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inspiration towards the medieval Jewish philosophy terms of the use

inspiration towards the medieval Jewish philosophy terms of the use 

as recent research in the Medieval Jewish philosophy, as many of them subjected in the medieval Islamic societies, as exchanging theological and philosophical composition among Hebrew, Greek, Arabic context, Such great association formed great intelligence towards golden age. Here i came into different inspirations. towards the issue regards the hermeticism, incorporeal & corporeal issue for creators creations. In my opinion, I regards the first the terms of the use of incorporeal & corporeal could not be subjected towards the creator. Since Creator ordered Adam to name the creation, since any terms of the use is from or below the level of the naming power of the prophet Adam, defined as the relationship, that when Adam using human will and giving the names as the gift. I did not agree that the Creator is the final cause of the movement of the creation, but i tilted that the creator is the prior cause of the movement, this formed the first ideal of ‘Be’, the divine order. Then the Words bear under such divine order and manifested the movement between the will and structure, formed the consciousness or unconsciousness of the movement, so that the movement witness the changing of the creations. Hence the consicousness and unconsciousness would witness the words that was written and words that was not written. Hence the creator is the prior cause towards the movement, but movement manifested and beared by the words and its creation. 2. towards the issue regards to the creation proceeds of the creator is a intellect. I did not agree this point view that, since the intellect should bear the 'recognition'. I did not regards the creation proceeds would be revealed as the level of 'recognition', but in my point of view, I would regards it as qualitative continuous connections, from the 'ex nihilo' , in my opinion, I treated the 'ex nihilo' as the term of use as the relationship in the level after the naming of the Adam, enabling such hidden continuous connection manifested into the His design. Hence I regards 'ex nihilo' as the human description towards such creating relationship as from the eternal plane towards the infinitive plane. By effort, mentally i divided the eternality from the infinite & unlimited, since the existence of the world is eternally qualitative and infinitive quantitative. then we started to call the such quality is hidden continuous connection in the finite or infinite spheres from the spirit of the creator. this would be similar towards theory from Maimonides as 'Spirit of the creator and spheres of the moon'. Thus the infinite plane with denotations which deduced infinite facts could be with intellect, but the quality is not a intellect, since it is hidden continuous quality for such creative connection for rememberance the origin from him, which are qualitative permanent, which would be out of measurement or proper recognition, but only 'representing' or 'symbolising' (likelyhood of the spiritual structure). since in the end of the world, it would be remained enteral plane rather than the infinite plane, which might witness the eternality and changes and derivations. the infinite indicated the possibility potential and sequence into derivation of the unlimited size and derivation. 3. towards the issue regards to human condition of corporeal and corporeal My point view is that we would never understand how our spiritual facts with mundane facts as precise as being created. Since the creation human is from the dead Earth, with angelic plane spirit, that is, without miracle, this life format could not happen. hence it is the matter of the miracle rather than division of the heaven and earth. Since Creator created the heaven and earth, hence would human condition of the creation similar towards the heaven and earth? 4. towards the term de novo still I described such terms as the relations after the naming power of the prophet Adam, as its apparent meaning, as the 'free act of God's will'. Like I described above, the free act of the creator's will would witness the obedience of the words into the creations. The free act of creator's will would be correlated with the term 'the images of God'. Since creator created human into images of the God, and such human has the free will. Then free will would leads to the movement of the words and their manner of the creations as manifestations. But laid between the will and creation, it cometh the sin after fall of the Adam, and the manner of creation differed due to the human had sin, such sin witness the dervish power stealing the power of will for purpose of creation, and this leads to deteriorated condition of human living as creation before deliverance of the divine restriction and Moses law (who draws the shaykeenah), since Shaykeenah withdraw from surface of the earth into heaven due to the murder of Cain to Aber, finally withdraw due to the Moses era. That is, Moses law, and last divine restriction is the bottom line towards the human will issue if the sin partakes. After the Christ coming, this delivered into another teaching for sin forgiving, hence the creation of the free will becometh salvation life towards redeeming the life of the creation that lamb submitted, which is counted as forgiveness as submitted which leads to a life of salvation.... which is indeed free will. Hence we tilted that the terms of 'ex novo' might indicated the levels and categories of the relationships that partaking the Free will as the teaching, which witness relationship between will, divine law and salvation. while in the terms of 'ex nihilo' might indicate the creation propriety of the manner on how the creation movement from the 'enteral plane' into 'infinite plane' with definition of the character and its limitation. 

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