Astrological calendar journal, with guardian planetary angels association in weekday from 28th Jan -
Some vocal consciousness discovered in reading Quran , by Scientology and Akkadian runnie
Four holy water mentioned in the Torah and their shifting consciousness in Heled and Tebel
Assumption towards four holy river (Euphrates , Tigris , Ganges and Nile ) consciousness in ancient
Break the Chinese curse towards pig through energetic manifestation and adjustment from Akkadian run
Consciousness of the seal in the directions and dimensions
Structure of the seven layers of heaven and seven layers of the earth
The seven tribes of Canna and their level of influence on ancient Israel divine matrix detected
New consciousness discovery for important area of Euphrates river
Zohar and Kabbalah consciousness with 鬼谷子 本经阴符七术 盛神 correlation
南湖依暖二江词river and bridges consciousness towareds 广都 , with ancient shu kingdom heritage as habitant b
月湾南意识 greater south consicouness in chengdu with 青白river and 沱江river
Astrological calendar journal, with guardian planetary angels association in weekday from 14th Jan 2
Ancient Israel consciousness assumption for wangcong ci望丛祠
成都水经论the river systems in the city of Chengdu
The inspiration towards the geographical association be tween ancient Israel consciousness , Christ
忍者之悟 The inspiration de wiadom of Ninjia