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Myth and awareness of the structure of Christ in Islam

Christ in Islam is always the myth without specific scripture like Gospel as well as it has been prophesized that christ second coming would be using Quran . Such unclear and undeclared myth has been unsettled and confused in different generations of the Muslim. As a reverted baptised Christian into Muslim, I tasted his flavor and tried to give some definition in order to make into understanding. Christ in Islam did not bear any sacrifice as it described, with no crucifix, which are different from the opinion of the gospel. There actually have no conflict between different version that I might give more description below. Since I recently made a poetry: In side of Me No alt text provided for this image Poetry : inside of me Inside of me There are two myth Firstly comth as the myth of mercy Secondly comth as the myth of trust The trust witness the means The mercy witness the compassions Between the means and the compassions, it is the division laid by bridge between bible and Quran. The secret is in the silence and remembrance, since it nilhilize the visible and the invisible of the means and compassion Most of Christ myth in islam seems to need the structure of secular knowledge and divine knowledge for the dissacrificed salvation. hence the structure and knowledge bear on the Trust laid in Quran, which wintess the means and the scientia. however the compassion witness the suffer in gosepel, it witness the mercy . In islam the means is visible and the mercy is invisible, and in christian the mercy is visible but the means is invisible, and that is how I started found the secret of the reconcilation is laid in absolute silence and tranquility with creator along (sober), no debate and no doubt, bear the trust and the relationship. in that level, everything would be fine and kind Hence there is time of the merge and there would be time of the discernment. there is about the definition coming after. If you are not muslim, it is very hard to figure out the outline of how the Christ might work in islam, without baptise it might be become much harder. I titled the islamic christ as the phenonmina as 'sinking cost of spiritual power and focus ' for invisible salvation. Even like this the trace is hard to trace. Since Jesus was a Jew, but his manner different from The jew , hence from the perspective of the jew under baptise, one could much clear understand christ in Islam. Then first it would come as the discerment between christ the bible and quran, then I would sum up the conlusion on whaty is the ideology, consicousness and concept in Islamic christ. I have used semetic astrological symbol to illustrate the issue of christ and its difference between the bible and quran, those categories would be discerned in the following coming knowledge. No alt text provided for this image this is the desribed char towards the Torah, rest of the old testimony and the gospel, that is described as the specific sin (pluto) in any land attracted specific sin (Moon type). Since the sun is stable and self sufficiency as attributes but the Moon descend into darkness witness the depedence and agony of non self sufficiency with jupmping between the vessel of the night and thed day (sometimes Moon only occured at night, sometimes moon shine with sun together). Moon is the archytype of the Sin as internal origin of psychology of the sin itself. in higher level the moon manifested its agony in either Pluto and pisces or even saturn. Those are all the vessels and attributes that reflects on how actually Sin operated as conseqeunce in the holy books. Actually The moon phrase indicates the patterns of the sin and cause due to the internal shadow, but it is actually the saturn detemine the insufficiency and agony of such sin in material dimension for need and dependence (such as sinful means on earth in dealing with sinful moon). and pluto determined on how the sin would be manifested or non manifested as reverted or transformation which differed christ in gospel and Islam. Just like the chart reflected, at first, the specific sin of the land detmined the specidfic certain sin (moon) on that, and this relation ship between the material and moon (sin) are stable. it means the manifestation of the sined ground under the original spirit and there is such intuition for such sin towards the material level. then Saturn comth as the two dimension, the material dimention and soul dimention: the material dimension of the saturn stands for the how to leads to establishment under the sinful land into efficiency for suvive, it witness how the sin determined the means for the sinful moon and how such sinful means detemined manner for depedence of such sinfull moon. Hence it is not healthy and it is the sin for the sin, as well as the consicousness for the tooth for the tooth, the blood for the blood. soul dimension of the saturn stands for the restriction form divine sanctification as internal principle for such functionalism operates from origin in torah, it stands for after fall of the Adam, how the shadow and impulse or purity of the such spritual nurturing disappeared from the paradise, it is inner thirsty, non happiness and manifested as the means to feed the original moon, the ideal moon that is, the sin did not waste on it for what it feeds. Then in moses time such urge has been placed by the revealed written torah as archytype for such efficiency of feeding the pure moon under divine restriction in efficiency and material insufficiency. Since it is issue of soul of the saturn (restricted maner in divine to feed and formed the moon in purity) rather than the material orientation of the saturn (sined manner aid for the sin of the moon). Saturn is aways a manner towards the shadow of water, lacks of the water and shifted its concern on how to estbalish to earn the water which firstly it was deserved but depreived, also it associated with ideology of Barren: 1. Before deluge , barren caused by holy sanctification’s defilement. It is direct deprivation of the nurture and abundance. It might increase ones appetite and with reduced productivity and food 2. After deluge, barren caused by the purity of the food especially occurred in exodus. Since the purity of the food witness by the divine law on restriction . It indicate a means on restriction of food for the purity of the food as the draw of the sakeenah, the spiritual nurture. from the those saturn ideology, it is not hard for us to understand more about moses on the level of the scarcity. in capricorn, certain secret might be revealed towards the relation between water and land, with internal principle of Saturn in understanding how the balance achieved is due to the lacks of it... and how to balance the secret of inner thirsty and achievement with external waters hence water contains fire but the earth bear the scarcity. The understanding is the scarcity is a status but did not mean it is natural as it being as happiness, the acceptance might be upon the role play and admit the belongs. Then due to those restriction, it leads to the pure moon beyond jerusalem, the promise land, that the moon was tetified by sinful means and later divine restriction and shaped into stable pure moon in jerusalem. those might be the unique consicousness laid in bible with strong concern of the saturn and its relationship towards the Moon, that is, how the sin of orgin reflected into the means that is sinful enabling us for suvive. and how the sin of location are unique towards the sin of that land, and how the divine restriction brings the stable pure moon under the soul of the saturn? Saturn did have two edges, the material side of saturn bruized the ancinet israel for ruling issue, the pround of struggle of the sinful means and how it associated the power in sinful means that correlated with sinful moon. It might relfect the architype of the ancient isreal moon and its correlation salvation issue in gospel. This how the baptise determined a salvation of Israel moon under divine restriciton and tesmony of the secular sinful means. This becomes another important version towards the bpatise and its witness for the pure moon and its correlated saturn issue in bible. Hence when the shadow of the saturn and ruling issue started to bruize the the first coming of the christ, making him a lamb and to be crucifix. The crucifix refected the sin of the land , from both plutonian point view and from saturn point view . From saturn point of view, the crucifix stands for the law that departed from the spirit, and rule that degrace the soul of restriction, and christ comth to bear that sin. from the plutonian dimension, it refered as the origin sin of the land that attracted certain sin of the moon, in this dimension, hence Christ is telling the truth, the sinful land could not bear that truth, since the land is part of the turth. hence the cricifix become the price for the truth to be given and bear, since without it, the land could not bear the truth from christ, and it leads to unique phonomina in bible towards christ and moon to reconcile specific type of the Sinful moon into consideration into either the dimensio of the Saturn (ruling) and pluto (price) with the pure moon awareness from jerusalem, and those awarness becometh the testimony when one has been baptised. Then lets have a look what is different as christ in Islam No alt text provided for this image The difference laid on the Quran and hadith, namely the truth and new restriction, delivered by the messenger (prophet mohammod peace be upon). The message symbolised as the ancient myth of the mercury, as mercury ruled Virgo and Gemini in the same time. The virgo indicate the restriction as discerment (not ruling issue like capricorn and saturn) and Gemini indicate the division of the light (lies and sin that differed as pattern between the moon the sun), since sun is certain with much self sufficiency and truth, but moon stands for the sinful reflection, treated as lies in gemeni consicousness. hence In islam the Sinful has not been attracted but has been matched under the truth of ones division as Gemini (Moon is shadow of the sun, same as that the moon is the lies of the sun. Moon witness ressurection and change as well as the its depednece ) The sin would witness the Scorpio issue, water and void earth coming together, and in this dimention you might find that the Christ in islam bear no suffer, since the reconcilation bettwen the Sun and moon would be certain patterns (moon phrase), detached from the manifestation of the land in the spirutal level. But the transformed body issue on earth is associated with Hadith, Sharia and its relation ship towards sin. witness the relationship between movement of void earth with water detoxification and absolute silence (darkness). This is initial assumption why christ manifested as spiritual reconcilation before his appearance like christian view. Hence christ is beyond the time, in islam you need to know His trace when after your could sense event transcendence with time, in christ he would be apeared as body to bear the conseqauence of the sin. No alt text provided for this image this chart illustrate what that might be the christ in islam, for the issue for his body or non body manifestation as witness of the sin (Hadith shaira issue). Since in islam it is the means detemined the sin, hence the breach the divine law in islam might witness the body christ. it is relatively abrstract, but we would rather continue and giving some definition towards christ in islam. The secret of christ in islam , concptually I titled christ in islam as 'spiritual siking cost' and 'non' manifestation Or 'erased sin before the sin manifested'. since in the gospel sin would manifest and christ body would suffer or redemption. that means muslim in his life could experience 2 kind of the christ, the christ with body from the church, and christ with no suffer from islam. in the case of islamic christ the sin erased before it taking place when the structure of sin properly explored and one chanted and pray properly without breach that sin in the consicousness of the consicousness or in hadith & Sharia . This non manifestation is the concept of the attributes of self sufficiency and sober in 99 names. I found that under that sin reverse, the sin would not manifest but distinguished into absolute silence (absolute peace and submission), so i called it sinking spiritual cost, since the effort would not be manifested as well as transformation. but the sin still manifested in non islamic such as hebrew and christian world, consequential testifying in non islamic world if that sinful structure has been explored. the sinful structure indicate the metaphysical understanding towards the Sin, it could be the source from the torah or oral torah. this might mean that if one muslim did not breach the law keep good manner on hadith, the speed of the sin overcoming in islam much quicker since those sins solved itslef in oblivion (silence and submission and with sinking sprittual cost), hence that the body christ is relative slow sin it needs to witness the fruit of the sin. but in first case the first case the sin erased before it manifested. the difference laid in christian is that, lamb is special thing, and its impose spirituality would be not nihilsed bu manifest with transformational power. Since jews and Islam have law to guard the curse and ritual have law to avoid the intimacy of the sin , just like it said, the rightousness would not like the wrickedness. hence from this view, non manifestation of christ without suffer of such focus could be described as the sinking cost of spiritual focus and power, since it might save someone in silence externally but without manifestation and proof, even the effort nihilized, but the treasure would be no suffer. since witness of the suffer is the prove, but in islam there seem to be no prove for each silent salvation. so for instance, there are two group of people, making islamic chanting daily, but one bear the fruit of the sin and another one did not transgress the holy law...all the chanting delivered in islamic way but might witness 2 kind of the christ: the body christ from the church and islamic christ. In the following I would wish to share some christ balance issue in isreal moon and arabic moon, since baptised jew muslim or baptise mulsim might have sincere difference in reconcile the structure of the moon in secular level, which was laid in jerusalem and bible. There exists sort of balance between the strucrture of the moon (pricnipled and saturn projected pure moon) and the mercy of the moon (sun- moon partter reconcile in spiritual level) with their structure and attributes from the 99 names with moses divine law in torah.myt 

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