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Chao Zheng (Justin,Dwood)

Teaching on how to distinguish the dimensions of dualistic or non dualistic world by assumptive matr

Teaching on how to distinguish the dimensions of dualistic or non dualistic world by assumptive matrixs by left eye (not physical eye, but spiritual eye with mind ) and right eye consiciousness.

For instance to set the matrix in the middle, projecting a visual screen in front of you ( it is hard, you still could practice Silva method ).

horizontal line constructed whole sensational faculty, then the space A to B would be your dualistic zone, A as the dualistic left and B as the dualistic right. With further but non parallel, non inclusive space there is a space between Line C and Line D as the non dualistic zone.

C as the non dualistic left, and D as the non dualistic right. Then according to my left eye right eye theory or abrahamic theory on righteousness and mercy, purity and impurity, you could started to sense the world , better for one learned Phoenician , Hebrew or Arabic , since they derived more ego manifestation for mental sensations.

still there are other religions existed in issue of dualistic world with knighthood missions,except from church,and christ falculties in dualistic world, who could be fighter in the dualistic worlds based on the theory of the dualistic and non dualistic theory.

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