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Chao Zheng (Justin,Dwood)

Womanhood understanding through inspiration of the service of the cleaning

I have been soaked in a strange condition for the inspiration towards Lilith and Eve, when I processed the cleaning service. Hence what i actually realized is the process of the detoxification and collection of the impurity (void earth, energy) together to be visible (dust and clusters), some of the them might be soaked into the water tank, and draining down and expel into the building drainage. At first the most differences laid between the woman were simply observed several days ago, with understanding for distain of the sexual intercourse by receiving the seed as Saint Maria. Indeed it might be due to the St maria, differentiated the difference between the son of the common and Christ, son of Maria.

The symbolization of the process for pregnancy and attachment in the womb has been described before. However, much depth of sexual issue I detected for the normal woman for bearing the baby as deliverance and saved, which has been mentioned in the Bible verses. Then due to the service of the cleaning, I discovered two different energies presented in side of the dirty water tank, they would be shown below: I witness sort of the relationship between the void earth I collected and the light issue correlated with it. I used symbolized zodiac Virgo, stands for the initial creation of the Lilith and Eve. But however, they manifested into different archetypes. since the Lilith has been created as male and female principle under (Leo), but much external manifestation towards Virgo; however, Even has been taken out from body of the Adam, hence Eve is more associated with darkness and body principle of the void earth. Then both lady witness the sin of their falling, such as Lilith departed from Adam and to be alone and also chasing the falling angels as her consort and begeth the demons, becoming the first human becoming the demon. hence here the Aries might stand for the dualistic principle of the light and Abyss, Hence the lilith version towards her escape from adam might be more innocent than eve, since Aries stands for the creation in the first day, the formation of the light and its opponents as Abyss. She becoming the adoration of the power of the light and becoming false sabath initiator, and searching for the falling angels as consort in the abyss and in the deep. The difference is eve, who is taken out from the body of the adam, treated as the shadowing consciousness of the such companionship, as more emphasized internal issue of Virgo, as darkness and void earth. Then the sin of Eve is quite obvious, since the second, as Libra represented, standing for the creation of the heavens, angels and hell (hellish beings) . Then the knowledge in this level is much cleared, But she chose the opinion from the snake, the wrecked being from the hell, the doomed consciousness which has been informed, under this condition, she taking the apple and seduced Adam to eat the forbidden fruit. In the end all the sins manifested as poison and stuck of the energetic type in the water, As my observation of my clean service, stagnant and polluted water. since Pisces stands for the water and spirit of the creator roaring on it. But the polluted water and its stagnant condition make the initial ideology of the suffering, that is, the polluted water by the sinned void earth. It indeed make Pisces a sign for taking bless and curse (poison and suffering) as its ideological manifestation. Hence here when I started to pour the dirty water away, after my finished work, the stagnant energy has been taken away from the will of the creator (water cometh together)...this formed Scorpio another ideology regards to detoxcification and transformation by taking the water away with those sinned void earth. indeed the difference has been laid between the sin of the lilith and sin of the eve, that, the aries exposed towards the light, Hence the matter of the sin in lilith might the sinned void earth without the darkness, just like her monster deed is so obvious and directly show; however, the sin of the eve, has been seduced under the condition later principle, that is, the light burned in the hell, that is the hellish being under ground, as established consciousness, hence the sinned void earth here might be with darkness. then When it merged with water due to the detoxification, one water is with dark sinned void earth (eve), and another is with sinned void earth (lilith), hence when the water comth together towards ocean and the abyss, Lilith parts blends water and sinned void earth, while the eve one blends dark void earth and water. Since under such principle, the darkness in eve's case has been draining away, but the darkness remained in the case of the lilith. Hence here the water cometh together would make the earth to be visible, Hence if we assume that the earth stands for the Taurus towards the condition of the darkness, in lilith case, less taurus would be remained since more darkness remained , but in the eve, more taurus would be remianed since less darkness remained. I realized that woman's body and skin might be under virgo consicousness in normal cases and the cloth turn out be principle of the Taurus. water coming together and earth to be appeared could also be indicated as the sin manifestation in body, as manifestation in cloth or the body itself, such as prostitution, current stripe wear like lady might strange glow of taurus on the skin rather than virgo's sensation.

Thirdly, even Eve and lilith might represent the pre cause of the normal woman's sexual issue (water-body issue, seductive issue) for detoxification and child bearing process as sin manifestation and child bear as the detoxification even from those level of the awareness. But some how St maria , Mother of Christ seems jumped the pre cause of either lilith and Eve, directly perceive the seed of chirst from not having manifestation of such curse for detoxification, might stand for some initial purity that probe into the water which we still not know yet due to the spirit of the creator towards the condition of pure or polluted waters.....

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