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Chinese Mthical political folklore 封神榜 (feng shen bang) Exegesis 2— kings and patriarchs

If the legend stands for the virtual battling of the projected egos presented in either in divine righteousness and divine wickedness, it actually indicated as spiritual public utilizing and secularizing such legend to achieve power struggling with divine egos and utilizing it utilize for avoid another political tools. Hence the legend presented in patriarch as story-telling could be described as the any spiritual public manifesto, which has been shaped by the collective struggle and fulfilment as the social collective choosing the certain involvement of the social conditions. During the time, we would make categories towards kings and patriarchs, with 2 different political phenomena manifested in the historical line in order to illustrate some of the value transferred comparably with Greek myth. Hence we would understand the cause of the harm of the first forming archetypes before it becoming the manifested tragedy and fallings. Hence as kings, we have : 1. Spiritual kings 2. Earthly kings The spiritual king longs more for the honor, which is higher than individual hero glory. Then earthly longs more for egos, which would be associated with either power from public, power from divine ego. While the spiritual king would be main spiritual chain for the virtue, then it would form proper ethics, then which would form the prescriptive conduct, In China, this prescriptive conduct not only in dealing with idea, but also the power, the righteous divine power, then it formed not the format of spiritual with law, but as legal kings with right to rule (Aristocracy), since it conjunct the virtue not only in law, but with righteous divine power, in order to stabilizing the spiritual condition of the righteousness to reign especially when the society started to be more direction of the spiritual public, then spiritual king would concern more honor and divine righteous power in order to deal with the earthly kings who longs for public patriarch power with divine egos powers . No alt text provided for this image Then we would list two condition of the phenomena in order to make deeper exegesis towards the consequence of the social choice. 1. Sasins In the Feng shen bang, there was an assassination occurred between king father and Prince son, as the political tragedy, while its righteous counterparts still could be stand as dilemma among the ethics of the spiritual king and the ego of the earthly. This exegesis is becoming gradually different, but we would mediate with some Greek myth then we could find the answer of the consequence of the ideal level of the harm before this consequences. The assassination as what I described in my invented legal philosophy in ‘inspirational journal’, towards necessity comparable with kings: Necessitas est lex temporis et loci Necessity is the law of time and place Nec empus nec locus occurrit regi Neither time nor place thwarts the king Question: what is the relationship between the necessity and the king? Obviously necessity and king overrides time and space.. but what is priority between king and the necessity ? in old times, Assassination might be treated as necessity through sacrament. from this point view, necessity overrides king However, from another perspective, in Judaism, the principle of pikuach nefesh allows any law to be broken to save a life, except laws against murder and blasphemy. Hence Murder and blasphemy are not counted as necessity to be broken in Jewish law. Hence we might think Jewish law provides the insight, that is middle cushion between the absolute necessity and kings with their insights towards law. Hence necessity, in different divine social deduced legal system might be manifested recognition for permission towards the assassination for justify a personal divine condition for the action of assassination, is it the murder or a segregated actions. Now let’s went back to the moral condition in China, in ancient Chinese virtue system, according to the spiritual kings heritage of the virtue and ethics, obedience towards parents laid the prejudgment towards the dualistic division between the righteousness and wickedness by birth, hence, hence the assassination itself contained 3 dimensions of the dilemma: the righteous divine power kills with heroic individual glory, by fulfilling of the moral conflict between the king-prince, fatherhood and son, as the drama which has been manifested as the conflict de either side of the spiritual king ethical values as well as the fulfilment of the righteous divine orders. By illustrated by the legal insight from the Jewish side, I would illustrate with the consciousness from the Greek mythology towards the issue of the masculine struggle under such consequence. In addition, the kindness towards parents indicate binding struggle between Saturn/ Uranus, as what is betrayed as the first projected expected spiritual heritage as ideology, treated as the departure of the children and growing up in order to find the true reality in his recognition. Since his expectation would be manifested as either from the parent or from himself. The conflict indicated the conflict of the expected truth from the reality and spiritual side, as, what is to be true to be expected, being manipulated as expected or the true expectation. Those projection also reflected in every power struggle ideal of the democratic or centralized authoritative nations. The similar phenomena would be described as the heroic conflict between the Saturn and Uranus, as the assassination would be not treated as murder in Greek myth, since it would treated the assignation is as the spiritual castrations from Saturn to Uranus, as its earthly tragic manifestation. What happened is the condition of the Uranus, which would be symbolizing a Chinese ancient earthly king conjunct power with divine evil and egos while also manipulated its earthly consequence on earth, by archetypes of the Uranus who declined the children from the his consort earth and forcefully pushing the begath children back into the womb of the earth (decline of the earthly consequence, but being suspicious on the spiritual level as vicious.) From the point of view of the Greek myth as interpretation, such revenge of the son prince might represented earthly consequence as harm towards the spiritual harms and ego which has been engaged with the previous earthly. The assassin might be manifested into 2 dimensions: i. Treated as deserved harm from the earth as manipulated level from the either spiritual or earthly level ii. Treated as new patriarch soldier who slayed the power from the previous public egos (since it is patriarch soldier slay the evil divine power as well as security consideration, there might have two partakes) Hence from the level of the consideration, if we treated spiritual king’s ethics was on the condition of the prescriptive conduct, towards virtue guidance of the honored spiritual heritage, then here the virtue was just transformed into the power of security and divine power transferred views, since it stands for either the assassin in dealing with more issue towards divine evil ego power or public egos; hence it might indicate the different alignment of the power in fraction of divine righteousness and security. Let continue the mediation in geek mythology, regards to the assassination relation between father and son (king prince correlation), it has been associated with archetypes of the Saturn and Uranus, for ending issue of the manipulation of the earth by resists harmful consequence one deserves due to his sin in spiritual level. Hence we refer that the phenomena of the assassination are the new rising patriarch archetypes towards the previous divine ego as earth occupation, taking over. This strongly manifested in the political science, as the word ‘sovereignty ’, the place ruled by the winner’s law. 2. Virtue nations Ancient Chinese patriarch focused strongly on the value of the virtue nations, which concerned on public, represented by the people, as strongly concern as the public under patriarch conditions, as well as one of another heritage of the virtue inside of the spiritual kings. This is much aligned with sense from Latin ‘Vox populis, vox deos’, the people become concern of virtue nation rulers, not as ambition but as collection of the people condition in the nation. It reflects a new political archetypes after Zhou dynasty due to the bad kings issue occurred in previous dynasties. As the proper illustration, we would us parallel Greek myth for relative Exegesis. The patriarch stands for brs as nato, the local born, as ruler, which implied as typical Saturn ideology. In Greek mythology, Saturn begeth lot of the children, but due to his Fear (special Saturn sub-consciousness), due to he used to castrating his Father Uranus, He had initial fear towards his children would do the same thing to him, as the first condition of fall due to the castration and struggle of the power of earth. This fear was deeply rooted in the relationship between Saturn and all his children, and he decided to swallow all new born children from his consort (in ancient rabbinic, it represented as the children abuse and sacrifice), and those fears as heritage line, treated as the first fall of the ideals, stilling existing inside of the patriarch (masculine –clan associated societies), also passing by to his sons. Saturn begeth children and ate most of his own children due to his fear. Children remained were Neptune, Pluto and Jupiter. Jupiter were lucky since when his father wished to eat him, he was escaped and becoming alive. Hence by symbolling: i. We treated Neptune as mercy and escapism due to consideration of the consequential fear, strongly presented in Spiritual public, ii. We treated Pluto as the ideology of the Tyranny, as murder, oppress before transformation, king 纣 and 秦 are quite fit for such manifestation. But in Chinese history we least witness the deep transformation of those dynasty source and power into new enlightenment, which has been presented in the western world as religious inquisition, enlightenment, idealism development, while religious side, it stands for Abraham in Babylonian, Moses in Egypt, Daniel in Babylonia, Bal issue, judges and Birth of Christ, which contained the deep fear of the unknown and courage to redeem and transformation. iii. We treated Jupiter as ethical and prescriptive development, which would be becoming symbolizing power of the spiritual king, who escaped the crucifix or destruction of the earthly kings then manifested with ethical in order to rule with divine righteous power. Hence the virtue nation stands for the spiritual public which either under guidance of the populis vox as well as the spiritual heritage of the king as the reflection of the fear, as the ideal harm of that origin, as political mythical comprise and mercy. Hence it refered as the ideology of both Jupiter (ethics) and the Neptune (virtue nation), which dominated ancient Chinese ideal system, this power would later be soaked into power formation of aristocracy, and princely federal with 周礼 concerned feed back social instrument to balancing the divine ego, divine righteous with the virtue public. 3. Tyranny Like what has been described, in the western or middle east, the tyranny become tester of the faith, which leads to invisible treasure of the deliverance and liberty. Hence we might treat the Tyranny as the combination of the ideology Jupiter and Pluto (Good faith of the transformation), or it might imply on the ideology of the heritage of the first fall of ideal on fear of the new born, by confinement of deep controlling issue hidden oppress, manipulation, controlling power engaged with divine egos, evils, or public egos in order to engage the spiritual kings ethical in another fulfilment, as strong law and spiritual confinement. We started to realize that in Chinese history, the Jupiter/ Pluto ideology manifested mostly as tragic manifestation in ancestor horrors, with reactionist right wing manifesto as following consequence, but however this seems not pushing society into enlightenment and evolvement, hence we might title that Chinese might lacks the wisdom in tyranny issue under it original power realization in dualistic manifestation of the absolute righteousness and wickedness. This formed the first deep manipulation as the fall of the ideal, that leads to unavoidable manipulation in merchant and farmers, which last for nearly thousands of the years of the feudalism as empire ideology (Jupiter/Pluto ). No alt text provided for this image The new shot film Feng shen bang actually outline the manner of the humanity presented in Chinese retro style concern humanity as innocence for return, as in the film of the Feng shen bang, it was the glory of the righteous divine missioner encountered with the evil divine soldier assigned spying girl, which created first ideology of the Chinese ideal humanity return ideology, subtly but magnificently in whole patriarch, war of ‘gods’, Hero and kings scenario. Also it might indicate the the root of idealistic Chinese opinion towards humanity was laid between the struggle power of divine righteousness and divine egos on those influencee but on those initiators.

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