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Chao Zheng (Justin,Dwood)

Breaking Chinese script curse consciousness through Greek-Phoenician (paleo-hebrew) script conscious

Here the consciousness has been rearranged through the sequence of the Greek-Phoenician scripture towards the structure of the Chinese scripts, in order to present the Chinese scripture in the order of the Phoenician-Greek letter in consciousness with Semitic style in division of the oracle section in responding to the various Chinese structural block in script , which might delivered through relevant religions.

under all those observations, Chinese is the langauge that migth be determined by the symbols of detailed subject, with metaphor as the first of its interpretation in meanings, which lacks of the development in precises sequences of the scripts for deducted meaning. Western languages under the phoenician script descendence has been strong developed in those script-sequence intelligence inside of the language themselves.

Hence the secret of the ancient chinese script might be revealed through the sequence of the other coded language system under the descendence of the phoenician language. I might indicate the meaning of the Chinese anicnet oracles might be determined by different codings which is responding to other linguistic resource from the verily ancient time.

Hence we might start to find that the curse of the chinese script is no more ture under such coding consicousness, since the metaphor orienated symbols and their interpretation has been processed locally, without the interference of the coding inteligence, hence by such manner they might fail to distinguish the difference of the scripts which occupy the same components or blocks.

For instance, if we use the Greek-phoenician consicousness to find the coding of the script of '性'and '情',similarily they at the same time occupy the 'heart'script, but indeed through the coding perspective of the pheonicians-greek consciousness, those 2 'heart' might stand for totally different coding or scriptive manner from greek - phoenician consciousness. it means that, the symbol has been apparently similar in meaning but actually different in coding under further ancient language, when they arrange or combine themselves towards the other script to form the chinese blocks. this might indicate that the true difference of the Chinese scripts might be laid deeply inside of the its corresponding coding manner in other linguistic coding manner, and local witchcraft has no idea towards all those difference, since the local Chinese speaker just use meaning afflicted manner to categorize the script through their shapes. But just like what I described above, the one script presented in different characters might possess totally different consciousness in coding quality in another language.

Hence it might indicate that the key holes for those scripts correlation in Hebrew might be also various, once the script combing with different other scripts to form a coding insight and consciousness.

hence we might simply assume that the Chinese qualitative coding consciousness in simple script might be various and uncertain and without certain regulation for its various combination and arrangement with other Chinese blocks. which might indicate that even the same script, in different words, might possess different channel and passage with coding Hebrew and Phoenician for return or manifestation. This is the biggest difference between the Chinese scripts and western scripts. yet the heavenly branch and earthly branch might possess certain pas sway.

Greek-Phoenician script consciousness towards Chinese script '瘟疫‘(plague)

in this word, we could find the 'fa' and 'nu' consicousness in 昷; 'ka' and 'lamed'consciousness in 疫, here the 疒 script has been presented as the 'ow', meaning the witness of the leaning, or the witness of the syptoms and weakness.

Greek-Phoenician script consciousness towards Chinese script '疾病‘ (disease)

in this word, 'tat' consciousness in 疾, ‘nu’consciousness in 病

the script of 疒 might be represented by 'as' and 'ia', which indicate the script of 疒 in 2 words manifested with different coding, in which the former one is focused on cause(sin), the later one is focused on precision(yod)

Greek-Phoenician script consciousness towards Chinese script '诅咒‘(curse)

in this word we might assume that the script 且 (ju) has been strongly emphasised (presented as A consicousness), with 'tav'consicousness presented in speaking script(autrually speaking script is netural with samekh at its origin, but here it becomes tav), 'roush'(down structure)and 'kaf'(upper structure)consicounsess presented in 咒

Greek-Phoenician script consciousness towards Chinese script '性', (sex)

here we might assume in thise word, the heart script is with 'qof'consicousness, then the 'lamed'is with '生' in this word.

Greek-Phoenician script consciousness towards Chinese script '睡',(sleep)

we might assume that in this script the eye scirpt might possess 'Nu'consciousness. hence we could assume that the curse of sleep in chinese environment is to cease 'nu'(goals and intention) in the presence of the scirpt of '目'through one's consicousness.

Greek-Phoenician script consciousness towards Chinese script '食物',(food)

we might assume that in this words,in eating script, it might possess'qof'consicousness and 'roush' with 'tav'opponents.

Then in the word 物, the ‘anu’ might indicate the meaning of the forbidden in the witness manifested in this word, then '牛' might be associated with the 'eem' manifested in this word.

Greek-Phoenician script consciousness towards Chinese script '疲惫'(fatigue)

then we migth find that 'kaf ain waw roush' are associated with pi. associated with its scripture archetypes on the 'hand on a beast head to cut the skin with its corpse', then the 'as' presented as 疒, might imply the trace might be laid on the one's desire, and unified intentions in the scripture ‘疲’;

Then we might find the script 'ma he and nu' associated with script '备' in this letter, which inidicated the 'archery inpreparation for storage cautiously, align with the script. here the 'os' might be associated with script of 疒,indicated the trace through the witness

Greek-Phoenician script consciousness towards Chinese script '雾'(fog)

We might find that the consciousness of 'om'might be associated with 雨 script in this word, then 'eesa' might be correlated with the script '务', which indicated as meaning of 'affairs, dedication and fight', then the 'lh'might be associated with the consciousness of the 'spear'.

Greek-Phoenician script consciousness towards Chinese script '休息'(rest)

we might discovered that the 'po'might indicate the the script '人'in this word, which might imply on its meaning in 'character,soul,personality and status', then the 'waw 'consciousnesses might be associated with the script '木'in this word, indicating the meaning of 'completion, finish and cease '; then we might find that 'lo'might be associated with script '自',might indicate the meaning of 'desire, drive and origin forces and breath'; then the the 'eepo' might be associated with the script '心'in this word, which might indicate the meaning of the 'middle of one person, important part of one person, or appointed soul '

Greek-Phoenician script consciousness towards Chinese script '猪肉'(pork)

we might discovered that the script 'saoee' might be associated with script '者'in this word,which might indicate on the meaning of the sustainable high energy and feed,concern and professions. then the 'rouch' might be associated with Chinese script 'animal', which indicating the meaning of the 'pig' with rough style but in this high energy as one sort of creation.

then we might find the 'eeno' might be associated with the Chinese script 'meat', indicating the meaning of the 'consequence of the sin and fall',

Then in Chinese script that the scripture pig+ meat forms the word 'pork'

Greek-Phoenician script consciousness towards Chinese script '右边‘right‘’

The script of the 'ka' might stand for the upper part of the 右 script, indicating the hands and power, then the 'daee' might be associated with the script lower part of the script 右, indicating the effort in prayer from the mouth. then we might find that the ee might be associated with Chinese script 辶 in this word, indicating the intention of the destination and its righteous resources. then the script 'oma' might indicate the simple version 力 in the script 边, indicating the meaning of the drive that is to be witness to appointed aside and to be witnessed in some condition.

Greek-Phoenician script consciousness towards Chinese script '左边‘(left)

we might realized that compared with the ‘右边’, the script 边 has totally different coding towards the meaning of the character. we might find that 'ees' might associated with the upper part of the script '左',means the hand and its trace, then 'ara' might be associated with lower part of the script 左, indicating the meaning of intention and drive (work in structure, it has been interpreted in ancient Chinese as assistance )

then we might find the 'tav' might be associated with script 辶,indicating the meaning that,marking and trace of the facts, then the script 'hera' might indicate the simple version 力 in the script 边, indicating the meaning of the drive that might be channel through the round open facilitation (visions)(cave) for things that has been identified by such facts (marked).

Greek-Phoenician script consciousness towards Chinese script '厕所‘(toilet)

we might discovered that the 'ow' might be associated with 贝 script, indicating the meaning, the 'value and rule'to be regulated and see, then 'al' might be associated with刂,indicating the effort to enforce and inscribing such'vale and rule', then 'tav' might be associated with 厂,indicating the meaning of making something back to chaos, unconscious and break.

then script'he' might be associated with left part of the 所, indicating the meaning of the equipment and house, 'ta'might be associated with the 斤, indicating the meaning of the effort for such sort facilitation.

hence In chinese toilet might indicate the meaning that:

  1. the separation and standard of the toilet (gender, intoxication channels)

  2. making chaos, break and drive back to some unconscious level through it, but with pure and impure unconsciousness

  3. the proper hygiene and washing consideration would be regards the behavior to remove such impure part of those unconscious returns.

Greek-Phoenician script consciousness towards Chinese script '牙齿‘(teeth)

we might discover that the letter 'don'might be associated with the chinese script 牙, indicating the meaning of the secret and profit from the mouth of some one (emphasizing on the positing of ones whole teeth biting structure)

then we might find that the letter 'teea' might be associated with the structure or the condition of one tooth, as script 齿, indicating its cutting function, power and weather they are with light (not corrupted)

Greek-Phoenician script consciousness towards Chinese script '信号‘(signal)

we might find that the script 'heha' might be associated with 信,言 has been treated as the samek consciousness with neutral meaning but currently manifested as the meaning in 'he', indicating the meaning that for trust, reliable, dependable on its facility, or the open messaging. then the ha might be associated with 亻here, which might indicate the meaning of the corpse and vessel of one's character or personalized custom.

then we might find that the 'ma' might be associated with '号', indicating the meaning that the meaning for crying or shouting through the facility for spreading.

Greek-Phoenician script consciousness towards Chinese script '劳动‘(labour)

here the script 'he' might be associated with script 艹 or 火火, indicating the meaning of the equipment, efficiency and emergence, 'roush' might be associated with the letter 力, indicating the meaning of the drive force and strength through one's intention.

Then we might find the 'gas' might be associated with the script 'yun' indicating the meaning that, the pillar or sticks that drives the moving clouds,represented by priesthood ideology. then script ‘eea’here represented 力, which is different from the '力'in 劳 (intention), differentiated its meaning in 'universal force and the first cause of the movement'.

Greek-Phoenician script consciousness towards Chinese script '肩‘(shoulder)

we might find that the 'om' might be associated with the script 户, indicating the meaning here for the consciousness of the bony structure of the shoulders.

we might find that the 'on' might be associated with the script 月, indicating the meaning here for the consciousness of muscle structure of the shoulders.

Greek-Phoenician script consciousness towards Chinese script '踝‘ (ankle)

here we might find that the script 'as ' might be associated with the script 口, indicating the meaning of tracing of the knees (it also might indicate the drink custom through 's' consciousness ). then the script 'tr' might be associated with the script 止,indicating of the meaning that, the division of the toes, intention for walk or cease of the desire. 'roush' might be associated with hell fire containing with desire and intentions, mentioned in quran, then 'tav' might be also associated with the meaning 'cut' from 踝

then we might find that the script 'ag' might be associated with the 木 in 果, indicating the meaning of the support, sticks, certain. then we might find that the script 'alo' might be associated with the 田, indicating the meaning of seeds, yielding, condition of termination and drive of such.

Greek-Phoenician script consciousness towards Chinese script '髋‘ (hip)

we might find that the script 'o' might be associated with script ‘见’, indicating the meaning that is manifestation and witness, then '艹' might be associated with 'ee', indicating the meaning of the universal force, ease; then the 'waw' might be associated with upper part of the 宽 , indicating the meaning of spaciousness, reliable and witness to be loose.

then the script 'samech' might be associated with the upper part of the 骨, indicating the meaning of the supportive, hardness, strength of bonny structure, then 'zainsa' might be associated with the script 月 here, indicating the meaning of the trace of the desire, expecting, force with hidden intentions.


the worlds of the ''five elements

The words of 'five elements'

the words of 4 tribes for descendent as Chinese

the words of 'poison'

the words of voodoo

the words of 'law'

the words of 'vegetables'

the words of shoes

the words of'head'

the words of 'kidney'

The words of 'lungs'

The words of 'write'

The words of 'neck'

The words of 'heart'

the words of 'wrist'

the words of 'sodiers'

the words of 'books'

the words of 'muscle'

the words of 'fruit'

the words of 'bamboo'

The words of 'purity'

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