Through Islam and Hadith meditation such a longtime for exegesis and epistemological modelling into internal dialect..... I suddenly developed a new theory in the brunch of idealism towards it today, I titled it as the “transcendence utilitarianism de righteousness”: as described as that our perception of happiness is limited towards the methodology and level righteousness abides to it, hence our happiness is to be enhanced visibly and fulfilled in a perfect manner structure of what we have known; however we are still innocent towards the invisible happiness and cause behind that fulfilment and structure, and it causes all the transcendence of happiness in the same fulfilment directly from the concern of glory and grace of the creator to reconcile the conflict of different methodology. In this way we are innocent but still fulfilled. Which reconciled our routined happiness de known as well as happiness of innocence behind such structure. It is one structure fulfilled 2 kind of happiness, with the spirit and the shapes