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Consicosunsss from the Pluto venus conjunction

I just realise that the venus is conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn , this consciousness is towards me interpreted as verily Egyptian issue . It might be manifested as Seduction of Egyptian woman when Joseph has been sold into it . Pluto stands for very interesting ideology , i might always connect with the unknown judgement and its manifestation in reality . Hence Pluto ideology made me connected it power with pharaoh’s scales for underworld of judgement of the soul . Did you soul weighted for your material as well as sort of level of the soul. The transformation manifestation in to pharaoh’s fear on his dream that Moses is overthrow the scale of all his wise man in the under world level of measurement, hence such overwhelming changes his fear for killing Hebrews . Interesting the killing of Hebrew from pharaoh is due to the the fear of Hebrew becoming strong , and manifested with Job, who were from Edom , stands for Esau & simon consciousness (since traditionally mars rule both Aries and Scorpio ) , hence it showed the to side of Pluto , which is under the fear and jealous hence it yielded murder and oppression as sin. But when Pharaoh dreamed about the the scale , Pluto ‘s inner principle for weighting the debt and the soul , he changing his behaviour by such weighting as transformation . Hence Pluto is like the measure but through debt that overthrow on the level of soul for the hereafter . Hence we Joseph sold into Egyptian , the venus issue becomes an interesting lust for hidden principle of another mars isssue , her husband who bought the Joseph. Since venus generated through the castration of the Uranus power. Hence the lower manifestation of lust in venus is due to oppressed Saturn principle and and relavant shrink principle in mars , since Saturn similarly rule both Capricorn and Aquarius, hence the strong negative Saturn power might yielded the lust and its Aquarius consciousness might scattered the Aries issue less formed opposite principle of libra due to the aires as opposite . Hence libra is less possessed with lust than Taurus, with much adoration than material oriented attitude. Prison of the Joseph might also stand for those Pluto -venus conditioned mars ideology 

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