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New illustration towards the inspiration of the sound in Arabic maqam and the shirk of the division

New illustration towards the inspiration of the sound in Arabic maqam and the shirk of the division of the light from Torah  

As I recently strongly connected with house of Joseph and Ancient Egyptian righteous divine resource, inspired the insight into Arabic maqam and its correlation towards Egyptian insight towards melody and possible connection in hamonics, created a sequence of the scales which could be carried by all the condition as shifting consciousness of the assumptions. In addition, it is interesting to review the Genesis from Torah regards some Chinese evil hidden in the secret Taoism. by discovery, such insights would be listed below. The first inspiration is about the Egyptian divine sensation of the scale in 12 sequence regards to either the insight of the 'exodus, breaking through ' (sakeenah), sounds of the heart or the sound of general and sound of the weak (outlaw). form the resource of the Egyptian inspiration, the general sound might be 3, 5, and 6. particularly 5 and 6 tune are good and secured to be played in archaeology to rid off the harm. The sound of the heart is 4 plus , 5 plus, and 6 plus. 7 and the plane sound is 1 and 7, most of fragile out law sound manifested as 2 and 4. in the end, the general sounds are 3, 5, 6 Then we could compared the inspiration of the Egyptian scales insight with Arabic maqams Then by the extract of the sound we could get that: egyptian sound wisdom associated with Arabic maqam is below You would find the most common sound combo is 3 minor and 7 minor stands for common righteousness and heart The sound of 1# in Islam is rare Only presented in Saba M ost of the condition is 2# Hence if 1# has been too strongly emphasised it might be the issue of dajah and betray issue of Judah in Christ. This is a integral version towards outlaw and sakeenah issue contrast strongly but due to they have been reconciled the harm can not be sensed Usually too extreme 1# diminish by 4 outlaw consciousness. in the issue of the Judah betray issue in the torah -gospel contrasted world, it might be manifested in islamic world, since the the Christ teaching have no concern on the quantity judgement of the earth, since his kingdom is invisible, but the judgement towards the sin and also the exaltation of the earth exactly presented as the numeration and quantity towards divine law and monetary insight. Hence by sound, I deduced a calculation towards the justification judah issue in the islamic manner of mental deduce. from this consciousness we could easy detected the real betray issue through sound after a necessary for the outlaw redeem, sakeenah compose and also the exodus cost. Using Islamic logic regards to the betray issue of Judah in gospel and new calculation in Islam for quantity justification as mental assumption with tunes. Unlike gospel the quantity is justified in Islam. Baptised Muslim is a exception due to they could change the condition of the words (sakkenah of the words) for Christ, since Christ is words become flesh. Baptised Jew or baptised Muslim is transcendence with Judah betray issue with Christ teaching. In addition, through the egyptian divine inspiration we started to receive the sound for the different zodiac. through the sound as well as words through zodiac the sin of the words has been properly detected : Arabic maqam deduced complementary sequence de Egyptian harmonic melody divinity inspiration towards possible Torah & gospel sound in Quran very stable towards the shirk in Taosit brunch regards to the division of light is that : If you carefully study Torah , you would find in the seven days creation, the creation in the night might be one day delayed than the day time, since the water coming together and dry land appeared, this stage is before the division of the light into the strong and the weak between the day and night; indeed everything is created under the light. This insight could prevent the some evil doers from the Taoist branch from transitional China Hence from this insight we could get to know the difference between the solar and lunar calendar..... the cycle of solar calendar is most focused on the creation in day consciousness. But the lunar calendar witness the creation both in day and night time (since noon jumping from night to day with different lunar phrase) but the consciousness of time difference might be one day described in Torah genesis. zodiac the 12 signs means the constellation that sun passes in a year Sun orbit In Arabic “astrology” means the knowledge of the orbit (of the sun, if it correlated with zodiac ) Hence that means the zodiac did not change sensation of solar feeling in the day and night time , what changes is the archetypes of the planet either in day and night time. Hence I Developed symbolism from Zodiac protection consciousness as projection plan in the universe with Torah genesis for creation before the after the division of the light for possible delayed creation in the night as assumption. the light issue justified in islamic condition as : Rulership of the eyes towards sun and moon and sound consciousness with sakeenah (Moses law and sharia ) In the end through the eye theory, we are able to discern the function and the characters of the torah and gospel regards to solar and lunar condition, as assumption that baptise under Greek corelated language would be different from those non Greek correlated languages 

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