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Chao Zheng (Justin,Dwood)

New philosophical discovery from 3D taoism I invented from insight of hebrew, arabic, farsi and Urdo

时空相异,则法不同,固有有周期 便有洗涤

时空相异,则法分, 前者倚老,后者坨新

道者, 不真. 真者,不二. 以不真於不真,乃常道。 固道二分,一不立也。 不立乃动,此乃不真。道者,极也,端或分,分或为一且为二。

乃至不真善恶为知?性者,善恶者,乃相真者。既伪善恶为不真,真善恶为真? 固不真者,无善恶,相真者,比比善恶分

乐者,何乐之为或不为? 所以乐者为者或不为者也?为者乃不真者,无为而相真者,所以乐,为之源无善恶,无为而相真固守,何乐而不为为之?

动者, 异也,同根异质,各现凹凸。静者,同也,同根同相分,守而旋,为恒。真者,异於恒者,真者无分,动者异分,静者同分,恒者,芯如彾

所以恒者为 动之异,静之同,归于相真,动於不真,静於相真. 

My oriental philosophy above indicate that the happiness is relatively static, the movement of dynamics is the cause, but the happiness is the staic manner (orientation ) of such movement . since the cause is in the movement and dynamics , but happiness is much staic attachment with those movements (cause) as consequence towards proper truth (the knowledge and heart that close to truth)

And these staic manner of happiness we called separation similarly from same root, cause are triggered by separation differently from same root. Then such staic attachment called 'cycle' which is the gate to held and the happiness through its certainty towards truth (true knowledge , and ture heart, heart is staic spinning with truth and its cycles by knowledge and heart itself

The heart happiness and its wisdom is due to seperation similarly from same root

The cause and movement (dynamicity) is due to separation differently from same root (polarity )

Then the manner of facts and heart differs at origin 

Hence if the heart meditate the truth (divine knowledge )and hold its happiness(divine law) how the heart would be affected violently by mind and cause? 

They are spinning together but heart make them permenantly return 

I found this wisdom in this Chinese cosmological model combining with either urdo and Arabic Hebrew and farsi word in numerological consciousness.

the staic heart is quite a important elemt in dualistic presented groups or society.

Outward energy spinning indicate the energy model that if one dualist world without proper functioned staic heart.

This inward energy spinning indicate the energy model that if one dualist world with proper functioned staic heart

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