form the ancient time)

Unique position, reserved:

NW. none has been manifested or concealed but with the Tiferent (the fifth elements. )

Energy module: flow module

From this picture we use scientific vision in examining the Ancient Chinese 8 diagram from 2 different times: 伏羲 (natural philosophy and mythology) and 文王 (social philosophy and mythology)with their combination in manifested with energetic transferring from old and times and new times, manifested as energetic cycling with core (the fifth elements)..

Interestingly, in china, NE and West direction has same direction that they sent their transferring into manifestation, in the location of SE and NW

new chart for manifestation of the externalized and internalized energy transfer between 8 diagram from FUXI and WENWANG

There is further depth in the more specific chart for manifestation of the externalized and internalized energy between 伏羲 and 文王 8 diagrams in levels of energies (reference in Kabbalah tree) in China with 8 direction, shown below

Towards the integration of the diagrams, the energy turns out to be interestingly manifested in the integration of the Diagram of 伏羲 and diagram of the 文王.

Interestingly, the highest value for manifestation after the 文王 transformation, the prime value turn out to be manifested strongly in geographical north and geographical south.

As the north is female, south is male, and we still could detect the details that:

The north close to 2 directions which are negative in concealing, which means only the north direction is only manifestation within its closest directions.

The south are with southwest which is below the zero, but south east which is beyond the zero of the manifestation. So SE (South East)is unique it is the only positive direction that is close to all positive value within the directions.

Then, according to Chart, and its fluctuations, that there is a unique point between SE and E, which forms a special middel plate, as a constant level of the of the energy stability, Also because of this, it forms the difference betwenen the North and Sourth. That is, The (female) North direction in the middle of ( Yesod (middle line female) left -2, Tif (middle line male)right-1 ); however, the (male) south direction in the middle of (Tif (middle line female) left -1, Hod (female) right +1).

This is interesting that, the north direction (female) is close to middle line female and middle line male, (that is male and female but not manifestation into dualistic polarities) . Towards South direction (male), is close to the middle line female and female, (that is 2 females with one manifested and one concealed. regardless of the the polarities, we could find that, no matter is it direction of north or south and with their nearest direction beside, it has been consisted as one male and two female .

Then we have assumption of the 伏羲changing into 文王 system, system that the value is changed through such:

North: :-1 to +2 (middle to left up)

South: -1 to +2 (middle to right up)

East: +2 to+1 (right up down to right low)

West: +2 to -2(left up down to middle low )

SW: +1 to-1 (left low upto middle )

SE: -2 to+1 (middle low up to left low)

Nw: -2 to -1 (middle low up to middle)

NE: +1 to -2 (right low down to middle low)

We could basically get that in old time of fuxi, North and south is concealed in energy’s manifestation, so in polarities, from the prehistories, that the place did not change manifestations are :

East, always positive

Nw(North west): always concealed

Those who ascendance are

: North and south, SW, SE, NW,

Those who decadence are NE, East and West.

We could discovered that, the manifestation and concealment are always in 50/50, so according to the this we could assume that, it secretly determines the cycle, reception and deliver of the energies.

But interestingly, from the ascension and desension consequence of the change of the system, that, it take price of three directions to exalt another 5 directions. It is fair.

The whole movement in kabbalah tree did not involve the correlation between Netzch to Tiferet .

So we would assume that the dedication of this ascending is imposing on the female line, the Hod, by transform and descend right line to form left lower cycle in kabbalah tree, imposing the intuitive Hod with Tiferet correlation then back to original higher position, and this leads to the changes in the directions, based on the emphasized on cycles in Hod.

Then could assume that, the change from 伏羲diagram to the 文王 diagram might impose its emphasize on the ascensions associated with Hod, and transformed Netzech

Then, according to Chart, and its fluctuations, that there is a unique point between SE and E, which forms a special middle plate, as a constant level of the of the energy stability, Also because of this, it forms the difference betwenen the North and Sourth. That is, The (female) North direction in the middle of ( Yesod (middle line female) left -2, Tif (middle line male)right-1 ); however, the (male) south direction in the middle of (Tif (middle line female) left -1, Hod (female) right +1).

This is interesting that, the north direction (female) is close to middle line female and middle line male, (that is male and female but not manifestation into dualistic polarities) . Towards South direction (male), is close to the middle line female and female, (that is 2 females with one manifested and one concealed. regardless of the the polarities, we could find that, no matter is it direction of north or south and with their nearest direction beside, it has been consisted as one male and two female .

Here we will list a male/female energy with polarities or without below, after the WenWang period, in order to figure out the pattern of the each direction:

North : Gravuah:female

South: Chesed---male

East : Natzach male

West: Yesod middle line male )

SW: TIf ---middle line female

SE: Hod ---female

NW: Tif ----middle line male

NE: Yesod--- middle line female )

South----South East---East ---North east--North---North West---West--- South West

Male----Female ----Male---- invisible female--- female ---invisible male ----invisible male--- invisible female

Directions with 2 females and 1 male:


directions with 2 males and 1 female:


Then we could make a pattern according the chat above, represented as the real dynamism between FUXI and WENWANG

the prominent figure is northern west small triangle in in manifestation

Then we could get

W-NW-N= invisible male--invisible male--female

it seems likely that the only enclosed flow is only manifested in this area, we could also image the uniqueness of NW, non revealed polarities from FuXI to WenWANG era.

Then we could get the conclusion that, the reason why the constant energy level has been hold between East and South east, might be due to non direct energy interference between South-South east and East, while the flow jumping over the SE, directly imposing to the location of the East. So this is no enclosed field for 2 male and 1 female to be manifested, if there such, it might lead to the stuck of the energy.

Basically, We have aware that the NW forms a special enclosed energy flow, constructed with two female and one male with North and West, as a enclosed manifestation of the character of the North. Thus we could say that the character of the Northern energy flow is stable, structural and exclusive.

Then, contrast with the energy of the south, it strongly manifested as the single direct flow, focused on the external environment, and did not form any enclosed structure (between S-SE-E), The flow of the energy forms the constant stable type of the energy level. that is, Northern flow are focused on the stableness in energy pattern, but Southern flow are focused on the stableness in energy level.

Interestingly, we could find that SE played the role in internalized the single direct flow back to the internal environment, through which connected with NE and SW, as the crucial point in turning flow to the internal area.

We could assume that the different energy system might be determined by polarity of the South pole and North pole. But also could be determined by the geographical outline.

Since the South and South east are close to the Ocean, the constant energy system might keep he stability of the local environment especially between the East and South east.

Then, as conclusion, according to this chart, we might title those direction as external direction:

S, E, NE,NW, they forms a strong external circulation around all the directions.

Then we might title those direction as internal ones:

SW, SE, W and N, they formed the channel for internal distribution.

In order to correlate with this macro cosmological style, the picture below is the micro cosmological pictures, relevant with the change occurred around 1200BC and its impact to now due to the shifting of the 8 Diagram, and its relationship with body with structure of Kabbala .

According to the ontological Chinese interpretation, we could find that the start of the Qi of the such direction in the west, namely ‘Wind of Heaven’ which you could find in 启录. So from this assumption, it might be operated anti-clockwise, start from internal distribution from the direction of the West de Ideological China, end in the North west, and it delivered it to the South directly.

Appendix II Graph illustration towards wisdom and objectivity of Taoism (study of desires de wisdom of Taoism)

Taoism, Desire, Heaven and Hell

Infinite levels of the Desires: main structure and its infinite sub-structure.

Role of the Taoism

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