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Chao Zheng (Justin,Dwood)

New inspiration from islamic numeration de 99 names initial letters

Through achiving the letters from the 99 names in islamic views, the new numerational insight has been found in a very symetric and ideal level.

anwith more participated elements involved inside of the characters and letters associated with the element of the creation, as well as the its orietation in numbers and values, transfered into pheonician, into futher association either in modernity and pre-historical time.

who ever remembered the 99 names of the creator in islamic, he would be spontanious in the condition of the heaven, hence I started to extract the consciousness through the initial numbers and letters from the words. Then we started to realize that the numbers with proper regular patterns. Then I devided them in to three level of the consciousness, towards the attributes of the 99 names as initial letter consicousness :

  1. Mono (independently existed numbers, value changing through adding value )

  2. Bino (might be dualistic responding towards the paired pattern in 5 )

  3. Pentagon (as five divisional section in ensuring the entity of the one, with each letter divided as the value one )

Due to keeping more inner manner of the numerational dedution, here I might not in detail on revealing on how this manner to be deducted, but however, through 3 level consicousness of the mono, bino and pentagon level, we started to realizing the some facts, on meditation on numeration of attributes de creator in islamic insight, without samech consciousness,that it might be five-binary-three step system. It might indicate that every five binary system under islamic consciousness would be reorganized internally into three section (three step system for certain value regulation in preventing the evil).

By contrasting studies, this islamic numerational insight contains the evil resistence consciousness which contains towards Mayan, yoruba and urdo consicousness.

The patern of the three step system, with cetain value difference between 1-2 and 2-3, since the masterly peaces is that, the difference of the value between 1-2 is different from 2-3, which due to yuroba consicousness drives 2-3 value variations in different numerational termination, hence it forms a unique decimo adotion model. for instance, if differetiated value between 1-2 is five, then differentiated value between 2-3 is 14, hence 1 -3 value 19, but 1-2 and 2-3 are different values for adoption the decimo-five binary variations.

then here is the comparative studies between the persian letters variation contrasting the arbaic 99 names initial letter consciousness

Hence we would realize that persian numerational system is decimo, which can not directly submitted into five binary manenr, hence it has to be directly associatede 10 Bino level letters (five paris ,10 letters, each pair possessed different value, as freqnuence of the initial level occured). Then we could find that persian letters in decimo numeration, contains pentagon consicousness from 'ha', then in decimo level from 10-100, it transfered the 'd' of two into 'b', as transfered Bino letter, and 'g' as 4 transfered as 'm', as the mono level, hence here 'd' 'i' has been treated as the extra elements. (d is very important grounded consicousness from the pheonician levels)

then, we might have a look towards greek letter in numeration and their variations (which provided the Samech consciousness ).

from this chat we could realize that nearly 5/10 percent of the greek numertional level is pentagon, which is the wisdom between 1 and 5, and 4/10 are about the extra value in either 'd' and 'tav' , in decimo level from 10-100, the letter 'd' of the 2 transfered as thepentagon consciousness, and the letter 'tav' of the 4 transfered as the samech, which is the consicousness that is not included in the arabic numeration. as well as the number 6, possess the samech consicousness with the 'ha'.

When it comes as the Mono numbers

Mono numbers under the three step system before its variations in 1/5 consciousness and adoption in decimo condition

Cycle recognition in 100, as sequence 12th, three steps in 4.

Actually inside of this five binary three step system , on three step system it possess another derived two dimension of under or in the transition of such three steps , that is every 2 three steps completes one divided consciousness .

and in the transition of every 2 three step sections, it formed two different variations, one based on sequence of dualistic, one based on ending and initial differences in differences of the value.

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