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Chao Zheng (Justin,Dwood)

Hellenic astrological symbolization towards generation of Christ and their contrast

Consciousness between nomal woman and St maria's pregnance in symbolization of hellenic zodiac. (the difference between the sexual abstainance as consequence in divine difference)

  1. Virgin (Virgo, indicatred as darkness and void earth)

  2. sexual intercourse (symbolization of scorpio, gathered water consicousness)

  3. Spirit of fire and water power of the fetus, creation like the Sea creature (Symbolization Cancer)

  4. Attachment towards womb consciousness, half water and half earth (symbolization of the Capricorn), as the creation of the birds as whole.

Different sons ideology between normal sons and Christ.

The difference laid on the trasfer of the void earth and visible earth, water and gathered water. Baptise in the old and in the new, stands for spirit with the water, differentiated the its vibration manifestaed as symbolized Aquarious.

the symbolized the ideology towards the christ curcifix and resurrection consicousness into the plantary symnolization of the neptune and Pluto. Indeed the Chirst with sacrifced body is neptune principle while without body is under the Pluto consicousness. it bear the understanding for assumed principle of the salvation and witness of the body issues. It would be a very interesting issue under the group of baptised Muslims, towards their correlation with pure Muslim or pure Christian group.

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