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New calculation skills development between sun - moon middle point Hamburg brunch with Arabic lot of

Briefly the moon and sun relationship has been verily important towards Islamic world, due to my previous articles and their descriptions that the Sun and Moon relationship has rarely been developed with external secular issue manifested in the divine sanctification like jews and the crucifix of the Christ Jewish body in the bible. The harmony of the Sun and moon ideology in Islam is observation of either the relationship between the truth and the lies, the male and females, and cycle of the sins under Islamic ritual for deliverance. Such setting has been treated as internal spiritual issue laid in the Quran reading and inner adjustment through the word and sound, the relationship between one and creator in one's remembrance. another difference has been laid on the divine law in islam, it seems likely that the hadith and Sharia did not function like the law in the Torah which is division between the purity and those who damned, with additional restriction on purity confronting with the oppression and the archetype of the external natural tyranny of the non belivers. In the gospel, the crucified christ body also stands for the shield for the believer for what they confronted with the oppression externally as restriction through sacrifice the body of the christ for sin those who laid by sined manner in dealing with the sin by overcoming it. Both in torah and Gospel witness the separation between the lunar ideology and solar ideology in different divine restriction. The purity of the food has been mostly laid with moses with its willing in revealing of the shakeenah and towards christ it is almost the forgiveness for those tyranny's reign under their relationship for forgivenss but transformation with christ manner for the truth (as much solar oriented ideology). While in Islam, you might started to realize that the harmonies of the moon and sun are not external issue for dealing with the sin and their divine restriction towards the external confrontation but withdrew into direct spiritual manner for harmony hiddenly, that becomes that sounded reason for why Muslim have cover themselves properly since the harmony of the sun and moon secretly in hidden place, that is the voice of the Quran and the words. since the Sin and lies towards one's recognition of the truth towards himself and the absolute one has already matched in islamic world, hence Muslim is no longer like the previous bible character explore or separate their sun- moon relationship to gain the recognition towards the truth of themselves and the absolute. Hence muslim have less measure and security of the sun -moon relationship but it has to be always attuned with quran teaching and hadith to set modification and adjustment in a non external islamic manner in manifestation. This is o like the Moses set the divine law on restriction of the moon, and promised by the promised land with pure and constant moon under such restriction. The moon in israel is constant while in Islam is mutable, and through hadith and Quran they would attune with such balance rather than direct restriction for a location. different from the gospel, that the sacrifice of the Christ witness the crucifix of the body to reveal the truth, while islamic christ is not manifested with body before his second coming, inshallah....which means muslism did not need to crucify one's body to convey that truth. Since it is not the truth as the words becoming and body and dwell in people in gospel but a message directly reveal the message towards the convey of the truth in such revalation. hence here the witness is the in islam there is no body coming from the words unless one is baptised, the truth is the words revealed as Quran, while baptised witness truth as word coming into the body who speak the holy tongues, and this body would become the lamb of the Creator due to the price between the land and body that is baptised with words of the truth. crucifix indicate the body could not bear that truth until it has been crucifix as the body of Jews (chirst is a jew, his heavenly body is in the heaven and he came before when it was time in the gospel). actually the crucifix of the christ body witness the price of the truth as deliverance as jews body and the another price of judah betray as rejection of such crucifix towards the direct revealing truth due to the price of the land, since the land possessed the sin and how the truth directly manifested in land when the land still a part of the truth from the point of view of the jews. Hence the price laid in christ is the price for the truth, and betray of the judah is the price of the sinful land. In islam, there is no such division between the restriction for the bruize and promise for deliverance, hence every was revealed in a single code and it stands from time to time, change due to all dynamic matches and variability in the void spirituality in association the ground. in islam it is the sound from revealtion of the Quran, delivered by the angel Gabriel to allah's messager, Prophet Mohammad (PBO) for such revealed dynamicity of action in balance of every invisible and visible in such mutable transcendence. In islamic system, the spiritual structure and mundane structure has been seperated with clear principle under intelligence structure to discern, observe and reconcile in a coded system but still those spiritual and mundane codes are mutual influence and impact on each other for one's mundane and spiritual life in the same time. Hence in islam, there is less trauma is like what greek revealed as the agony of centaurs, for his beastly and celestial division. Indeed the hemerticism laid in the ancient Greek is very good architype for the reflection of the sin (sin of the Adam drop into thousands of pieces in to the earth, hence the ground and earth is after the condition of the fall and can not compare with its original bundance) , hence human started to be in the conflicted between the body, land, survival and spirituality for all good . This agony indeed has been reflected as the Greek myth for the Chiron, since there is a spiritual pain in the its falling body and ground. Hence this witness the redemption of the aaron leading to the promised land, the land that was sanctified firstly with better and exalted condition under celestial Jerusalem. hence there it reflected certain restriction to reserve the purity between the material and the spirituality under divine law restriction with sakeenah revealing. until it becomes the time of gospel, the balance between the material and spirituality has been lost, since the derived jewish in later time departed from the spirit of that purity, and the systerm has been bruized with natural unbelievers tyrannies...The law is for the purpose for the tolerance , but unfortunately creator did not permit the ancient isreal should be suffer under such law but only the law he gave to moses. Hence creator sent the christ for such tolerance for all is forgiven under such crucifix body, but indeed it overcome the sin. since ancient isreal is absolute justice and it can not stand on any impurity and or tolerance, but christ comes for such mission of the tolerance not appeared on the law but on the spirituality as tolerance by sacrifice the body. Hence from the first stage of the divine sanction towards the moon leading to the balance between the spirituality and mateiral in resistance towards the sin for delivery currently under Christ become the tolerance of the spirit since christ pure in the spirit but keeping jew's body crucifix under his way. here leads to the view of the imbalance of the material and spirituality, which indicate the material dimension can only deduced from the spirituality of the christ of the pruity. Hence every material dimension should be filled with His spirit for spiritual tolerance but sacrifice as the price for natural bundance of the jew that they experienced under the law. That is, it becomes the spiritual deduced force into material yieding under his spirit and crucifix of the certain fortune that was without the spirit (the sinful part that can not make spirit stand). Hence that is what has been commented the Christ kingdom is invisible and with holy ground that is eternal. hence Christian in some society would be verily poor due to the hardship of spread of the spirituality of the truth and they have to crucifix the fortune did not belong to the spirituality of the purity in the eternal holy ground. While in islamic system, the spirituality and material turn out to be a new seperated hermeticism, that is the clear structure and conduct towards the spiritual life and material life, and their mutual influence towards one's struggle to balance life of the mundane and life of the spirituality. Hence the material mainly delivered through the holy sanctification through the sharia and hadith and their prayers, hence the material existance is different from non islamic. the difference between the islamic and Torah opinion on materials are that the Torah law given to moses is for the sakeenah and save the sinner for contiously to sin due to the test of the creator and concealment of the creator, since torah is the book of the relationship but not truth, the truth is in the ancient isreal and celestial isreal but the revealed torah is relationship one could have for their practice for such truth, torah is the most high relationships. But in islam, the truth is revealed in Quran and hadith, not through reason but through words for spirituality and manner for material. it is rather dynamic, conductive secret for mantaining the relationship in the truth. then under such manner, the spirituality would hear the sound of the Quran and words of its past to understand the relationship between the Truth (truth) and time of the past and the future (sin). and Haidth would derived divine law and secret behavior for the material that fulfill the secret of the truth in doing. hence the comfort issue in sakeenah in isalm is self observation, rememberance and sober since one could refelect the condition between material secret and spiritual secret in such truth. Hence when the truth is revealing, the practice become more reflective through such relationship. in this manner every enjoys different level of the relationships, presented as one truth under different relationship, but is not reversed as the one relationship toward the hidden truth. since the discernment is strong in hadith in material level, behaviour and actions, and spiritual attunment is strong in the Quran, which kept one's Sun-moon relationship hidden and matched with creator arrangement, hence thus it seemly that the spirituality did not have issue for external independence but absolute dependence internally. while the material secret was secure in a codes that is not interefere with secret of the secret of the spirituality that was always hidden. hence the transition is also the myth no would know by quantity which is not like the witness of the visible crucifix and written torah. hence one become possible to choose his relationship with truth under such system by what has practice in myth of spirtuality and myth of materially in secret manifestation in the arrangement when one's gaining understanding towards the truth and sin internally. If the knowledge of the spirituality is the secret, then islamic way of inner awareness between sin and truth would be called as the secret of the secret. in my opinion, i titled it as the balance of the moon and sun internally, with hidden wisdom that is before the structure of the spirituality. that means this level of the secret enables the change of every internal quality for all external discovered spiritual structure. hence islamic are famous the intelligence is due to their searching the structure and their correlation towards the spirituality and mundanes, while the secret of secret is to reconcile all found structure back to home, but indeed it needs such structure to witness the change of the internal reconciliation on its channeling for goodness and rewards. Hence As what i described above, there is the discernment and trust in the leve of spirituality and intelligence, but the absolute inner dependence would regards all the division is fine and would be home due to the secret of the secret. since every stands of boundaries show its purity, and reconciliation coming as trust. just like faith Abraham and issac, by doing and trust as rewards for all the goodness. As my own observation during the current issue of the muslim worlds and arabic lot of fortune point I found a profound issue to wards the compensation of the moon and compensation of the sun through lot of fortune in different time as consciousness. Since Moon-Sun relationship indicate the internal awareness between the truth and the sins, and imbalance might cause agony of sense of insufficiency of the content of being of happiness. the lot of fortune is not only the issue of the issue of the money, health and fortune, but the happiness that due to the Sun-Moon relationship (truth-sin) balanced model in one's life and its reflection in the practice of secret of spirituality and materials. Why some one practice the same mount of hadith but the rewards turn out to be different in proportion of the spiritual level and material level? Since hadith did mention whether it would be specific rewards towards certain kind of material or spirituality. This we could be due to the imbalanced moon and some lot fortune secret that could reveal the proportion (one of 99 name) of the creator's arrangement. since the arrangement is the path towards the happiness between the truth and the sin, and their clearance in the material level, which leads to detect in spiritual level and detoxification in material level. Since the moon has moon phrase, which witness the sin, due to it would descend into the darkness and coming up as the cycle , it indicate the sinning module and their correlation with the sun. in my opinion Sun- moon relationship stands certain moon phrase (sin) towards its matched towards the Sun (truth) when one has been born. then due to my observation i realized that the lot of fortune stands for point for compensation towards the moon and sun under certain moon phrase. for in stance we would have a look of the char below. No alt text provided for this image for instance, lot stands for the point that either the distance between the sun or moon towards the rising horizon and their same equal distance towards either correspondence towards Counter part moon or the sun. it indicate the revealing of the sun to be known (sun rise or moon rise ) and their correlative relationship in moon-sun (truth-sin realization) as material reflection of compensate as fortune, rewards and health in chart above, the lot of the fortune is in the degree of 21 09 libra, since it is the chart for the day time, it indicate the compensate of the moon in day time. The measurement is laid on degree between sun and moon towards the degree between the lot of the fortune and the compensate moon. Hence at night, it would be come the compensate of the sun in some degree in material realization of the universe. hence here the distance between the lot of fortune(libra) and Moon (leo) is 66 29 but the matched sun- moon relation is 84 04. the proportion of the compensate strengh by universe is directly show to the moon, it might indicate how the sin and its remeption into the fortune. For instance like what I described the baptised muslim can not sacrifice islamic christ, but however, if sacrifice of the church appeared, here would counted as debt as spiritual cost for 17 35 as real debt after the compensation of the unniverse since the rising sun moon counted as ressurection consicousness by that distance measured the lot of the fortune towards the Muslim, since the christian do it for free but not Muslim since it would lead to imbalance of the moon and sun and spiritual agony and healthy issue. also this could indicate the how the sin of the treasure determined the by such balance in sin awareness and material balance, since this indicate the imbalanced moon under islamic system that witness 17 35 non transfer into fortune or rewards but lost as imbalance due to that sin, which might need extra working on spiritual level for the balance. if we find the moon in leo and minus the degree 1735, it would lead to the position around later degree 2705 Cancer, which might be the concern would be laid . and the deduction should be counted on the side of the moon since the sin is stable and certain consciousness, this point could be titled as the point of spiritual effort for gaining awareness of the sin -truth, since material compensation is one of the secret, but one need to find its spiritual reasoning towards the such reward and lot of fortune provided great stage of consciousness of the proportion of the rewards. Then i would introduce the middle point from Germanic mid point concept. Simply middle point is the mid part of the sun and Moon directly in the chart , from the chart above the mid point is Gemini 2 38 as the middle point of the sun and moon. What does this mean? Mid point is from christian society, stands for the equal chance and opportunity of the cricifix of the sun (truth) and restriction of the sin (moon). This becomes very important for Muslim practice national and international non Islamic section with the seperated restriction and security on the truth and sin through bible consciousness. This concept is relatively simple, then the combination of the two manner would balance the course in the Islamic internal issue and external issue for calculation in order to void the ryba, for instance when islamic finacne is dealing with the non islamic world as financial service, the lot of fortune is 21 09 libra, and the middle point is 2 38 Genimi, if we wished to make a trine between 21 09 libra towards 2 38 genimi (quite close actually within 8 degree) there is effort to be carried for shirking the the distance for 1823 degree for both side and 0911 degrees for each side as cost of the transfer between the islamic and non islamic world for spiritual and material level certainty. (if the tolerance is 8 degree, hence it means the charity could be varies from 4 degree from above degree for such trine style operation, it is better to choose better aspect for seeking for consciousness in effort on the material level ) what is more, in the baptized Muslim or baptized jew Muslim, the aspect between one's awareness in lot of fortune, sun- moon relationship as well as the mid-point would gain harmony for one in two different world as certain module and effort to be achived and debt to be reclaimed through consciousness, since it is such consicousness changes one's heart towards abundance and wealth especially as spiritual compensation, it would be lead to more fulfilled happiness in the blance between the sun-moon in different world as awareness of happiness level towards the natural relationship of rewards and worth in material dimensions 

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