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Recent inspiration towards Indian philosophy Samkhya de court tradition in Federal system with integ

As I recent studies with certain Federal characterization and court behavior under its behaviors, with some court tradition and value in Indian court, Canadian and US manners, I started to get the insight towards the theory called 'Pith and substances regards to either the idealism and numeration theory from the Indian traditions (due to interpreting the court tradition with their philosophies) with other federal system. In this case, I have mediated some inspiration from the Arabic philosophy, medieval Jewish philosophy with such insight, that it enable me to integral expression the court tradition from the eastern philosophy opinions from the federal system as the point of views. As reflection from the principle of the 'pith and substance presented in Indian federals, with its insight with Canadian Latin imposed federal coding, I started to reveal the difference between the two different characterization, as one with more Latin influences, and one with more mechanical influence. The former one emphasize on Latin legal insight towards the principle and the exemption as basic view of federal transcendence power of the properties, but as more mechanic approaches, court has been limited further, but more under the role for examining and administrating the power in the allot of the federal layers. The most differences that occurred in the debate of the Indian federal regards to the law and court tradition of the Indian, did not focus on the only insight of the law and its legislation power. According to the traditional Indian philosophy, which has set the law set as not the way to 'dissolve' the problem but an 'regulation'. Since What has been strongly focused by the tradition of the Inidian court is not how the law filled the power that might be corrupted, but on how the law which would be set with insight to exalt current condition, which is aligned with 'purification' of the corrupted power currently western world confronted with. Thus it reflected as that, the manner is not laid on the law, neither its laid on the power, but law itself seems possessed the return property as itself, before it connected with different power and witness the fall and exalt such ideal. Such point is verily certain associated with the value of the 'pith and substance', as what is condition of the current legal situation and one return with better legal insight. Hence by those reflection as help of the Indian thought, I started form a two epistemological categories, that is, the current 'time awareness of the law, it could stands for current condition of fall or any conjunctive power that has fell, and another as the original 'time awareness of the law, before its has been corrupted by the corrupted power as the law of the ideal. Then due to need to differentiated with the spsyche of the constituted and constituent, I started to use Arabic words to define those section in the 'pith and sustance' to gain the awareness of the time by wide derivation of the time. No alt text provided for this image hence I have define the following lot: current time awareness (wqt), refered as current consciousness towards formed shapes or condition of the leges, either corrupted or not or being bias. exalted or original plan towards time awareness of the law (zmn), which stands for either exalted level of the legal condition with insight or the legal plan that was before the corruption of the power 3. It is the reflection the course of the law, as it could be dated back to the nature ideology of Indian (the creation of the Indian ideology), treated as ideological nature(mrt): Etymology---Nature late 13c., "restorative powers of the body, bodily processes; powers of growth;" from Old French nature "nature, being, principle of life; character, essence," from Latin natura "course of things; natural character, constitution, quality; the universe," literally "birth," from natus "born," past participle of nasci "to be born," from PIE root *gene- "give birth, beget." By mid-14c. as "the forces or processes of the material world; that which produces living things and maintains order." From late 14c. as "creation, the universe;" also "heredity, birth, hereditary circumstance; essential qualities, inherent constitution, innate disposition" (as in human nature); also "nature personified, Mother Nature." Nature and nurture have been paired and contrasted since Shakespeare's "Tempest." Hence by the etymology I formed the first ideal towards ideology 'nature', as body (entity awareness) possessed, as potential to grow, being created recognition of the existence as it has been created as creation under the permanent plan from the creator. by this deduction, I regards that all the creation had its time which has been created, this awareness would help one to understand relatively his existence with permanence. since Creations have been created by different time as existence form the point of view of Torah, as well as the conjunction of sin form different creation is qualitatively and timely recorded in Torah. Hence through this, we might understand such origin of nature, is the first course of the ideological nature as existence, as well as the prior condition of the cause of the legal insight which is not related on how to issue laws but on how the law itself has its insight of it inherent nature as sin or as nature to exalt the power related issue presented in the current time awareness. This I have been inspired by the Indian philosophy. 4. this cometh another consciousness as the creation that is before 'nature' of ones begeth, this time awareness I regarded as 'AAsul', which stands for the creation and nature of 'Babylon', this meditated the former civilization's nature transcendence the level of righteousness and existence of the 'natural ideology of the Indian origins'. Hence we find that Indian philosophy and Arabic overcomed some fatal tragedy from the western society towards the conjunct of the law and power , the phenomenon 'Socrates', since the time awareness here from from Indian and Arabic philosophy dismissed the constituted power of the ontological and epistemology of the manipulative ruling. After this we are gratitude towards the discovery towards the level of the political dimension towards either the archetypes of the tragedy that might existed in power or federal system with transcendence insight towards the laws, is it made to rule or is it natural to rule? and what is the law that transcendence the order but exalted our nature and corruptions of the powers. Then as following, I started to compared with the medieval Jewish philosophy with Indian philosophy and try to find the differences and similarities in the awareness. Hence what Moses brought is the sakeenah, and righteousness which might transcendence the discomfort of the exaltation one's nature and examine one's sin with corrupted power archetypes. No alt text provided for this image As Samkhya is a numeral awareness branch of the Indian philosophy, hence I have used the numeration symbolism that has been invented in my individual idealism inside of the medieval philosophy, to differentiated the original Divine plan and the plan for the sinful. Those formed 2 different methodological composition in the modelings. I titled as that it is manifested as 'Prior categories, post sense', since the Categories of the concentration focused on the divine words, and revelation on the holy spirit, possessed with the righteousness towards the original divine plane, and the plane of the sinners, then the environment presented as the falling emotions for either holy spirit and Christ heart for salvation in the relative sinful planes. While in the Indian philosophy, it is manifested 'Prior sense, post categories', treated as receiving the awareness and senses as immediate perception towards the environment, which contains the categories of the sinful and original divine plane, then with mediate perception approaching to mind and reasoning which not directly revealed by the divine spirit but from the attributes and archetypes of its sub-categories. Then the mediation between the sinful plane and original plane is called as 'wakening and 'purifications' and gaining the awareness towards the nature of the existence, as existential naturalle, which enable one could gain consciousness towards : relative mediation towards other creations and by awareness of the time and space to gain the consciousness of existence towards one's born as creation ideologically. Then it would formed the stage called mindfulness, leads to the recognition, since it has the recognition, it is a intelligence, which different from the revelation form the medieval philosophy. No alt text provided for this image Then I have properly examined some characters towards the thought form Samkhya brunch that, I give a assumed exegesis towards the terms of the use, that I titled the Purusa as ideological attribute, which is different from arabic Al baseru (all see), since the Purusa is the condition of the attributes for different diffusion as archetypes of the continuous awareness. Hence Purusa might be under the sub categories of the continuous archetypes under the one attributes. Then Prakrit is the metaphysical recognition of the material, which is a intelligence, since it needs to be recognized. Then the character of the intelligence of the Prakrit is very stable, divided under the categories of: Sattra: lightness, illumination Rajas : dynamism, activity and pain Tamas : sloth, heaviness Due to those character are very familiar with Ancient Greek character : I have associated Satrra with character of the mutable, Rajas with the character of the Cardinals and Tamas with the fixed. Hence I started to use the deduce manner to deduce how the purusa has been involved with the deducted power with the sub categories of the Attributes. Then it formed a archetypal model and its derived models. The sin partaking with those planes has been titled as Egos or divine egos, as described in the theory as 'Samsara'. No alt text provided for this image Hence I have aware that the purification process have been initiated with sinful plane towards the original planes awareness, then higher awareness might indicate the return towards the archetypal ideological attributes before the sub-categories which has been made, which might refered as higher consciousness. Through the mediation of the original plan and the ego, one is examining his mind with purification guidance which it might form the mind of the purification, mind of the personalized realization towards its environment as well as its mental egos. However, the character as 'intelligence' as different from the 'mind ', in my assumption, 'intelligence' referred as deduction of the orginal archetypes de attributes into different sub categories of the archetypes and its deduction towards sinful and original archetypes then towards the deduction of current plane of the falling one and original one. And i titled this as the 'intelligence'. It should be treated as the attributes for actions of the creation. but it is different from the arabic word 'al-khbeeru' as all aware, since 'the level of such intelligence is like the the level of 'the wit of the law', here the composition contains the law of the time awareness that is with the original plane and that is with the sinful plan. Hence it is like the intelligence for the performance of of two different plane, but it did not aware its performances, since those awareness is under subcategories, which can not be called 'all awareness' but as 'continuous awareness through performances ' since such awareness is carried by its 'performance rather than its 'original' awarenss of such 'attributes' of the 'actions' . hence such intelligence in on the level of the performance towards what would become by the deduction and continious power from the its 'attributed' archetypes but not from the consciousness for 'All aware'. No alt text provided for this image Then cometh as the interal perception towards Indian philosophy, arabic philosophy and Medieval philosophy, we started to aware that the time line of the origin towards the current worlds in our times. In my realization, Arabic and Medieval Jewish philosophy could help realize the origin as awareness. Then Indian philosophy become a time natural awarenss towards the origin. Then if the world goes through the fall, the sin also could directly sense by the Arabic philosophy, but extra manner of dua or prayer are needed for harm prevention. While medieval philosophy could also directly sense the sin, while it gained strong consciousness towards the sequence of the Divine restriction on different quality of sins precisely, and draw the Sakeenah and safety accurately if one watched properly Moses law or Sharia. Then When the Indian philosophy aware the sin and falling of the world, it would symbolized it as egos as Samasara as formed consciousnesses for the future purification. towards our current world, Arabic philosophy would form the realization of the the un-homogeneous deduction of the human social existence, that is the law, society and humanity existed by different manner of the existence of the origins, sin and their orders by the manner inherently. While Jewish philosophy would formed a strong opinion on the 'world to come' according to current secular principle towards the holy law and divine inspiration which those who has been subjected. In Indian philosophy it would gain current social egos, and time natural awareness towards the current time, and aware and sin and egos, forming its special view on purification for awareness from nature of one's origins, the sin, and current egos for liberation in term of their senses. It would formed different phenomenon concerns to form the realization, which in my perception it formed two different elements, as : environment It contained sinful environment and ideal original plane of the environment Self realization it contained sinful self and the original plane of the higher self (soul awareness and mediation before the sin and after the sin ) like the paper indicated, it might form different section of the subject to indicate the fields for the aid : 1.psychology 2. spiritual practice (yoga) 3. steriology (salvation from Abrhamic religions, such as Christian , Jews or Muslims ) 4. Transcendence philosophy (European idealism ) 

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