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Recent inspiration towards the medieval Jewish philosophy towards specific divine attributes

Here it comth as the concern towards the Attributes. in the divine level, as one's concern towards the creator, coming as different angles regards to the Attributes towards the divine plane as well as the plane of the Creator. But there still existed some issue I would wish to address or to making new exegesis towards the concept of description or the definition of the Attributes itself through the chain of the Greco-Latin-Germanic-English root. Firstly It would come as the issue I would wish to address. Issue towards applied definition and its confinement towards the attributive term of use regards to its description towards the Creator. since human deduced words might witness either its fall or the conditional confinement towards the terms of the use, as the meaning, description of the certain definition due to different angles that has been achieved in the use of the certain definition. Towards this issue, I have developed the theory regards to the 'Transcedence synchronism de universe and the worlds' as sort of transcendence philosophy or transcendence individual idealism regards the confinement towards the deduced world existed after different time line of the nature (birth, beginning) as one's innate power to recognize the spirit or the boundaries of the creation compared with the magnificence of the creator as shortage. 2. Issue towards the manner of the description towards the creator with different mental diffusion In my opinion, I refer that it is creator's continuous affection and influence which partaking with the diffusion and with inducing power on the level of the Attributes, manifested as different angles of the description rather than that creator was characterized by the concepts that we used to give Upon Him as granted meditated relationships as sort of definition or description. In such, it might witness the shahada from Islam, as 'mohamod rasul (messenger) Allah 'rather than 'Mohamod rabi (teacher) allah', which also reveal some truth towards Greek words 'deodidaktos' (taught by the Creator, ) While, in our perception, Rabi are roles for fulfilling much of the assisting understanding in side of the partaking divine relations, and its existing level are different from the level of the messenger. Hence we might say 'Allāhumma ṣalli ‘alā Muḥammadin wa ‘alā āli Muḥammadin kamā ṣallayta ‘alā Ibrāhīma wa ‘alā āli Ibrāhīma innaka Ḥamīdum Majīd. Allāhumma bārik ‘alā Muḥammadin wa ‘alā āli Muḥammadin kamā bārakta ‘alā Ibrāhīma wa ‘alā āli Ibrāhīma innaka Ḥamīdum Majīd' 3. The issue regards to the essence of the creator Some ideas have been subjected to the essence of the creator (deos principio), my opinion would be that, there does not exist the essence of the creator, hence essence stands for the beginning and how a magnificent creator who transcendence with beginning and the end would be called as the ''essence of the creator', but we might call it 'essence pricipio', the beginning condition. Due to what Torah revealed, the before the creation of the worlds, there existed certain 4 different existence in the condition of 'essence principio', as Spirit of the Creator, water, darkness and Void earth. and those existence could be subjected as 'essence principio', Also the creation of the worlds were after the condition of such essence. Then as My own understanding towards the Attributes, I have making a categories, which could possibly describe the different aspects of the Attributes: They are: Archetypes (power of modeling) return matters (return power) Characters (Inducing power) No alt text provided for this image No alt text provided for this image Then under the each categories, it existed different division of the inclination of the claim. for instance under category of the character, it might divide the inclination into : symbolizing (which align the power with inducing, projecting to draw the infinite) defining quality (which might be reflected that the terms are conditioned and limited) Then comth as the category of the Return matter : it also counted as 2 divided inclinations 1: towards the worlds that are invisible (secret, the return matter is the secret of the secret under such description) 2. towards the worlds that are ambiguous (the power here by word echoing, since the etymology of the word ambiguous indicating 'about, around' with 'actions') , hence it indicate certain 'double sense' towards the infinite plane, that might be cause by sin and originality. Hence the ambiguous would be able to potentially develop the archetypes. Then archetypes might indicate the power of the modeling and deduction, which might witness the begining and original 'model' that deduced in to creation as different sequences and expressions. Thus I started to think about the meaning of the 'attributes' towards the creator. I have search some chain of the etymology, it cometh as shown below: No alt text provided for this image it was correlated with the etymological logic chain as : commitment, entrusting, intent, firmly established, destiny and fate manifested as vocabulary structural association. Hence I have given a condition definition towards 'attribute towards creator as: Firmly volition intelligentsia, with necessity, tendency, as divine intended commitment and entrusting, illuminated and established by the path of lives and holy prophesy. By logic, it might be refered as the divine intent concerned commitment and entrusting, which has been firmly established with volition intelligence, manifested in destiny and fate with path of lives and holy prophesy. In the end, I have assumed the four dimensions of the consideration to consider what could make an 'attributes' into 'divine attributes' towards creator. Hence in my consideration, according to the etymology logic chain, I might be concerned as : divine intent commitment / entrusting holy prophesy and path of lives firmly established intelligence this might ensure what could be called as attributes of creator might be content or included all those 4 dimensions integrally. No alt text provided for this image 

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