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Consciousness of differed space and time under divine law and salvation plane from origin and end th

Due to recnt study of the Moon phrase and its correaltion into the zodiac Virgo, which enable me peek some screte of the Zodiac Virgo in some sense that I have never awared before. Virgo is a practical archtype, between the balance of the minds and reality towards ultmate truth towards material oriented inner mental dimenion, which associated with absolue darkness and the voidearth (light) between the mind and reality. Hence many spiritual practices are much familiar with the such practical sign and its correlation in different stages of the mental strenghth and point of view. That is the ultimate meaning of the pragmactism, practice and order indicate the some sort of output archytypes that fulfill ones privacy of the inner peace of the darkness. Then due to the Sin of the Moon, any Zodiac in the moon might be manifested as the falling side of the sun, which witness the change and issue correlated with that achitypes, including its methodology, metaphysics (study of the matter and existance) as well as the meditation and epistymology are all output the meaing of the virgo: that is, how to approach to inner peace in darkness that reserved before as spiritual recording into the practical order that mantian that privacy from the before. hence the secret of the practical mind is the reservative mind for the either withdraw or expanding in darkness and reality. Any one had any specific need to develop their own ideology of methodology and manner in developing their real inner peace and darkness, which could be manifested as the lunar phrase, in my opinion, this is the begining stages of the pragmaticsm, the self need and self purification in the material world. Then by such development, we migh not forget to communicate the need of others and another type of the darkness with orders, which becoming a new architype called the transcendence of order, which is laid on the diplomacy of the need of the deign of the orders. On this design of the orders, epestymology begeth to reconcile the mutual or muti-lateral need of the order in order to refresh the boundaries for such visible void earth (bondaries) as methodology. Indeed at first it is just a code process to complete and meditation, but in some stages it turn out to be the love and intimacy refelected through methodology itself as expression of the passion of the darkness. Hence in the universe, some darkness requires the withdraw but some are about to expand into light. Hence inorder to reconcile my ideal model through theory kanticism and theology of the Abrhamic, I developed a model to illustrate how the world to be influenced under virgo ideology towards darkness and pragmaticism into witness the change of the light and sin on it by measure.

No alt text provided for this image The upper illustration stands for the dual force between the light and darkness, in which the light from the first is to be consider to avoid the completely darkness, and the travel of the light formed the size of the universe. Hence we could title this under the size of the univserse we might witness its speed of the light Vz as size Xz. hence by such consideration, we have another two different object 1 and object 2 , which are in the same dual manifestation for escape from the absolute darkness, showned as its speed and journey it progressed as proportion towards the size of the universe. hence here the relative speed indicate the level of the existence, which formed my first assumption in such metaphyscal existentialism. by slightly meausre, we could find that the he speed corelated with the size and distance towards the creation bondaries of the universe. due to some sample fomular we could get some sample understanding towards the relative speed Dx1, Dx2 and thier formed distance as space triangle AOB, trangle OCD and the current creation of the universe triangle JOH. hence the salvation plane is laid on the triangle JOH as inifinition in potential of expanding as creation of the light (void earth). by such we quantified the existed speed to be measured by the space and covered by salvation insight of the eternal plane, as sort of the secret of the creation. This is much cling to the theory of kanticism that is much approach to the light (void earth) towards the salvation itself into salvation theory. The second lower chart indicate the Abrahamic theory and its concern on the division of the time and divine law as witness of the draw of the shakinah/sakeenah (moses time) or the withdraw of the shakinah /sakeenah (before moses and even Abrhamic ), as different witness of the different stages of the light. There are light stage 1, light stage 2, light stage 3 and even more treated as ligh stage of the bondaries of the universe. then we would treated there on different light expansion stages, there existed the restriction on it, it formed the metaphysic concept and ideology towards the divine law derived by different kind: divine law before moses (such as racial divine law, law of Noah) divine law after moses (who has draw the shakinah /sakeenah) divine law after christ (islamic Sharia) Hence the divine law indicate with time and stage of the development that light, indeed the shakinah /sakeenah is not bear the light but the time of the law created bear the light under that light corelated with the law. Hence law itself by different is set through the contrast bear of that light. in the manner of the law, we could meditate that seems in any stages, there are the lights that slow down (by twist its direction) even back to the darkness as meditative consicousness as if there is a transition between darkness and light even under the escaping desire of the light. Hence in my opinion, such twisted direction might indicate the slow down of the light by its changing direction as witness of the sin orredemption of the sin. Hence Christ here might transcendce of the time in order to make salvation towards the direction and speed of the light in different stage and divine law consicousness. without divine law, one's wihdraw would be without protection. Hence this might also witness that the salvation of the christ might be aimed for the level of the creation in that stage of the light, and those differentiated consiocusnes might be divided by the holy law revealtion as division. those ideas have been reflected as listed object 1, object 2 and object 3 under different section of divine and its witness of the christ manifestation. as the reconcilation o1 and o2 are correlated with o1 and o2 in the chart above, by witness the measure of the difference under relative speed and the space and salvational plan with sin and disease. simplly we find the disease seems like opposite towards sin, hence we might think disease is the pricnciple of redemption of the sin. by assumption under proper ligh diseases , it witness the redirection of the light with normal speed under the salvational spirit. In most of christ society the first model might usually used since there is no concern on the divine towards the salvational plan but the relative will and sin of the speed or either existance due to the speed of the light. However in the natural society, the divine law issue might be much severely concern since it might inidcate the different means and methodology under the time towards the different intamcy of the spiritual level. Since Virgo stands for how one come out from darkness to keep its ideology and methodologies to be with material that is calm with ones inner peace, as well as to reconcile those external mental bondaries towards materials negotiable as rules changing and adapting for better inner peace. hence the truth is comfort from the darkness the means are just its projections, the changing is to reconcile the dark comfort with other principle which reflected the need from inside for the pratice and pragmaticsm as content and mediation between the mind and material when one's realization of the creation in the universe is between its origin (darkness) and reality (materials) through mind. Hence Virgo ideology brought the transition between means and spiritual intimacy, the love and passion that are associated with work and means, in depth , it is not the love of the principle of the work or rules but the passion or peace behind that rules or principles.

Suddenly I got a new awareness towards light, due to the division of the light, there light existed the strong light and weak light. But however due to the sin , it witness the sin of the moon with descend and ascend into darkness as moon phrase, the new consciousness has been lighted up due to my recent theory of the speed of the light . Hence we witness the moon phrase changes and shiftings in the day time and the night time, the difference might not only be laid on the strength of the moon light but also the speed of the light due to the sin of the moon. That is to say sometimes moon occurred in day time and sometimes moon occurred in night time, this might leads to the different speed of the moon light of moon in the day (vessel of light) and night (vessel of darkness). Psychic sensation towards moon below horizon (in the night ) and moon above horizon (in the day ) as sensation difference for light speed as witnesses No alt text provided for this image No alt text provided for this image I found the lunar phrase in chart below or above horizon (sac /desc) might influence the lunar influence as its lunar speed as perception, hence this lunar issue might also need to be considered as the relocate consideration. Since the sun never jumping between day and night , hence it might witness the division of weak and strong light.... Inshallah Hence I might give a character: Moon above sun below horizon (weak but quick light) Moon above and sun above (strong and quick light) Moon below and sun below (weak and slow light) Moon below and sun above (slow and strong light) Inshallah No alt text provided for this image Hence this might indicate the nomatter towards one's natal chart of the chart of the relocation. But as new born christains or bapised people, the chart need to be considered spiritually in the place of the baptise to decide the location of the Moon and Sun towards the horizon and its relocation issue. affnix: The Cycle of the Virgo moon (lunar phrase in virgo and their meaning) This modle of the Virgo Moon prhase have been inspired by both hellenic and Torah ideology towards virgin as well as the relationship between void earth (light) and darkness, which is different from the moon in Scorpio, stands for void earth and assembled water. Hence Moon stands for the Sin, that was the reason why the light of the moon is not equal towards sun but seven fold less. hence through the moon phrase in virgo we would be clearly understand the sin, descendence and resserection in the consicousness in virgo as illuminaries. Due to the sun never change , stable but not jumping in night and day. hence the sun is to observe the division of the strong and weak light , but the moon would observe the speed of the light (twisted and caused by the sin) 

In the end there comes the understanding towards the blance between the Arabic moon light and Irael Moon light. Both Moon light is to correct the Moon light back to purity but the methdology is different, hence such intimacy must be achieved through balance in every detail in the daily life. Explaination: how is the difference between Arabic moon light and Isreal moon light? Arabic moon is much mutable conjuncted with all moon prhases and sins in the whole world, just like ramadan and new year, the new moon of the new year shifts to obseved the sin due to the changing of the moon light even under divine routine, which would be treated as the return of the sinful 'moment' punctually towards all the lunnar connection due to the sin of the moon. Since if we category each under 12 zodiac, by waxing and wanning, there would be 8 phrase for each zodiac, that is 96 moon phrase by total , 192 phrase counts its counter parts in division of the north nodes and south nodes, as consiciousness we reached so far currently, hence Arabic moon is merciful moble with local sin and recall through the islamic ritual with truth and myth in the same time as principle of the tolerance and the mercy. However, the israel moon is constant moon, which has been lead by the Aroona into the promised , called it jerusalem and primised land has been under the pure moon light. Hence such purtiy is constant guarded by either by the stablity of the hebrew letter or the metaphysics of the hebrew scholars, it is not mutable but constant into observation into it purity quality, hence no matter how the solar shifted its power, the moon would be purily stand under the law. Either islamic law and law from torah witness the purity of the Moon, that is under the divine law, there would be the witness of the stable moon light, but in the myth there is tolerance of the lunlar sin tolerance due to specific group of people partaking its course under special moon phrase in collective unconsicousness. Hence Arabic moon are much senstive towards the change of the moon and its correlated sin in manifestation in some miracle sacregation. Hence what is out of the law, would influence Arabic moon's sensation and psyche, since such experience is like a sensor to be known in Arbaic moon, it would lead to the change of the behaviour for either behaviour or habit due to the mercy, the only unchange is five pillar of isalm. Inshallah Then the balance issue between the Isreal moon and Arabic moon have been occured in balance of the food intaking and balance between the left and right, hence the Arabic moon could more sensitively sense the fragility of the moon in the left side due to its sin, and it might bear the witness of the burden on body and the heart (heart stands for the correlation between the sun and moon, is moon sined the heart would manifest its sign in arabic moon, by means, it would show the sign by the sin and deliver by the islamic means, in my own opinion the organic heart issue in islamic is a lunar sin detection issue but not christ heart issue ) , while isreal Moon is much under right hand of the law and senseless , with more justice evil repeling. hence such balance in the end comes as the balance between the left and right side (shoulders or the hands ) by consideration of the behaviour of the food taking and some operation, or it would lead to imblance. For instance, If I wished to drink the water with dissovled sugar, I would testify the body reaction towards the left and right. as I put on shot sugar, two shot of the sugar, three shot of the sugar inside of the water, would leads to different sensation between the right and hand, as well as betwee day and light differes in such subtle sensitivity. balance balanced achieved through attitude towards the food as well as the sin , as it manifested as moon , as part of the body pain, then becoming a new of balance between the two sort of the moon by much consideration. such balance would enhance one's ability to discern, work and meditation towards the details in their lives.

Consciousness of differed space and time under divine law and salvation plane from origin and end through objects in different speed and time and space of the universe as assumption   

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