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Chao Zheng (Justin,Dwood)

Ego washing up era (Juptier, saturn, unranus and pluto conscious) with planetary cycle alignement an

These 2 papers revealed the American presidential consicousness towards the planetary alignment from jupiter, saturn, Uranus and pluto symbolic consicousness for ego washing up (planetary sign in Pisces). Since due to the zodiac revealed its planetary cycle that :

1. jupiter consciousness return cycle is 12 years

2. Saturn consciousness return cycle is 30 years

3. uranus consicousness return cycle is 84 years

4. pluto consicousness return cycle is 288 years

since pisces is the last zodic of the 12 signs, which stands for the dualistic manifestation for union consicousness, as well as conflict of such dualistic presence with salvatioon and 'let go' sconsicousness in union consciousness. This cycle indicate that thejupiter consciousness would ingress into Piscs for ego washing up in every 12 years, saturn consciousness would ingress into Piscs for ego washing up in every 30 years. Uranus consciousness would ingress into piscs for ego washing up in every 84 years. Pluto consicousness would ingress into piscs for ego washing up for every 288 years.

Lucky we just experienced such 'wash up'from 1990s to 2010s , with jupiter, Saturn and uranus into such consideration. the chart bnelow shows the association between those those planetary correlation in the reign and actual politician shift in american presidential system. towards pluto, the recent cycle in piscs was relatively earlier, which would be assocaited with the american revolutionary war era, blending with great political phonomina 'Virgina dynasty'with four important presidents in American independent movement, fully carried the collective consciousness of the 'pluto in Piscs'

indeed the consicousness of zodiac cycle released our burdern in dealing with historical sins, by research and theological studies.

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