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Chao Zheng (Justin,Dwood)

Birds myth from the World Part II

1. Strige

Strige seems to be the myth associated with the issue of Cannibalism, which has been recoded and quoted most of the time in the bible as the condemnation towards nation defiling the sanctuary in the ancient time. The curse has forward the rages and wrath of the creator to those tribes that they started to consumed and eat up their parents and offspring.

The strige, or strix, are creatures also originating in Greek mythology. They eventually became part of Roman mythology as well as the religious mythology of Europe in the Middle Ages. Originally, they were part of a story about two brothers who were turned into wild animals as punishment for eating another person. One became a strix, condemned to a life upside down without food or drink, whose despairing cries could be heard at night.

It’s up for debate just what a strix or strige is. In Latin, the word “strix” can be interpreted as a screech-owl. In some places, the strix is more commonly associated with vampires or witches. According to some texts, the creature is a bird of prey during the day and a witch at night. It’s the witches that are said to strangle children and drain their blood, but—much like a vampire—an amulet made out of garlic can be placed around the child’s neck to chase away the strix. In Pliny’s Natural History, they’re described as a real creature, but he also admits that he doesn’t know much about them. In the Middle Ages, they made the jump from classical mythology to Christian mythology, when they were said to be servants of the devil.

Hence here we might start to aware that the cause of the cannibalism might be due to the wrath of the of the creator imposed on the human condition, this wrath might witness several witness of the sin descend:

1. It might witness the fall Adam, due to the failure of the obedience of the Adam, He took the forbidden fruit from the seduced Eve, Sinned into thousands of the fragments into the earth and animals. Hence the sin of the earth and animals started to be manifested from the era of the fall of the Adam, and then human started to consume the animals rather than plants. This formed the first of the wrath from the creator for defiling of the divine sanctuary in Eden. Which have manifested as the symbolism of the Sagittarius, the divided hermeticism between the celestial and the earth (bestial dimension) due to the sin of the Adam, as mentioned in the Torah, it formed different kind of the body as concept, that the body in the heaven differs the body on the earth due to the fragments of the sin spread around earth and into the animals. Hence the first part of the wrath towards defiling of the divine sanctuary is to prey on animals and among animals. The extreme hungry for the meat might be manifested as the wrath of the creator from that age, which formed the first layer of the divine myth de animal. Then this thirsty of meat and blood becoming later derived myth de animal prey on blood. Hence prey on blood stands for the curse of the ancient wrath from the creator.

2. The second witness is from the generation from the Cain and Eber, The first sin of the murder, that Cain was condemned into the lowest earth of the abyss before his rising, which became the first manifestation of such wrath in human which might indicate the sin making human fall into half bestial and half celestial conflicted struggle being, as symbolizing Sagittarius. This sin witness the condition of the malnutrition, first condition of Burren and starvation (defiled abundance as witness for defiled divine sanctuary). The second condition of the Burren occurred after the deluge, since the second condition of Burren is the witness towards the purity of spiritual or Food nurturing which different from the barren condition before the deluge.

Hence according to the divine concern, the cannibalism originated towards the sin and wrath towards the animal due to the defilement of the divine sanctuary leading to the natural catastrophe in defiled abundance of the earth. In the Greek myth, The cursed brother who used to practice the cannibalism has been punished to turn to the wild animals (the condemnation into sin transition between animal and human due to the defilement of the abundance of the earth---divine sanctuary). Hence here due to the greek myth, it formed a new dimension between divine animal and divine curse through humanity as blended integration with different components as emphasize.

The sign that for the strige crying in the night (darkness) without blood and food might be associated divine situation of the condemned Cain into the lowest earth, the Abyss and sevenfold own blood for killing on him by severe punishment upon first condition of the Cain. Hence here also symbolizing another side of the Scorpio, The abyss (void earth) and the sin condemnation (water come together). While in the second condition, when Cain rising into higher earths, it witness the symbolizing Gemini, the mediator, messenger due to the dualism as such manifestation into the changing forms between condemned Divine animals and Witchcraft and vampires. It presented as the transition between Gemini-Sagittarius ideologies. Witchcraft is certainly the manifestation of the Lilith issue in the night time, presented as impure divine being in the night time but animals in the condemned animals in the day time (which observed as the Lilith and vampire issue under Gemini---division of the day and night in this myth, from the sea myth Lilith presented as the contract ideology beyond---sky solar issue or under the sea—abyss issue un consciousness of Pisces ), but here it witness the myth in the dimension of the Gemini-Sagittarius, division of the light and division as hemeticism between heaven and animals.

Hence here the myth making the divine animal as the condemnation of the consequence of the wrath for the cannibalism (curse) which was due to the defilement of the divine sanctuary (humanity), it witness the sin of Adam and its consequence on animals, rising from the deepest earth due to the symbolism of the mediator---Gemini---division of the day and night for division of the manifestation between condemned divine animals and condemned divine beings.

Another exegesis towards those divided consciousness between Gemini-Sagittarius issues manifested in the time of the King Solomon, which has been associated his wisdom has been challenged the king demon aligned with some Persian resource called Asmodeus, in oral tradition that this demon wished to challenge the wisdom of the Solomon then using the spell release the offspring of the Cain, called them Cainist, then their offspring had some interesting deal with demons for their greed, then they became like the monster, as the legend that those offspring of the Cainist becoming the 2 headed demons and confused strongly towards people. Also this could indicate the dualistic principle towards the Gemini-Sagittarius towards the sin of the wrath, but here they didn’t associate with divine animal with condemned divine beings but conjunct as divided principle of the dualistic demons (Sagittarius) for confusion (Gemini), and then When creator taught Solomon how to deal with them by pouring the hot water on them, then died spontaneously, and Solomon started to aware that the death of the 2 as a whole entity, this might indicate that the life & death has not been divided by principle of dualist consciousness in either day & night or the divided head.

2. Liderc

The liderc is a creature from Hungarian mythology that looks like a featherless chicken. There are several different types of liderc, and this one is called a mit-make. Closely associated with witches, it’s said that they will simply appear in their homes or hatch from an egg that they incubate beneath their arms. The liderc will act as the witch’s familiar, tirelessly performing task after task for her but ultimately killing her if not kept busy enough. It’s said one of the only ways to keep this from happening is to give the liderc an impossible task, like carrying water in a bucket with holes in it.

Interestingly, Liderc myth stands for the freshwater ideology towards symbolizing Cancer, that might be associated with the lake Balaton. Since most of the time from reflection of the water myth that, Lilith presented as ancient witches might be presented the ideology for solar deity and defiling of the earth shield like the Egyptian myth prescribed, Hence the hatching from the eggs which might mainly presented as the water element form the Cancer, but here due to Hungary is not close to seaside but contain a huge lake called Lake Balatan, fresh water lake, hence which making the birds verily busy associated with earth, symbolizing Capricorn. Hence if the birds are not busy enough then the earth issue would be too strong as well as the water is fresh water, hence it might diminish the power from the witch (solar and sky deity issue from the fire element of the Cancer duality. The task has been strongly associated with the Capricorn, hence it is tightly connected with the issue of the earth, to prevent too strong earth manifested. The task impossible might indicate the void earth, that the holes on barrel which could not carry the water, hence it implied the St Maria consciousness and sons -----the void earth for impossible task, as transferred ideology for reconciled divine womanhood and sins through association between the fresh water and land.

Human in every way except for sporting the leg of a goose, this liderc preys on individuals who are lamenting the loss of a spouse. They appear every night and their relentless affections will cause the target of those affections to gradually waste away. To get rid of a liderc and prevent it from coming back, steal the shoe or foot it wears on its human foot.

This also indicate the issue of the Capricorn, the different feet consciousness with witness of half water and half earth, it might indicate the stealing and attack might be manifested as imbalance principle of Capricorn (water-ewarth) such as for a widor or who losing a spouse. The deception energy for getting rid of liderc might interestingly on balanced or differed manifestation on the different feet (stealing shoes).

3. Cinnamologus

The cinnamalogus is perhaps one of the strangest explanations for a naturally-occurring commodity. As far back as the 5th century BC, cinnamon was a highly desired spice. According to Greek writers like Pliny the Elder and Herodotus, the most valuable cinnamon was that which was gathered by the cinnamologus. Pliny the Elder’s Natural History says that these giants birds build their nests only from sticks of cinnamon that they gather from cinnamon trees. Since they are so high up in the trees and so delicate, the only way to get the cinnamon down is to throw lead balls up at the nests to knock the cinnamon sticks loose.

The same story is told later by Isidore of Seville in the 7th century, while Herodotus tells a slightly different version of the story of the cinnamologus in the 5th century. According to the historian, these Arabian birds collect the sticks and build their nests high up on sheer rock faces, cementing them in place with mud. Those who are collecting the cinnamon cut oxen and other large animals into large pieces, leaving them at the base of the cliff and enticing the birds to carry them up to their nests. The nests can’t support the weight of the prey and fall, allowing them to collect the cinnamon—and sell it for quite the profit.

Interesting two story has informed a quite different principle, especially the relationship between the Birds and the Cinnamon. Cinnamon becoming more prominent than the birds in both stories, which Birds becoming the collector of the Cinnamon but however, human becoming the one who wish to obtain the Cinnamon in such manner.

The two story are with different consciousness no matter is it by metaphor or by ontology.

Due to the one story occurred before Christ coming, and on story occurred after Christ coming, which might witness the different ideology of Cancer and Capricorn.

The first story occurred before the coming of the Christ around 5 century BC, the most different thing occurred in the ontological level, hence in Hebrew, the Cinnamon possessed different consciousness from Arabic. The Cinnamon in Hebrew is Qof +Nu consciousness; but in Arabic, it presented as Kaf+Nu+Ain consciousness, which determined different consciousness of two stories.

The precious desired spice in the first story is verily a consciousness in Qof+ Nu consciousness, simply its obvious desire has been showed with qof consciousness, with the ball hitting the net to precious spice form the nest’ it might reflected as Lilith consciousness for solar deity projection, with obvious desire to be shown towards previous thing to directly obtain through adoration towards its light (Aries symbolizing), and qof manifested something much secured consciousness under Lilith but hidden reason has not be figured out.

In the second story, the consciousness have shifted from the Qof into kaf, which it would be influenced by the negativity of the Lilith and it was the age after Christ coming, the additional Ain stands for the projected consciousness towards sky and forgiveness for some impure lunar consciousness.

Hence under the consciousness of the Kaf, it is the issue of minister and control, since Lilith form previous Egyptian myth, I have mentioned due to the adoration of the power of the sky, that the earth shielding has been derived of, but after Christ coming this issue seems interesting reconciled through myth of sinful earth and pure void earth, witness that the birds cementing the sticks of the Cinnamon together with the mud (mixture of the water and earth), projected the home issue of the mix earth and water as the creation of the birds (Capricorn), which also stands for the balance between water and earth under fire from the sky due to consciousness of ‘Ain’; Here the issue might come as the ‘kaf’, the control and minister, then it might stands for the price and refereed as expensive large animals slaughter for seduce the birds to reconcile their fortune ‘’balanced water and earth under the fiery sky”. It also witness of the other posterior condition of the myth presented in Lilith, due to the seduction of the precious meat, the animal underestimated the weight of it (earth) and impacts on his balanced home with previous Cinnamon, presented as the thirsty issue of the meat and blood, which defile its balanced nest but purely with solar deity from the sky with the blood thirsty…..

4. Hoopoe

The hoopoe is an oddly-named bird that’s both a real creature and the stuff of some conflicting mythologies. In Arab mythology, the hoopoe is regarded as an enlightened bird that has powers of healing and water divination. It’s also the hoopoe that was said to have rescued King Solomon when he was stranded in the desert, having gathered a flock together to shade him with their wings.

In the bestiaries of Pliny the Elder and Isidore of Seville, the hoopoe is told to be one of the few creatures whose young will take care of their elders when they grow old and weak. However, the bird also has a number of other less charming stories associated with it. Isidore says it’s always seen around graveyards. A legend from Eastern European mythology states that when God created the hoopoe, he presented the bird with all the traditional foods that birds tend to like. The hoopoe refused to eat any of them, though, and as punishment, God condemned the bird to forever only eat the excrement of other animals.

AS the same condition that, the story carried 2 very different consciousness due to different ontology as well as different metaphors.

The first story carried by Arabic ontology, the Hoopoe is ‘’Ha“+ ”Da“ consciousness, it might be associated with Arabic word ’Shahada‘, witness, as the creation of the birds, it contains the basic astrological symbolization of the Capricorn, hence the name Ha is much concern water principle, and the ‘da’ is much concerned earth principle. There is assumption towards the its divine manifestation in rescuing the king Solomon with ‘Shin’ consciousness, the witness of the feather, which contains the consciousness of the ‘shin’ in the wings, also in natural Myth, Shin might be connected with full moon, the pure moon and its manifestation of fire elements as assumption.

In the second story, in Hebrew ontology, hoopoe contains the ideology of the ‘da’+’ka’+’fa’+’tav’. Hence the helping for the elder would be manifested as the consciousness in ‘da’+ ‘tav’, also ‘tav’+ ‘da’ might also contain the consciousness between the Passover and to the land of promise. Hence helping the elder in another meaning is Capricorn consciousness, which witness the feed towards the condition of the ‘barren’. But during the Palestine exile, there are ones who did not obey the leader Moses, which stands for the illegal food taken and gold calf worshiping, which defiled the holy sanctuary of the first tablet, this witness another insight of the wrath coming from the creator, which is not referred as the anger for the meat and blood, but manifested as curse for impurity takings, as consciousness of Scorpio (sinned particle coming together with gathered water) rather than Sagittarius- Aries symbolizing. Hence here towards hoopoe it would be more witness of the curse rather than fury rages in this myth.

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