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Chinese Mythical political folklore 封神榜(Feng Shen Bang)exegesis 1 —- Legends

So I started to be interested about Ancient Chinese folklore in order to induce the political structural de myth, like the ancient Greek, in order to off the bad tradition of the deity worshiping but transformed into the proper logical and academical model for people to understanding the consequence of the story telling in the 'Feng Shen bang', which might reveal some invisible insight towards on either the dimension of the history, Legend (folklore), and kings & patriarch. The theory of 'kings, patriarch, legend theory has been inspired by the story of 'war of Troy', by taking the destiny of the patriarch, partaking with the both heroic, monarchy and countries, we started to aware that what was hidden in the fate of the nations, what caused the tragedy of the falling of the great civilization? Is such judgement laid on the level of the patriotism,the gods they worshiped, or the power they pursued? what is the justice towards the understanding of one nations beginning might start from the its internal war towards 'gods', that is, the egos , power, divine egos partaking with concern in purity of virtue or in any hands of the misuse or use. We never felt the issue of the deity and heroic age that was far away from the current lives, indeed the deis whispered daily in a invisible chain. But how could we really recognize the those powers laid in transited political perception inspired by the Greek philosophy, in order to reflect the fate of one nation and unavoidable tragedies as consequence, which are the charming of the Greek political philosophies, in which it revealed the archetype of the ideal that one nation's spiritual connection towards the creator, manifested in divine egos as, heroic divine being, their struggles, and falling of the ideal, witness the unavoidable coming fate of the tragedy. Just like what my theories have commented in the previous article towards 'revolutionary road' and 'facing evil' from the book of the kekes, that is, how the tragedy is not real sadness but witness the first fall of the ideal of certain level of divine relationships. delayed painful sensation is just a delayed realization of the falling of the first ideal, but indeed the tragedy is not vulnerable and fragile as reality. Since every time when I encountered the tragedy, I possibily did not feel pain directly from the tragedy, but instead, the solemn and silence would pushing strong ideal of the painful falling which leading to such tragedy. Hence it caused my current writing in analysis towards world mythical political exegesis, in order to detect the cause of 'first fall'' of that ideal from the divine relationships. I might title such ideal, as the archetypes of the divine ideal. Introduction towards 'Feng Shen Bang': Feng Shen Bang is a martial drama in ancient chinese folklore system, not only famous by its splendid character manifested in the relationship of the heros, kings, evil projection, rightous projection and ethical perspective. We could find the ideal of the Chinese ancient divine righteousness is different from Greek, departed strongly with dualism with obviously blackness and white (the righteousness and wickedness). From the point of view of the legend, it contained mythical war lord, heoric egos, glory, power and any characters that reflects the ancient values : that is, some thing always occurred heroic as absolute righteousness with evil that created absolutely opposed. In ancient Greek, there is a famous, 'Do not fly too high close to the sun, it would melt your wings'... since the first fall of the idea laid in Chinese martial folklore might be the necessity of the absolute righteousness, perfection, like the God, the fall might witness the deny of the acceptance of the moral dimension, in which in Greek myth, included as egos of the Olympia, which did not process the figure as absolute righteousness, hence we started to realize that the this ongoing internal struggle from the first dynamic as well as fall towards relations between the righteous and the creations. No alt text provided for this image This chart might to some degree illustrate the difference between Chinese recognition and Greek recognition towards the power and talent, they have been subjected into different fractions, which also formed as the first fall of the ideal towards later social class division, that is, the wicked would be hardly back up to be righteousness, indicating modeling as social aristocratic time with slaves. Hence in this consequence, the Choice is not laid on power or talent but the sides you have Chosen in divine recognition. Hence such divine recognition becomes the first discrimination to divided social ego regardless of the talent and the power. the famous say from Chinese phrase that, it is the birth seems to be the lines which limited what you would serve , just like 'the son of the tiger is tiger, and the son of the wolf is wolf, and wolf would never learn how to clime the trees'.....Hence it might be caused by such insight of the first fall, dated back to the archetypes in Feng shen bang. But what is more, Feng Shen Bang is telling the story about how the righteous and wicked divine resource fighting in determining the fate of the generations, titled as the game de invisible, try to expelling the divine ego from the their searching power from the earthly kings. No alt text provided for this image there comes a simple structure towards the relationship between kings, legend and the patriarch in the ancient time. I would give unfolding draw in later articles towards analysis towards kings and patriarch. Here the simple mythical political structure shows the illustration that: From the creator, there comes as the attributes, which destined the some formation and creation dualism between the righteousness and wickedness. the righteousness focused more on divine glory , and wicked might be more focused on divine power. This has been assumed that the Divine ego has been more manifested into Divine power longings, but the much righteous part might longs more fore Divine glory. Then the Divine ego would usually go for the earthly king of the generations for Power searching, in ancient rabbinic, we might title as 'trading the collective soul of the power of the darkness'. Instead from the Divine ego conjunction towards earthly kings ambitions, there are spiritual king form previous dynasties, possessed the virtue and ancestor guidance for current king's clarity, which might usually occurred on spiritual or virtue levels. But the means of the influence still handled by the Judges, which stands for the glory of the righteous Divine power, which impose influences into righteous mans, as collective mission or as heroic individual glory, by imposing the Civil influence, in order to formed the struggle between the civil innovation in both righteous civil consequence and evil civil consequence, this consequence skills and art later in 周 dynasty formed as 周礼, manifested as the balanced communication between high end and low end , in order to testify the righteousness and power issue beside virtue (spiritual king), and power (civil egos) and Ethics (nomos and rule), which still reflected with superstition and strong prescriptive coding by 'birth' to be righteousness or to be wickedness as initial social class division. No alt text provided for this image here comth the simple introduction of the history background of the initial 夏商周,it would be in detailed analysis in later articles. As my precious ingested theories towards kings, patriarch and legend, basically I assume that Xia is a Hero king era, any dynasty before Shang dynasty would be Hero king era, which stands for the glory reign with spirituality, then in later time of reign it shifted into power and security . When it was in dynasty of Shang, it formed the first concern of the spiritual public patriarch, as worshiping the birds, the power and security started to manifested in clans heritage. While when it was in Zhou dynasty, I assume that the system might be formed by power, represented by aristocracy as county federal, formed the central king which was either spiritual (divine glory) and earthly (power), this might be the first idea to form the city-state through power and aristocracy rather than rule of the law (criminology in Chinese started from time rather than direct rule of law with spiritual king) which was submitted toward the central monarch that had the power and glory in the same time regards towards spirituality and the Earth... Different from Greek is that the king are divided as spiritual kings with laws or spiritual public; while earthly kings with martial egos and power, while it witness the hero of independent spirit for transcendence. Those are archetypes of the earlier historical social structure before entering the Feudalism. In Feng shen Bang, there were two ancient religions correlated and assisted with their correlated civilized manner, towards 商 dynasty, it is religion of the ‘截’, towards 周 dynasty, it turned out to be religion of '阐',in order to achieve more consioucsness, I started transfer the the name of the religions (name in Chinese script)into correlated symbolized & induced Egyptian script, Phoenician, Hebrew and Akkidian (Babylonian energetic manifestation ) No alt text provided for this image No alt text provided for this image Partaking as consciousness of the civil related divine prefernece through analysis of the script on ontological level. 

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