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Recent inspiration towards the medieval Jewish philosophy towards the attributes of the creator

Like my previous research towards the Middle age Jewish philosophical ideal that, I have expressed some point view that might encountered the issue manifested inside of the different debate on context which has been subjected towards wither the opinion on the permanent plane, infinite plane, and some issue regards to it. Here it cometh as the issue regards to some debate of the creators attributes, in which i came up with some individual idealism directly transcendence some issue that has been manifested inside of the debate. since inside of the Abrahamic religion, It is not possible to make any subject towards the any externalized idols that is outside of the orders of the sequence of the creation itself. hence I have come up with some of the inspiration in dealing with the issue mentioned above issue towards the corporeal attributes towards creator There are some opinion mentioned in the debet towards the corporeal issue issue presented in the creation connection towards the world. My opinion is totally drawn from the 99 names as al mateenu, the firm one, the stable one, which has been shown its senses in either world and sound level. hence in my suggestion, I might regards the Creator did not possess any corporeal as initial concept, but the copereal concept is not presented as essence of creator, which has been mentioned by some scholars. I regards the copereal sensation is the atrributed level of the words which has its nature to be vessel of the copereal of words of different kind of itself, it could not possess any point of view regards to the corpereal issue presented in the level of the creator. Hence by such deduction, the symbolizing touch towards the corporeal literature towards creator as really concern, are actually on the level of the nature of the copereal of the different words, that has been written or not written. No alt text provided for this image 2. issue towards creation of the human as the 'image of the creator likely', as corpreal fulfillment of the creato I did not agree this point of view as well, in which the image of the creator did not by such means for extending his essense as human fulfillment. the 99 names al baseeru as the witness towards the His magnificence power in observation, which leads to the ontological correlation with words from hebrew 'image', as to witness, to see. while the likeliness has been ontological correlated with the 99 names al mateenu, as the attribute of the firm of such likelihood, then also it associated with 'text' in arabic and 'youth center' in hebrew. Both consciousness might indicate the attributes of 'firm condition to witness' as 'image of the creator likelihood'. the word of the 'text' of arabic also has been associated with the hebrew word 'text' into some special transition. Hence in my assumption the attributes, did not witness the copereal consicousness towards the creator, as well, there is no nature of 'creator' mentioned by some scholar, since nature indicate meaning of 'possessing of the body, expanding and with consciousness of nasir (bith)', that is, the nature of being is determined by his birth (this furtherly implies the different birth between the baptist and from the blood ), Hence creator is beyond the beginning and ending , which enjoys a permanent existence, hence there does not existed any condition as 'nature' towards the creator. What is more, such corporeal condition could be only existed in the level of the words, as nature of the words, the foundation of the creation and the worlds. So i assumed that the corpreal sensation is from the nature attribute of the words. they derived into divine words, falling words, holy tongue, written words as well as the unwritten words. No alt text provided for this image 3. issue towards the sensation caused by the creator, such as anger, and pleasure as some scholars proposed, the emotion are personal level of the relationship as reflection of such level of the divine emotion rather than his anger but presented as the anger of the relationships reflected with righteousness, condition or any phenomenons. in my point of view, I might directly quoted the 99 name, al khabeeru, all aware. I regards such divine emotion is all binding awareness towards the one's relationship towards creator in any condition of the phenomenons. Then I came with new individual idealism continued as what I described from the previous articles, as the introduction of the calculation manner manifested into certain pattern of the expound functions, as the sequence of the 2 continuous matters as connection , as matter of the return in every creation that was from the creator. then like what described, such creation witness how the quality of the permanence deduced themselves with different codings with the plane of the infinite (time, unlimitness of the universe and the growing of the universe). Hence there existed the distinguish between the eternal plane which is qualitative, and the infinite plane which is quantitative, manifested as combined sequences as creation. this is from my previous articles. Then here I added one archetype as consciousnesses of the Sin. Hence the sin would lead to the dualism of the exited order and planes into another plane of the sinful plane, which would witness the conjunction of the coding of the sinful codes (letters) from the assumed one , as Ain. No alt text provided for this image it formed a idealistic plane of the sinful infinite and the orginal plane of the infinite. it has been described as the dualistic but not symmetric in at least 2 dimension of the worlds. And as my assumption, the salvation of the Christ might indicate as the forgiveness and teaching for salvation life for the baptized towards the similar categories of the sin in the infinite worlds for such witness of the enternality and inifinition of the joy of the current world align with the islamic attributes towards the creator. No alt text provided for this image 

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