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Chao Zheng (Justin,Dwood)

New jihad: fighting wrongful teacher spirit in Islamic world with Christ spirit

If you are in the way for fighting the wrongful teacher's spirit in Islamic world had some suggestions to this fight:

1. Since the guidance is through spirit and thought, one need to remembrance Allan through consciousness of "obedience" to expel wrongful teachers influence, please chanted "al shahidu " at least 100 times daily, and it would be verily necessary

2. Fighting wrongful teacher spirit without baptise or Christ spirit would be very hard, bitter and restrictive life style, please do not forget to chant "al aakhiru" daily at least 100 times

3. Please chant at least one time chapter al baqarah each week

4. Please do chant Dua -masura at least one time per week

5. Please go for reading Torah and gospel in better translations, if you did not know them Some very effective Dua in this :

3:124-3:125 It's

taqalu limimineena alan yakfiyakun an yumddakum rabbukum bithalthati Alafin mind almalakati munzaleena Bala intasbiroo watattaqoo wayatookum min fawrihim hatha yumdidkum rabbukum bikhamsati alafinmina almalaikati musawwimeena

14:13 Waqala allatheena kafaroolirusulihin Lahu khrijann akum min Ardina aw Lara AAoodunna fee millatina faawha alththalimeena

6. Chapter 111 al Masada at least one time per week

7. Then al-lkhlas, al-falaq, an- nas daily

8. say subhan allah rabi handihi at least 100 times after each 2 rakhs

9. please chant al Isa at least 100 times daily

10. please chant either 'Allaahumma salli 'alaa Muhammadin wa 'alaa aleh Muhammadin Kamaa sallaita 'alaa Ibraaheema wa 'alaa aleh Ibraaheema Innaka hameedun Majeed Alaahumma baarik 'ala Muhammadin wa 'alaa aleh Muhammadin Kamaa baarakta 'alaa Ibraaheema wa 'alaa aleh Ibraaheema Innaka hameedun Majeed''

Or 'allahumma salli' ala sayyidina muhammadin wa ala ali sayyidina muhammadin wa 'ala ali sayyidina Ibraaheema kama sallaita 'ala sayyidina Ibrahima wa'ala ali sayyidina Ibraham innaka hameedun majid; allahumma barik 'ala sayyidina muhammadin wa ' ala sayyidina muhammadin kama barakta 'ala sayyidina ibrahima wa 'ala ali sayyidina ibrahima innaka hamidun majeed ' in a completed version in at-tahiyyatu.

Or chant extra with daily base

11. Please chant 7 archangels name for impose the light and guardianship towards projected shadow towards demons-angels ideology

Please chant thsor angels names daily at least 100 times:

ال جبرير




ال هنيال

ال صفقيال

ال اسز افير

12. following quran chapter verse should be chanted daily or weekly:





































13. please chant the optional verses from bible old testimony psalms, daily or weekly

psalms 136, 148, 150

14. golden triangle angels consciousness

a. please intersected chanted those three angels name to form a stable and strong triple guardianship towards balance between servantihood. peace and righteous spiritual guidance, in daily bases (the consciousness composed the main preventive awareness towards the following words, that is, angel guardian consciousness in reconciling peace with wrongful guidance and abusing power 1.كفر 2.فكر 3.فرك):


chant 50 times combination of the ال هنيال---ال ميخالير

chant 50 times combination of the ال هنيال---ال صفقيال

chant 50 times combination of the ال ميخالير---ال صفقيال

b. Then there still existed 2 important intersections of the awareness towards keeping righteousness from illusion and ambition, when engaged with idolatry groups. (The consciousness composed main angelic interference towards righteous awareness in linguistic level or cognitional level for imposing righteousness. they are, consciousness of the:رفت , فرت , فتر , ترف )

by that please :

chant 50 time combination of ال صدقيال---ال صفقيال

chant 50 time combination of ال صدقيال---ال ميخالير

c. ancient Isareal consciousness towards peace and war , with angel ال صفقيال's consciousness with other four angels (ال صدقيال ال ميخاليرال هنيال ال جبرير) correlation in consciousness manifestation, with consciousness of the ancient war and peace, they are ( بر رب رت فر رف كر رك ) .


chant chant 50 time combination of ال هنيال----ال صفقيال

chant chant 50 time combination of ال ميخالير----ال صفقيال

chant chant 50 time combination of ال صدقيال----ال صفقيال

chant chant 50 time combination of ال جبرير----ال صفقيال

d. additional consciousness of the ''power of peace and the war' has been reflected into 2 dimensions of the formation with angles correlation with ξμaλ/סםאל , which manifested as different linguistic resource for the naming power of the angels, as manifestation as (فرج جر رج رجف جفر جرف ) :

Hence it manifested into 2 dimensions:

I. consciousness of the war / peace of the ancient isreal (جر رج):

please chant :

chant chant 50 time combination of ال صفقيال------ξμaλ/סםאל

II. consciousness of the power of the war and peace in Arabic vocabulary consciousness ( رجف جفر جرف فرج):

please chant :

chant chant 50 time combination of ال ميخالير---ξμaλ/ סםאל

chant chant 50 time combination of ال ميخالير----ال صفقيال

15. please chant last three chapters of quran daily after sunset or after waking up, since they might possess strong consciousness in geometric coverage in scientological symbol by assumption

16. sunday consciousness and its scientological symbolic consciousness with sunday angelic power in Arabic words (در رد جرف دفر ردف رفد فدر فرد تفاد)

please chant :

chant chant 50 time combination of ال سرافيل--- ال صدقيال

chant chant 50 time combination of ال سرافيل----ال صفقيال

chant chant 50 time combination of ال سرافيل--- ال ميخالير

17. please chant the ayta kursy daily:

due to the recent recognition towards the energetic flow in ancient Israel's divine matrix from oral torah.

consciousness of divine matrix energetic flows when one initiated the recitation of 7 sentences from ayat kursi , responding with 7 stages of energy flow as seqeunce by assumption, Ayat kursi, who have initiated its recitation, as it said, it would trigger the protection until the dawn or the night appraoches, those energic manner could treated as its energetic manifestation inside of the ancient isreal divine matrix pattern for such consciousness with planetary consicousness and association.

in addition, renewed version on divine syntax from ancient Israel, transferred with Akkadian Babylon rune consciousness:

renewed divine matrix consciousness with Phoenician (paleo hebrew) as the angels names as presentation:

in order to achieve the balance between resisting capacity between spiritual dimension with islamic prayer with the developed intelligential dimension above, please chant those verse after 5 prayers in daily basis:

1. Allahumma innee a'oothu bika an' ushrika bika wa'anaa a'lamu, wa a'staghfiruka limaa laa a'lamu

2. A'ootth Bika limatil-laahit taammaatil latee laa yujaawizu hunna barrun wa laa faajimn min sharri maa khalaqa, wa bara'a wa thara'a, wa min sharri maa yanzilu minas-samaa'i, wa min sharri maaya'ruju feehaa, wa min sharri maa thara'a fil ardhi, wa min sharri ma yakhruju minhaa, wamin sharri fitanil-layli wannahaari, wa min sharri kulli taariqin 'illaa yaa rahmaan.

In the end, regards to the non repent people, please chant those verse after rakkh on a daily base :




17. The tone's watch and its correlation towards light division and moon phrase

due to the observation from the Arabic Maqam,

Please watch the scale of 2#,6#,4#,1#, 5# and their manifestation as energetic abnormalities in the Quran chanting process.

Light and music scale consciousness inspired by the Arabic Maqam

18. please chant 99 name daily, which need to contain the initial of ت ه ظ ف ل ن ك ا ص ض ج ق س ش و رذ ب ع غ ح خ م

need to chant at least one of them, and each one for least 100 times daily for energetic correction .

light and 99 names initials inspiration as assumption

19. Please chanted those 10 ’99’ names daily for better proportion, al nafeeAA mentioned in 99 names, please chanted at least 100 time each daily.

al muqeet

al muhsuee

Al muhee

al mutaAAlee

al mufnee

al waalee

al baaqee

al lakraamee

al Dhdharru

al haadee

20. Additional 99 names for time travel , time transfer and miracle witness at least 100 times daily

Al lawwuru

al lakherru

al nnaafeeAAu

al Jaamee

Al mateen

al ssameeAAu

Christ once said something that, the new did not agree with the old, as well as the right hand did not know what left hands doing; hence it is the same thing, ones left eye did not agree and know another eyes doing, but keeping it he best manner for each hands, each old and and new or left eyes with proper righteousness, it would be the greatest achievement. Since they did not know each other, Allah might make them collide or dislocated in his will. Islam is the religion of peace, but which is not apparent peace, which might indicate the integrative perception and understanding towards those left, right or new and old stuff in a verily Islamic way of purity in peace. That is my current perception towards this peace. Much of those ideas were inspired by study Arabic through different resource, in the end I started to realise that I prefer the Madina Arabic for daily vocabulary studies and classical Arabic for Quran study, or great south Arabic for pre Islamic era studies Latin verse: divide the time regards to different law, it is sincerely good, it is required to be divided to make orders

In my own understanding, Christ in Islam is an internal and contained figure for experiencing under align with the law and righteousness of the right eye consciousness to over come wrongful teaching spirit from the left eye. The mission of christ second coming is to kill (expulsion) swings and wrongful teacher and prophet spirits by use Quran. Also in the revelation of Quran the book of Torah and gospel are important as previous revelation to prevent people from mislead into astray, since Arabic has a lot of Semitic derivation in daily words, which is very good for measuring egos in world language, except from script Samekh it has more than 16 manifestation of each words when it has been manifested in grammarly subjectivity, objectivity and prepositions. But the threat of it is separate eyes, since wrongful teacher coming from spirit that with left eye guided and blind in right eye, hence it is very important for Islamic ideology to understand Christ mission in dealing with separate eyes as internal and holy law either Hadith cultivated manner.

But towards Hebrew, the situation is different, since Christ said that, I am delivered to Jews (one remained tribes ) from ancient Israel tribes and sinners, which nominated in Quran that the children of ancient Israel would be guided, and people nowadays had confusion between Jewish heritage law, knowledge , Teacher authority and ancient Israel as truth of spirits and promise . Hence in Hebrew, the eyes are secured to bind to observe the letter under the proper gradualistic manifestation of the divine law and its crown meaning of each letter , which for the creation of the world. Hence the beauty of ancient Israel still In Torah and Spanish Torah is much better than English Torah due to the precision of the translation and gospel is to set to the Jews and sinners, but koine Greek I thought is better than English to understand some spirits in it. It is just pure perspective in literature dimension. Since the reformation is due to the mind, but it did not reform the spirit from the Abrahamic , which aimed the actuality in time and changing law of linguistic concerns

hence it is importance of Quran is in Arabic as return due to different characters and ego of the words and their methodology , as observed as different divine structure and missions through holy book and scripts.

What Islamic friendly church needs to do?

1. Since in the direct revelation of Quran, nominated that the Holy Spirit which emphasise the salvation power of Christ, this indicated the process of baptise , that is, as bible mentioned, after baptise, the heaven is open and Holy Spirit is coming down.

2. In direct revelation of Quran, there is direct criticise on Christians trinity theory or theology, hence Christian church could develop much established non trinity theories from history, (believe me, you could find it in London library and British library, there are so many branches of Christianity had much theology which is not trinity like development

3. Son of Maria, and perfectness of st maria, which has been direct revealed by Quran, as concern that, in Hadith, the perfect woman has been listed as st Maria, pharaoh 's wife and 2 wifes of prophet mohammod (peace be upon)

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