Some new inspiration on latitude consciousness with yuroba -urdo numeration
Astrological calendar journal, with guardian plantery angels association in weekdays on 24th Septemb
The cosmological assumption towards epic and folklore de Yoruba , written with paleo-hebrew insight
Islamic five obligation prayer and its relationship with Yoruba numbers
new original Chinese numerological consciousness towards its origin towards possibility from Babylon
New philosophical discovery from 3D taoism I invented from insight of hebrew, arabic, farsi and Urdo
renewed chinese cosmological model with new creation of 3D taosit symbol after compared research in
Astrological calendar journal, with guardian planetary angels association in weekdays from 17 Septem
Unique Chinese cosmological reflection
Consciousness of differentiated archetypes between vocabulary "lion" and "Leo" b
Assumption towards chanting consciousness and writing consciousness differentiation towards Hebrew a
new discovery for Chinese 甲子60 years numerological consciousness with Hebrew, Arabic and Urdo
astrologcial calendar journal, with guardian plantery angels association in weekdays from 10th sept
consciousness of hebrew numbers and arabic nemerous consciousness shifting
self invented theory on western political liberation series : st 7-st12
self invented theory on western political liberation through religious reformation, concept and ideo
pianist divine matrix realization in digital manner
astrologcial calendar journal, with guardian planetary angels association in weekdays from 3rd sept
collected different botanic plants species from surbub with different divine matrix position reactio