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New consciousness towards Abraham , issac , Jacob and Moses regards to celestial consciousness in He

I have formed a special version in binding Hellenic astrology with Israel lost 12 tribes with consciousness in 12 house cusp system . Since I have realized some interesting facts among Abraham , issac and Jacob which fulfill the separation of Saturnian consciousness , Uranus consciousness and Neptune and in Moses line , might be with proper manifestation with Saturn -moon relations Gradually instead of the archetypes of the planets that I wished to address on the exegesis of the interpretation of the planet, but however I realized the new formed concept that reached even further . Those ideals and concepts might come from the divine script with its mythical unfold through legend or the concept it might reveal some much deep rather only than the mind , but a sustained resource of wakening ; thus such inspiration might be from Koine Greek , Septuagint , Arabic , Hebrew or any holy language by derivation its wideth to the prehistorical. That is to say , when Saturn sextile Neptune in front of my eyes , it is not only the tales of the Hellenic , but rather a model that set by Ancient Greek as interpretations as exegesis towards all the myth and legend in the world in order to make them philosophies with wisdom by that single purity of the innocence with out any extra desires. The uniqueness of Pisces and Virgo and how much they associated as the equator of the whole celestial making us really realized there is concealed secret towards gate way in the galaxy and those varies and fluctuated around it. Hence when the Saturn conjunctive Neptune, it reminds me of the consequence of the two egos that , how it correlated with myth of venus birth with castration power as well as when the Norah divided the earth with their sons, and how those wild field healing triggered through patriarch and their good luck in their seclusion and even how those touched by the transgression of the Enoish, who made the giant to intimate how creator created the human from the earth as its sins manifestation as the oceans transgression in the old time (hence the saturn-neptune ideology could be traced from such ancient poin of the ego de sin of Enoish, that his transgress made the Sea transgressed the dry land and marks the beginning of the corruption of the human body after death). It might the Saturn brings the witness of the transgression and the Neptune aligned with that consequential punishment for suffering as well as the even later salvation towards such myth. Since the fish has two side , it’s fire and water , that is their rages and mercy we never know such certainty of testifying but. The cause of legends and our anchor in the ocean of Neptune ( is it our illusion of fantasy or is it the true divine presence under such reconciliation? ) Suddenly I have inspired by the concept and ideology of Saturn and Uranus . That is what behind the authority of Saturn: shadow and the power of earth symbolizes the birthright , of the support of creativity and ambition which could chain back the archetypal of shadow for creating the giant from Enoish (shadow consicousness of creativity titled oneself as god and creativity through birthight like that position of the god concept which has been set outside of the bless of the union from the creator). But however the castration of Uranus indicated the cut of fertility and husbandry intimacy toward the land , which did not yielded the power toward concept of birthright, this could be reflected as the Earth division under Esau and Jacob , as Rebekah addressee she wished not Cannan woman (idolatry woman, the woman longs for the birthright with lust and not being sealed through cast into slavery , as the shadow of such impure desire of birth right ) , bonding the idea of the circumcisions. Thus when the knife was on the neck of the issac , the sacrifice here is magnificently meaningful furtherly than circumcision , in which it opened a new convenant. Hence if when Ishmael and issac meet when they compared the ishmael’s circumcision with sacrifice of the issac, it is might measured the distance between the Uranus and Neptune. As the issac might be testifies as the sort of reconciliation for the birthright shadow dates back the time of Enoish (that is the willing submission towards the creativity of the birthright towards creator by sacrifice ones desire of its position as god, manifested as shadow from the Enoish). Here might indicated that it would be possible josaph accepted a raped woman’s daughter, as reconciliation of the consequence of Mars. Recently I have been awakening to recognized that the different presence of the zodiac and constellation ( which has further indication of the observation of the fix star ) which might bear further consciousness than the planets , but however the planets plays a very important role as the key whole for interpretation anything that projected towards earth and ego with it as agile alignment Here might indicated that it would be possible josaph accepted a raped woman’s daughter, as reconciliation of the consequence of Mars. Hence this might indicate that the Male principle under mars , as well as the Saturn-Neptune for birth right under sacrément might lead to the venus under the principle of Saturn, with faces as libra and certainty as Taurus , that is, in one hand one is reserved righteous birthright bruised by Mars and blessed by Neptune, in another hand , the servanthood that has not imposed with canal lust but on mutual appreciation and adoration ( non birthright manifestation in local “Egypt”) Like what I have mentioned about Saturn - venus as the feminine presented consciousness in Egypt when Joseph has been sold into it. However what is male principle manifested in Egyptian ancient kingdom under such patriarch Saturnian cases ? It supposed it was Jupiter , the priesthood of Egyptian as birthright and as the rule of wisdom . It was said that the descendance of Egypt was line of Ham, so they used to be naked and binding their nature as half animal and half higher spirit , just like the presence of Jupiter manifested with its two either as in beats or high priest of wisdom . Hence I would simply assume the ideology of Joseph rule in Egypt as male principle manifestation as Saturn- Jupiter. Hence there might exist the issue between the strength and pious of Saturn and Jupiter . When it was the time of Abraham when he still not encountered sacrifice of Issac and when they traveled to Egypt , the Saturn power was weak , hence the Jupiter manifested its lower beats orientation as his preference on abrham’s wife . However, when 12 tribes of ancient Israel has been laid, after the sacrifice of the event behold issac, the pious of the Saturn started to taking the consequence as well as their redemption as before ,hence those time the role of Egyptian becomth exalted in its priesthood in to wisdom to rule , that is reason why one need to learn seventy language to step in seventy stares to approach to that highest consciousness. Hence here my assumption would be that it is the pious and strength of the Saturn determined the manifestation of the Jupiter , as either low beasties or the higher priest for the wisdom. it is that his jesaph consicousness which compelete the whole israel consicousnes and also reconcile the 12 tribes of the jacob with the tribe of the Esau under the case of the jasaph. in the end, it is very ineresing pheomina if we indeed have look about the Moses, moses has been expected in the time of the threat, that the job from Edom (kingdom descendence of the Esau ) testify the suffer but wih rightous in the will of the poor suvived , then when he coming to the Egypt, he started to suggest to kill every first born of the hebrew in the land, which yields the futher issue of the divorce of the Moses partents,due to the threat of the male pricple to be extinguished under fertilisation. this stands for the first ideology of the Saturn- moon consicousness as the saturn suffice he moon (nurture and begeth), also manifested as the principle of the ideology of indrect moon and threatened the moon, as this ideology moses would be able to lead the people out of the egypt to further promise of the Jerusalem, under the pure moon light, it was an ideology to fight bad moon deities in the prehistory through moon opposite force saturn (burren and isolation of the nurture). Hence when the pharoah dreamed that measure of the measure that the whole nation's wise man would be overthrown by the small baby (moses), he was dreadful and changing the killing first born of the hebrews into throw them into the river of Nile. hence anoher moon manifested here as the river of the Nile, caused the abandonment of the moses from his mother due to its forceful order from the pharoah. Moses name actually was various from 7-9 names, containing with different hebrew and egyptian root. The name of the mosa is the meaning of 'son of the (Nile)'from the root of the Egypt. hence it is the River of Nile and this abandoment diclear the another saturn-Moon manifestation as hebrew side abandoment and Egyptian adoption through the Nile. Hence due to abandoment of the Moses, it caused the curses from the creator, trigger the disease of leprosy and boils, it was still the saturn-moon principle diease, since leprosy is caused by he jalous of withdrawn femaline principle from hebrew (femaline principle of babylon from Issac wifes and jacobs wifes ) and also the impure saturn princple due to adulatory of the Egyptian land (wrecked saturn), caused the disease Boil. when we transform the boil into Arabic, we might find a direct cure, since in arabic it means'moisture'. hence we the princess of the egypt adopted the moses, then everything suddenly becoming fine for the royal egypt.This transition of the saturn-Moon consicousness directly associated with hebrew and egyptian moon ideology for nurturing. since Moses rejected either hebrew mothers breast and egyptian womans breast directly, as witness of the supressed moon under wrecked saturn would not be accepted for the future Jerusalem, but only after exodus and 40 years of the desert burren (witness of the pure moon as faith under wrecked and righteous testimony of the saturn ideology). hence Saturn moon is a strong consicousness imposed by the moses for the pure moon principle to come as well as mercy (binah)pure moon restore to lowest heaven after the patriachs of Abrham to Moses who held the presence in different level of the shakinah (saturn). The whole sojour in desert would be great for such witness. in another case the Saturn-moon consicuosness was also carried in the rod of moses, since the rod is for knock but not direct order from creator, since they power not standing permamnent (red river would not departed forever,with the restraint measure to witness the nuture of shakinah behind), that is behind the knock of the stone of the moses, it is not only the manner for food, but shakinah he drew under such restraint and patience. this stands for another saturn-moon consicousness. the rod of the moses is indeed different from the direct miracle of abraham who has be very fine after one year prison without eating and drinking, as well as by casting into furnance without burn. The difference laid on the rod might be consisted more humanity, since due to the moses rule their people with the law, his father in law gave hime the suggestion that, never blends the prophetic version of law with the law towards humanity, this might be also stands for another saturn-moon consicousness in the division of the red sea, which divided the pricinple of law of humanity and law of the prophecy, since the rod is a indirect power of nurture just as the rod of moses is the indirect power to deal with measure for measure towards magicians in Egypts. since by measure, it needs the knock, since that becomes the reason when the divine words (moon) does no work (on egyptian), the rod cometh for such lower manifestation of division (rod as saturn) as measure for measure (first ideology of the libra and law as heritage from egyptian but transfered into hebrew conicousness through rod of Moses) below but similar power of miracle of Abraham. Furtherly when Moses instructed the power of the Joshua to overcome the place called Jericho, also it stands for moon issue but Moon-Mars issue in presence as occupation. hence Jericho becometh righteous presence for the vision of the moses to Jushua later, where is the place for the integration of the consicousness of the eiher western semetic and eastern semetic linguistic resource for all impure moon deities, finally overcomed by the Jushua. hence Here We mightsee through much layers of the moon saturn consicousness through the moses to see the importance of the moses as the ideology prophet to hold on the peace. but also we could sens the divided manner from the moses in either hebrew and islamic world, it was due to the issue of the wine de heaven, as rewards the Moses had the wines joy with creator , and coming milk and honey as promise to his rewards. As prophet mohammod (PBUH) ascension to the highest heaven, he did not choose the wine de heaven but the milk& honey, this might stand for the different principle towards moses in hebrew (ancient wine of creator) and milk and honey in islamic towards differd consicousness in eiher shakinah and Sakeenah as mutual transition of the peace. since It was like chirst said, the old wine could not fill the new cup, as the his teaching, this wine is also not with christ. Hence we might know the resource of either peace and purity.

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