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Chao Zheng (Justin,Dwood)

Some new inspiration on latitude consciousness with yuroba -urdo numeration

since the through urdo numeration, we could strongly understand the cycle of the ten and their shift of male and felame energetic gates in certain descending manner in the cycle, which brought the certainty towards the division (b/d) as such wisdom carried in its numeration. when it comboned with yoruba numeration consicousness (porportion and dynamic of assymetric five in divided ten ), we might use it for lot of numerological observation.

Now I started to pay attention to the phenomina of the 4 cardinal axis, as spring equnox, summer solstice, autumn equnox and winter solstice with its numbers manifestation structurally with urdo-yoruba numeration. I drew 2 picture, one cycle started with tropic capricorn/cancer as the begging of such cycle, i found since the differences of the north and southe hemisphere's ideology towards spring, it formed 2 dufferent U shapes as dualistic opposition based on the beginning point of the tropic cancer and capricon. Then i realized that the in this manner, the polarities of the ideology between northern and southern semisphere becomes too radically opposed since in the shape of the U, tha shows the solar travelings, presented only 2 dimension in its direction.

However, in the chart drawn above, the cycle is based on the spring/ autumn eqonx, it formed beautiful 'S' curve to show the traveling orbit of the solar latitude and height. In the shape s , formed 3 direction of the direction shifting, which formed stable '3' consicousness between the northern and southern semisphere, responsively formed a symbol '8'in this concept.

then according to perspective of the either northern or southern semisphere towards spring, they would formed the numeration insight for the degrees sun traveled towards yoruba numeration consciousness which has been shown above.

from 1 to 5, indicate the seasons from spring to autumn, and 5-10 indicate the seasons from autumn to spring again, regards to local hemisphere ideology towards spring. Hence we could find that according to the yoruba cosmological numeration philosophy towards 'heaven' (will invisible force) and earth (grounded and materialized) cycle, we could find process 5 which indicates a short period before the autumn eqonox stands for the area of dynamics, which has been associated time with 'virgo' and last several days of 'leo' in northern hemisphere, and time with 'pisces' and last several days of 'Aquarius' under this ideology and methodology.

Also we could find each hemisphere ideology awareness towards invisible forces, process of maturity and grounding are mutually depends on each other, since one hemisphere 1-5 responded with opposite hemisphere 6-10 during the time, but the dynamics period is only in 5, which inidicate that the dynamics is certain, and the balance of the heaven (spirited) and earth (materialized) is spontenious shown from the wisdom of the yoruba between each hemispheres.

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