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Chao Zheng (Justin,Dwood)

The detoxification consciousness of the tribe Dan and its correlation towards pre-genesis myth betwe

In the previous articles that I have mentioned about the symbolizing Virgo consciousness in dealing with 2 ladies, the sin of the eve and lilith and its coming fall for the sexual and menstruation issue (symbolizing scorpio) and sexual connection for bear the baby to be saved. Hence Virgo here is symbolizing the pre genesis myth in the damned cause before the gospel delivery, that is, the water issue for coming together in order to achieve a offspring.

Hence the Virgo is symbolizing consciousness of the void earth and darkness before creating of the light, as preexisting with the creaotr spirit upon the water. hence the bless and abuse of the symbolizing Virgo could reflect the certain balance between the principle of the darkness and void earth to some degree. However, virgo is not the only zodiac could symbolizing the void earth, as well as the Scorpio itself could stands for void earth and gathered water as 2 components, just like the sperm and eggs are composed by either liqour and sperm &egg material .

Scorpio in my exegesis interpretation refered as the tribe Dan and its descendant, The tribe Dan is the issue of the social anthropology, since it witness the sin of ancient israel and witness the deliver of the written torah for such cause rather than virgo stands for natural anthropology in Lilith and eve dimension and social-natural anthropology with gospel's St Maria.

Dan as symbolizing Scorpio, could represented its consciousness towards different generations, at the first issue occured in Dan, manifested in the generation of the Moses, That was when the Dan's descendant betrayed moses in Egyptian, which leads to the exile of the moses into Ethiopia and in dealing with balaam issue. This betray is the consciousness of the water that coming together.

the second time of the manifestation was occurred in the time of tabernacle construction after exodus, that the offspring of dan nameed oholiab, becoming the construction assistance for ark establishment, and under this principle, it seems likely that it is the void earth assistance issue.

Then then thrid generation occured around time of the judges, namely the couple, delilah and samson, that Samson might represented the gathered water, and delilah stands for the void earth (sin, bribe from philistine ) .

It seems that scorpio symbolizing revealed certain path towards the manner of the water gathering and void earth management, but some are constructive and some are destructive in different dimension as perception.

like my previous post described, the according to the pluto soul structure studies for collective sin correlation that it is the pluto cardinal and fix signs issue determining the out come of the mutable signs. In our era, we might mainly observe the pluto collective soul manifested into the Virgo and Sagittarius, presented as two different generation. Those determined factors and characters from either cardinal or fix signs would associated its consequence towards the souls, which could brings positive and negative manifestation and sensations. For instance the pluto virgo generation might be presented as 2 sort of the sould structure as on generation towards the collective sin, that is either it is principle of darkness and void earth is contained in pluto collective soul consciousness and which has been strongly influenced by the time. For instance, water coming together issue in scorpio might bring more consequence in void earth inclination in generation of pluto virgo, but void earth concerned pluto scorpio character might bring more consequence in darkness in the principle of the virgo...since it is the darkness partaking in the virgo in consciousness with it symbolizing towards the vessel of the darkness in the night. all those could be manifested on three dimension on either natural -social anthropology through tale of Lilith, Eve and Saint Maria.

in another case, the pluto scopio water coming together principle might strongly push the higher division presented in the pluto Sagittarius generation (international trade, travel, philosophy and visions) , but the void earth might influce on the lower division presented in the pluto sagitarious generations (bestial desire, animal, martial inclination, zoology and so on ) . since It is the based on the those chains of the sin that influenced our value of the generation for observating on the condition of the collective soul de sin, with different generation manifestation towards certain industry and their correlation in depth.

in the end it was the time for the conclusion of the symbolizing scorpio into Dan's consciousness that when it was around 2012, the saturn conjunct the pluto in scopio as transit, hence we could realize those dan's descendant manifestation in to different generations from that time and their consequence on people's career and life impact, such as the sensation of the :

1. betray of Moses-Ethiopia king connection ,

2 . Aholiab consicousness

3. Samson & Delilah issue

as the consequence observation after 2012 up to now, since current the uranus is in Taurus, opposite the pluto scorpio issue, hence its liberation or curse of Babylon tower might also correlated with Saturn transition from 2012, for the future 7 years as concern and observation.

If the Jews studies as the perspective as assumption for how the sin determined the means Then Christian becoming the lamb of sin and its means with Christ at the same time.... Then in Islam , it become consciousness on how the means determine the sin..... Personal inspiration inshallah 

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