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Chao Zheng (Justin,Dwood)

Divine matrix and their association in practical medical reasoning and ideological reasoning for rec

I.In the Aspect of the practical reasoning:

with medical terminations in human brainy and neoural system, the matrix has been aligned for the structure of the main 12 cranial nerves in the human brains.

here the consumption comes as that the trigenminal nerves might project the version of the three dimensions that correlated with ophthalmic area, Maxillary area,Mandibular cervic area and superficial cervic plexus areas with astrological planetary association. then the picture would be shown as the follows, as the those dernateme level of the divine matrix association from ancient Isreal(through psychic function):

then, from those dernateme projection as trigeminal nerves receptions(through psychic function), we might get the following chart:

this is the chart that aligned the 12 cranial main nerves inside of the human brain which associated with ideological position of the divine matrixs as assumption as well as the its practical connection in the healthy issue, medical and nutrition corrections.

also, the glands such as like partail of the limbic system has been detected half ideologicallyt and half parctical neuoral function (through psychic ability)with the its cycle reflection (light and solar cycle which would impose the effection on those glands as well as the gender orientations. )

consciousness of partial limbic system with projection in matrix planetary association by assumption:sense of mammillay body and amggdala.

II. in the aspect of the ideological reasoning, there is a flow of the energic reconcilation between the divine matrix and proper dua from the islamic prayer, shown as the follows:

consciousness of divine matrix energetic flows when one initiated the recitation of 7 sentences from ayat kursi , responding with 7 stages of energy flow as seqeunce by assumption, Ayat kursi, who have initiated its recitation, as it said, it would trigger the protection until the dawn or the night appraoches, those energic manner could treated as its energetic manifestation inside of the ancient isreal divine matrix pattern for such consciousness with planetary consicousness and association.

new discovery on function of the Vitamin elements with astrological alignments in divine matrix as association in nutrition

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