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Chao Zheng (Justin,Dwood)

Inspiration de travel a Poetry

I started my Nine days travel from the sihuan province with a planned schedules, then back to the chengdu. The most of the journey have been planned with trains so that I would have more oppotunity to sense the ancient divine myth with external geological settings even when I was sitting inside of the train. hence today with the travel with the divine matrix, I started to be inspired by the special local condition of the natural formation form its thousand years of the virtues.

whats more, as I schedued journey in Nine days, Most of the inspiration is either for spare the boring traveling times or the continious concern de facto.

in the following content, I would wish to show some of my content of my inspired poetry and divine matix changes with the geologoical corespondings.

The joureny of the trains started from sichuan province, cross chongqing , hubei province and then jiangxi, taking almost around 12 hours in approachwhile followed by zhengjiang , henan, shaanxi, due to continious prayer and focus of the inspiration, the journey turned out to be not tried but full of sparkles of the life, even the odour in the train was hardly descripable and people sitting beside me eating pork blends rice, whih did not distracted too much from my concern towards the suprise naturalle.

Thg glory of the prehistory is not only a presence of the past, but the key for understanding to bring more tolerance and creativity in current global social issue on either in legamcy, governance and reconciliation between the holy law with the forefathers spirit.

Hence through the bible and my new hebrew name, I started to hold the gift of such conversation in a more spefic isreali and european-pheonician middlest mindset for each that is bear the mercy and cry of our shadow of understanding into life with more vivid creativity rather sticky cliches.

by witness both 2 great rivers in china that I would show in the following travel map.

the cureved refered as the train route, and the straight line refered as air plane route. The air line nearly occupy the 1/3 length of the journey.

Englsih poetry: train and proceeds

when thee steel and iron persecutes, there is art to see thee glory.

episode one

episode two

episode three

episode four

episode five

episode six

episode seven

episode eight

episode nine

the energectic change with divine matrix and discoveries:

Current analysis through divine matrix actually in a relative quick travel , drinking coffee could refresh the decline level of "R"

Current analysis through divine matrix actually in a relative quick travel , drinking fruity juice and eating fruit might heal and refresh the relation between "R" and "fa"

episode ten

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