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Chao Zheng (Justin,Dwood)

theory of the Armour, transcendence of absolute idealism, with ' scientific choice ' and my

Theory of the Armour, transcendence of absolute idealism, with ' scientific choice ' and my reality theory.

Actually his theory cosmologically submerged the transcendence idealism with phenomenalism through schematic teleology, this enable the divine cosmological consciousness through such faculty associating with the rational consciousness

the transcendence actually has been brought by the schematic teleology, in which the manner could be binding either with experience or with reason though such mental faculty in reaching the value they subjected to, that is the spiritual divine ideal and observation in also indicates that the science can not define whole content of the reality, due to its character in imcomplited vision towards sense, illusions and ideal architypes imposed by divine ideal in existence. hence such transcendence might shaken any scientific determined judgement as incomplete in its basic existence.

In the end we might realize that the Armour might impose such cosmological divine consicousness into transcendent idealism, which is located into a relative high position as consciousness of the facts and knowledges.

as conclusion, the divine law /natural law/ divine consciousness might be imposed structurally into sense immediate level, through 'eye & heart 'illusion theory, then into sense reflection leve,through Maimondes ''customarism' by push less ration recognised repeated routine scheduled as human character-behaviour concerned setting under Torah and divine law by imagination, then into transcendent idealism's mental consciousness as schematic integration under spiritual/divine cosmologial mental world.

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